As API platform teams continue to back Apollo Federation as the standard for GraphQL architecture at scale, graphs have rapidly become more sophisticated — expanding across innumerable teams, services, clients, and business units. As sophistication increases, so too does the need for powerful and user-friendly observability, tailored to the needs of graph owners.
Today, Apollo is excited to release a new and improved insights dashboard in GraphOS Studio to provide scalable observability tools to API owners operating a supergraph.
Within the new insights dashboard you’ll find:
- A consolidated and streamlined experience for accessing operation and field insights
- Fast and intuitive search for quickly finding a specific field or operation
- Filterable field and operation lists
- Significant improvements to list load times for large graphs
And much more!

Get started
The new insights experience is available today for all GraphOS users. To get started, sign into GraphOS Studio and navigate to Insights in the left navigation.
Happy querying!