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Use contexts to share data

Share data along type hierarchies without overloading @keys

The @context and @fromContext are Enterprise features of the Apollo and require an organization with a GraphOS Enterprise plan. If your organization doesn't have an , you can test it out by signing up for a free Enterprise trial.

In an , a nested object may have a dependency on an ancestor type and thus need access to that ancestor's (s).

To enable a descendant to access an ancestor's field, you could add it as a @key field to every entity along the chain of nested types, but that can become problematic. Deeply nested types can change the @key of many entities. The added field may be irrelevant to the entities it's added to. Most importantly, overloading @key fields often breaks the separation of concerns between different .

The @context and @fromContext directives enable a to share fields without overloading @key fields. You can use these directives to define one or more contexts in a subgraph. Contexts provide a way for a subgraph to share data between types of a nested-type hierarchy without overloading entity keys with extraneous fields. Contexts also preserve the separation of concerns between different subgraphs.

Using one context

As an example of a single context, the subgraph below tracks the last financial transaction made per user. The Transaction type is a child of the User type. Each transaction depends on the associated user's currency to calculate the transaction amount in the user's currency. That dependency—the currencyCode of a Transaction depending on the userCurrency { isoCode } of a User— is defined with a context. The @context on User sets the context, and @fromContext on currencyCode gets the contextual data.

Example: using @context and @fromContext
scalar CurrencyCode;
type Currency {
id: ID!
isoCode: CurrencyCode!
type User @key(fields: "id") @context(name: "userContext") {
id: ID!
lastTransaction: Transaction!
userCurrency: Currency!
type Transaction @key(fields: "id") {
id: ID!
currency: Currency!
amount: Int!
currencyCode: CurrencyCode
@fromContext(field: "$userContext { userCurrency { isoCode } }")
): Int!


  • Context names cannot include underscores.
    • In the example above, userContext is a valid context name, but user_context wouldn't be.
  • An argument of @fromContext doesn't appear in the . Instead, it's populated automatically by the .
    • In the example above, the argument currencyCode: CurrencyCode! wouldn't appear in the API schema.

Using type conditions in @fromContext

In this example, note how the @fromContext directive uses a series of type condition to select the desired field when accessing Child.prop1. A type condition is not required if all possible contexts have a field present as is the case for Child.prop2.

Example: using multiple contexts
type Query {
a: A!
b: B!
c: C!
type A @key(fields: "id") @context(name: "context1"){
id: ID!
field: String!
someField: String!
child: Child!
type B @key(fields: "id") @context(name: "context1"){
id: ID!
field: String!
someField: String!
child: Child!
type C @key(fields: "id") @context(name: "context1") {
id: ID!
field: String!
someOtherField: String!
child: Child!
type Child @key(fields: "id") {
id: ID!
arg: String!
@fromContext(field: "$context1 ... on A { someField } ... on B { someField } ... on C { someOtherField }")
): Int!
arg: String!
@fromContext(field: "$context1 { field }")
): Int!

When the same contextual value is set in multiple places—as in the example with the Child.prop1 and Child.prop2 args—the FieldValue must resolve all types from each place into a single value that matches the parameter type.


Federation doesn't guarantee which context will be used if a field is reachable via multiple contexts.

Disambiguating contexts

When multiple ancestor entities in the type hierarchy could fulfill a set context, the nearest ancestor is chosen. For example, if both the parent and grandparent of a type can provide the value of a context, the parent is chosen because it's the closer ancestor.

In the following example, given nested types A, B, and C, with C referencing a context that either A or B could provide, C uses the value from B because it's a closer ancestor to C than A:

type Query {
a: A!
type A @key(fields: "id") @context(name: "context1") {
id: ID!
field: String!
b: B!
type B @key(fields: "id") @context(name: "context1") {
id: ID!
field: String!
c: C!
type C @key(fields: "id") {
id: ID!
arg: String! @fromContext(field: "$context1 { field }")
): Int!

In a more complex , a field could be reachable via multiple paths, and a different field could be used to resolve the prop depending on which path was used.

Referencing fields across subgraphs

The definition of context scopes can only exist in one . The @fromContext directive can't reference a @context defined in another subgraph. However, you can use contexts to share data across subgraphs using the @external reference.

Reusing the Transaction example, imagine a subgraph responsible for the User and Currency types:

scalar CurrencyCode
type Currency @shareable {
id: ID!
isoCode: CurrencyCode!
type User @key(fields: "id") {
id: ID!
userCurrency: Currency!

If you want to reference those fields from another subgraph, you can use the @external directive to pass data across subgraph boundaries:

scalar CurrencyCode
type Currency @shareable {
id: ID!
isoCode: CurrencyCode!
type User @key(fields: "id") @context(name: "userContext") {
id: ID!
# This is a reference to the field resolved elsewhere
userCurrency: Currency! @external
# We add this field to our type here
lastTransaction: Transaction!
type Transaction @key(fields: "id") {
id: ID!
currency: Currency!
amount: Int!
currencyCode: CurrencyCode
@fromContext(field: "$userContext { userCurrency { isoCode } }")
): Int!
Resolve Another Subgraph's Fields
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