Apollo Connectors Quickstart

Connect a REST API data source

Apollo Connectors is currently in public preview .To get started, you need an Apollo account with a GraphOS Trial or Enterprise plan .

Follow this guide to create a GraphQL API that connects to the JSONPlaceholder REST API using Apollo Connectors .

If you run into any issues, check out our troubleshooting tips for help.

Create the example graph

Create a new GraphOS account.

You can also create a new graph in an existing account with a GraphOS Trial or Enterprise plan.

If your organization doesn't have any graphs yet, click Connect a REST API.

Click the Connect a REST API button

If you already have existing graphs, click the arrow next to Create a new graph, then click Create a new connectors supergraph.

Click the arrow next to create a new graph and select Create a new connectors supergraph

Enter a graph project name and graph ID. Select posts as the example subgraph. Then click Create graph.

A form titled 'Create a new supergraph project to use with connectors'.
The 'Graph project name' field has the value 'Testing Connectors'.
The 'Graph ID' field has the value 'testing-connectors'.
The 'Select an example subgraph' dropdown has the value 'posts'.
There is a button which says 'Create graph'.

After a few moments, you'll get instructions for setting up your local development environment. Follow those instructions, you should end up with rover dev running in your terminal, and a supergraph.yaml and posts.graphql file in your project. The last step brings you back to this quickstart guide.

Your terminal should look something like this:

rover dev --supergraph-config supergraph.yaml

supergraph config loaded successfully
warning: Do not run this command in production! It is intended for local development only.
==> Watching posts.graphql for changes
WARN: Connector debugging is enabled, this may expose sensitive information.
==> your supergraph is running! head to http://localhost:4000 to query your supergraph
successfully composed with version 2.10.0-preview.0

Connectors only work with the latest preview release of the router (2.0.0-preview.0). The APOLLO_ROVER_DEV_ROUTER_VERSION variable is required to use it from rover dev. Your router should be updated at the same time as the federation_version in your supergraph.yaml file.

💡 tip
Save this rover dev command with its variables for later, you're going to want to run this again.Now is also a great time to set up the Apollo GraphQL VS Code extension to get better autocomplete and faster feedback!

Explore your first connector

Let's take a quick look at the posts.graphql file to see how connectors work.

  1. These @link directives enable the latest versions of federation and connectors.

    1extend schema
    2  @link(url: "https://specs.apollo.dev/federation/v2.10")
    3  @link(
    4    url: "https://specs.apollo.dev/connect/v0.1"
    5    import: ["@connect", "@source"]
    6  )
  2. The @source directive creates a reusable configuration that each connector can reference. In this case, only baseURL is set for the JSONPlaceholder API, but you can also add headers here .

    2  name: "jsonPlaceholder"
    3  http: {
    4    baseURL: "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/"
    5  }
  3. Post is the standard GraphQL type that we're looking to return.

    1type Post {
    2  id: ID!
    3  body: String
    4  title: String
  4. The Query type has a posts field that the @connect directive implemented. source: "jsonPlaceholder" refers to the @source from earlier, http sets the method and path for the request, and selection maps the REST API's JSON response to the GraphQL fields.

    1type Query {
    2  posts: [Post]
    3    @connect(
    4      source: "jsonPlaceholder"
    5      http: { GET: "/posts" }
    6      selection: """
    7      id
    8      title
    9      body
    10      """
    11    )

That's it—a fully functional GraphQL API built on connectors!

Run a test query

  1. In a browser, go to http://localhost:4000 to open Apollo Sandbox, which was launched with rover dev from the setup instructions.

  2. In Apollo Sandbox's Explorer, copy and paste the following query to get all posts.

    query Posts {
      posts {
  3. Run the query and check the response.

Query posts' info with connector subgraph

You should see post data returned from the REST API.

💡 tip
Check the query plan in the Result panel to see a visual representation of the steps that the GraphOS Router took to resolve the operation.

Let's create a second connector that uses arguments.

Create a connector with arguments

  1. Add a new post field to the root Query that requires an argument called id. You can use arguments as path and query parameters as well as in the request body .

    1type Query {
    2  posts: [Post]
    3    @connect(# -- snip -- #)
    5  post(id: ID!): Post
    6    @connect(
    7      source: "jsonPlaceholder"
    8      http: { GET: "/posts/{$args.id}" }
    9      selection: """
    10      id
    11      title
    12      body
    13      """
    14    )
  2. Run a new query in Explorer to get a single post by id.

    1query Post {
    2  post(id: "1") {
    3    id
    4    title
    5    body
    6  }

    You should see results for just a single post.

Congratulations! You've successfully run test queries using connectors.

Next steps