Metrics exporters

Export router metrics

The GraphOS Router and Apollo Router Core support collection of metrics with OpenTelemetry , with exporters for:

In router.yaml , you configure router metrics with the following settings:

  • telemetry.exporters.metrics.common. Configure values for the router which are common across metrics exporters.

  • telemetry.exporters.metrics.prometheus. Configure the Prometheus exporter.

  • telemetry.exporters.metrics.otlp. Configure the OpenTelemetry exporter. Supports sending traces to Datadog.

Metrics common configuration

Common metrics configuration contains global settings for all exporters:


Set a service name for your router metrics so you can easily locate them in external metrics dashboards.

The service name can be set by an environment variable or in router.yaml , with the following order of precedence (first to last):

  1. OTEL_SERVICE_NAME environment variable

  2. OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES environment variable

  3. telemetry.exporters.metrics.common.service_name in router.yaml

    Example service_name
    Example setting service name in telemetry.exporters.metrics.common.service_name:
    2  exporters:
    3    metrics:
    4      common:
    5        # (Optional) Set the service name to easily find metrics related to the apollo-router in your metrics dashboards
    6        service_name: "router" #highlight-line
  4. telemetry.exporters.metrics.common.resource in router.yaml

    Example resource
    Example setting service name in telemetry.exporters.metrics.common.resource:
    2  exporters:
    3    metrics:
    4      common:
    5        resource:
    6          # (Optional) Set the service name to easily find metrics related to the apollo-router in your metrics dashboards
    7          "": "router" #highlight-line

If the service name isn't explicitly set, it defaults to unknown_service:router or unknown_service if the executable name cannot be determined.


A resource attribute is a set of key-value pairs that provide additional information to an exporter. It's an attribute of an OpenTelemetry resource . Application performance monitors (APM) can interpret and display resource information.

In router.yaml , resource attributes are set in telemetry.metrics.common.resource. For example:

2  exporters:
3    metrics:
4      common:
5        resource:
6          "": "production"
7          "environment.namespace": "{env.MY_K8_NAMESPACE_ENV_VARIABLE}"

For OpenTelemetry conventions for resources, see Resource Semantic Conventions .


You can customize bucket boundaries for all generated histograms by setting telemetry.exporters.metrics.common.buckets in router.yaml . For example:

2  exporters:
3    metrics:
4      common:
5        buckets:
6          - 0.05
7          - 0.10
8          - 0.25
9          - 0.50
10          - 1.00
11          - 2.50
12          - 5.00
13          - 10.00
14          - 20.00


You can add custom attributes (OpenTelemetry) and labels (Prometheus) to the apollo_router_http_requests metric. Attributes can be:

  • static values (preferably using a resource )

  • headers from the request or response

  • a value from a context

  • a value from the request or response body (JSON path )

Use resource attributes instead to provide information about telemetry resources, including hosts and environments.

An example of configuring these attributes is shown below:

2  exporters:
3    metrics:
4      common:
5        attributes:
6          supergraph: # Attribute configuration for requests to/responses from the router
7            static:
8              - name: "version"
9                value: "v1.0.0"
10            request:
11              header:
12                - named: "content-type"
13                  rename: "payload_type"
14                  default: "application/json"
15                - named: "x-custom-header-to-add"
16            response:
17              body:
18                # Apply the value of the provided path of the router's response body as an attribute
19                - path: .errors[0].extensions.http.status
20                  name: error_from_body
21                # Use the unique extension code to identify the kind of error
22                - path: .errors[0].extensions.code
23                  name: error_code
24            context:
25              # Apply the indicated element from the plugin chain's context as an attribute
26              - named: my_key
27          subgraph: # Attribute configuration for requests to/responses from subgraphs
28            all:
29              static:
30                # Always apply this attribute to all metrics for all subgraphs
31                - name: kind
32                  value: subgraph_request
33              errors: # Only work if it's a valid GraphQL error (for example if the subgraph returns an http error or if the router can't reach the subgraph)
34                include_messages: true # Will include the error message in a message attribute
35                extensions: # Include extensions data
36                  - name: subgraph_error_extended_type # Name of the attribute
37                    path: .type # JSON query path to fetch data from extensions
38                  - name: message
39                    path: .reason
40              # Will create this kind of metric for example apollo_router_http_requests_error_total{message="cannot contact the subgraph",subgraph="my_subgraph_name",subgraph_error_extended_type="SubrequestHttpError"}
41            subgraphs:
42              my_subgraph_name: # Apply these rules only for the subgraph named `my_subgraph_name`
43                request:
44                  header:
45                    - named: "x-custom-header"
46                  body:
47                    # Apply the value of the provided path of the router's request body as an attribute (here it's the query)
48                    - path: .query
49                      name: query
50                      default: UNKNOWN
OpenTelemetry includes many standard attributes that you can use via custom instruments .


You can override default attributes and default buckets for specific metrics thanks to this configuration.

2  exporters:
3    metrics:
4      common:
5        service_name: apollo-router
7          - name: apollo_router_http_request_duration_seconds # Instrument name you want to edit. You can use wildcard in names. If you want to target all instruments just use '*'
8            unit: "ms" # (Optional) override the unit
9            description: "my new description of this metric" # (Optional) override the description
10            aggregation: # (Optional)
11              histogram:
12                buckets: # Override default buckets configured for this histogram
13                - 1
14                - 2
15                - 3
16                - 4
17                - 5
18            allowed_attribute_keys: # (Optional) Keep only listed attributes on the metric
19            - status

You can drop specific metrics if you don't want these metrics to be sent to your APM.

2  exporters:
3    metrics:
4      common:
5        service_name: apollo-router
7          - name: apollo_router_http_request_duration_seconds # Instrument name you want to edit. You can use wildcard in names. If you want to target all instruments just use '*'
8            aggregation: drop

Metrics common reference

service_nameunknown_service:routerThe OpenTelemetry service name.
service_namespaceThe OpenTelemetry namespace.
resourceThe OpenTelemetry resource to attach to metrics.
attributesCustomization for the apollo_router_http_requests instrument.
viewsOverride default buckets or configuration for metrics (including dropping the metric itself)