Dynatrace exporter (via OTLP)

Configure the Dynatrace exporter for tracing

Enable and configure the OTLP exporter for tracing in the Apollo Router for use with Dynatrace


For general tracing configuration, refer to Router Tracing Configuration.

Dynatrace configuration

To configure the router:

2  exporters:
3    tracing:
4      otlp:
5        enabled: true
6        # Endpoint for your region.
7        endpoint: <dynatrace-endpoint>
8        protocol: http
9        http:
10          headers:
11            Authorization: Api-Token <dynatrace-token>
You must specify protocol: http or the exporter will fail to connect to Dynatrace. Additionally, if your Dynatrace endpoint does not contain a port, you must append :443 to the endpoint. For example: https://subdomain.live.dynatrace.com:443/api/v2/otlp/v1/traces.

For more details about Dynatrace configuration, see Dynatrace's docs on OpenTelemetry configuration



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