Developing Connectors in Vim and NeoVim

Configure Vim/NeoVim to validate Apollo Connectors

This guide outlines how to set up the Apollo Language Server in NeoVim using its native Language Server Protocol (LSP) client or in Vim/NeoVim using the coc.nvim plugin.


  • A current Vim or NeoVim installation

    • If using NeoVim you must use version >=5.0 to use its native LSP

    • Otherwise, the coc.nvim plugin also provides an LSP client and can be used with Vim version >= 9.0.0438 and NeoVim version >= 0.8.

  • Rover version 0.27.0 or later

Using NeoVim's (<= v10.x) native LSP client

Version 11.0 of NeoVim (not yet released as of January 2025, when this document was written) has a new LSP client configuration format. We will update this documentation after v11.0's release.

NeoVim's native LSP client makes integrating language servers, including the Apollo Language Server, straightforward. This guide doesn't cover keybindings or UI customization, but the following configuration will set up nvim to work with Apollo Connectors.


Add the following snippet to your init.lua or any other Lua configuration file for NeoVim:

1vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('FileType', {
2  pattern = 'graphql',
3  callback = function(ev)
4    vim.lsp.start({
5      name = 'apollo-language-server',
7      -- If you're using a profile, you can append `'--profile', 'default'`
8      -- to this list (substitute `default` for your profile name)
9      cmd = {'rover', 'lsp', '--supergraph-config', 'supergraph.yaml'},
11      -- Set the "root directory" to the parent directory of the file in the
12      -- current buffer (`ev.buf`) that contains a `supergraph.yaml` file.
13      root_dir = vim.fs.root(ev.buf, {'supergraph.yaml'}),
14    })
15  end,


  • The File Type Autocommand configuration triggers whenever a file with the type graphql is opened. If you want to be more selective about the types of files you want to use with the Apollo Language Server, modify this logic to suit your preferences.

  • For more information about NeoVim's native LSP client, run the :help lsp command in nvim.

Using coc.nvim with Vim/NeoVim

If you're using coc.nvim as your LSP client, you can configure it to work with the Apollo Language Server with a few lines of configuration.


Add the following to your coc-settings.json file, usually located in ~/.vim/coc-settings.json or ~/.config/nvim/coc-settings.json. Alternatively, run the command :CocConfig in any buffer to open the config file. Add the following:

2  // ...
3  "languageserver": {
4    "apollo-language-server": {
5      "command": "rover",
7      // If you're using a profile, you can append `'--profile', 'default'`
8      // to this list (substitute `default` for your profile name)
9      "args": ["lsp", "--supergraph-config", "supergraph.yaml"],
10      "filetypes": ["graphql"],
12      // Set the "root directory" to the parent directory of the file in the
13      // current buffer that contains a `supergraph.yaml` file.
14      "rootPatterns": ["supergraph.yaml"]
15    }
16  }


