1public protocol NormalizedCache: AnyObject
1func loadRecords(forKeys keys: Set<CacheKey>) throws -> [CacheKey: Record]
Loads records corresponding to the given keys.
key: The cache keys to load data for
Returns: A dictionary of cache keys to records containing the records that have been found.
Name | Description |
key | The cache keys to load data for |
1func merge(records: RecordSet) throws -> Set<CacheKey>
Merges a set of records into the cache.
records: The set of records to merge.
Returns: A set of keys corresponding to fields that have changed (i.e. QUERY_ROOT.Foo.myField). These are the same type of keys as are returned by RecordSet.merge(records:).
Name | Description |
records | The set of records to merge. |
1func removeRecord(for key: CacheKey) throws
Removes a record for the specified key. This method will only remove whole records, not individual fields.
If you attempt to pass a cache key for a single field, this method will do nothing since it won't be able to locate a record to remove based on that key.
This method does not support cascading delete - it will only remove the record for the specified key, and not any references to it or from it.
key: The cache key to remove the record for
Name | Description |
key | The cache key to remove the record for |
1func removeRecords(matching pattern: CacheKey) throws
Removes records with keys that match the specified pattern. This method will only remove whole records, it does not perform cascading deletes. This means only the records with matched keys will be removed, and not any references to them. Key matching is case-insensitive.
If you attempt to pass a cache path for a single field, this method will do nothing since it won't be able to locate a record to remove based on that path.
Note: This method can be very slow depending on the number of records in the cache. It is recommended that this method be called in a background queue.
pattern: The pattern that will be applied to find matching keys.
Name | Description |
pattern | The pattern that will be applied to find matching keys. |
1func clear() throws
Clears all records.