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Apollo Kotlin galaxy

The galaxy is a collection of projects that are related to Apollo Kotlin but are loosely coupled. Their release schedule and maturity level varies.

They serve as a playground for new ideas (apollo-kotlin-compose-support, apollo-kotlin-normalized-cache-incubating) or helper projects providing additional functionality that is not core to Apollo Kotlin (apollo-kotlin-mockserver, apollo-kotlin-cli, apollo-kotlin-execution)

The Apollo Kotlin galaxy projects all start with apollo-kotlin:

apollo-kotlin-normalized-cache-incubatingApollo Kotlin Incubating Normalized Cache
apollo-kotlin-compose-supportCompose support for Apollo Kotlin
apollo-kotlin-ktor-supportHttpEngine and helpers to work with Ktor
apollo-kotlin-executionGraphQL execution algorithms
apollo-kotlin-adaptersDatetime, BigDecimal and other adapters for Apollo Kotlin
apollo-kotlin-cliCommand line tool for your GraphQL projects
apollo-kotlin-mockserverKMP ready HTTP mock server
apollo-kotlin-java-supportJava language support for Apollo Kotlin

When possible, file issues in the appropriate repository.

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