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Get GraphQL results over a network using HTTP fetch.

We recommend reading

before learning about individual links.

HttpLink is a terminating link that sends a to a remote endpoint over HTTP. uses HttpLink by default when you provide the uri option to the ApolloClient constructor.

HttpLink supports both POST and GET requests, and you can configure HTTP options on a per-operation basis. You can use these options for authentication, , dynamic URIs, and other granular updates.


Import the HttpLink class and initialize a link like so:

import { HttpLink } from '@apollo/client';
const link = new HttpLink({
uri: "http://localhost:4000/graphql"
// Additional options

The HttpLink constructor takes an options object that can include the below. Note that you can also override some of these options on a per-operation basis using the


Name /

String or Function

The URL of the GraphQL endpoint to send requests to. Can also be a function that accepts an Operation object and returns the string URL to use for that operation.

The default value is /graphql.



If true, includes the extensions in sent to your GraphQL endpoint.

The default value is false.



A function to use instead of calling the

directly when sending HTTP requests to your GraphQL endpoint. The function must conform to the signature of fetch.

By default, the Fetch API is used unless it isn't available in your runtime environment.





An object representing headers to include in every HTTP request, such as {Authorization: 'Bearer abc123'}.



If set to true, header names won't be automatically normalized to lowercase. This allows for non-http-spec-compliant servers that might expect capitalized header names.

The default value is false.



The credentials policy to use for each fetch call. Can be omit, include, or same-origin.



An object containing options to use for each call to fetch. If a particular option is not included in this object, the default value of that option is used.

Note that if you set fetchOptions.method to GET, HttpLink follows




If true, the link uses an HTTP GET request when sending operations to your GraphQL endpoint. operations continue to use POST requests. If you want all operations to use GET requests, set


The default value is false.



An optional function to use when transforming a query or DocumentNode into a string. It accepts an ASTNode (typically a DocumentNode) and the original print function as , and is expected to return a string. This option can be used with stripIgnoredCharacters to remove whitespace from queries.

import { stripIgnoredCharacters } from 'graphql';
const httpLink = new HttpLink({
uri: '/graphql',
print: (ast, originalPrint) => stripIgnoredCharacters(originalPrint(ast)),

By default the bare

is used.

Context options

HttpLink checks the

for certain values before sending its request to your GraphQL endpoint. Previous links in the link chain can set these values to customize the behavior of HttpLink for each operation.

Some of these values can also be provided as options to

. If a value is provided to both, the value in the context takes precedence.

Name /

String or Function

The URL of the GraphQL endpoint to send requests to. Can also be a function that accepts an Operation object and returns the string URL to use for that operation.

The default value is /graphql.



An object representing headers to include in the HTTP request, such as {Authorization: 'Bearer abc123'}.



The credentials policy to use for this fetch call. Can be omit, include, or same-origin.



An object containing options to use for this call to fetch. If a particular option is not included in this object, the default value of that option is used.

Note that if you set fetchOptions.method to GET, HttpLink follows




An object that configures advanced HttpLink functionality, such as support for persisted queries. Options are listed in


http option fields

Name /


If true, includes the extensions field in operations sent to your GraphQL endpoint.

The default value is false.



If false, the GraphQL query string is not included in the request. Set this option if you're sending a request that uses a


The default value is true.



If set to true, header names won't be automatically normalized to lowercase. This allows for non-http-spec-compliant servers that might expect capitalized header names.

The default value is false.

Operation results

After your GraphQL endpoint (successfully) responds with the result of the sent operation, HttpLink sets it as the response field of the operation context. This enables each previous link in your link chain to interact with the response before it's returned.

Handling errors

HttpLink distinguishes between client errors, server errors, and GraphQL errors. You can add the

to your link chain to handle these errors via a

The following types of errors can occur:

ErrorDescriptionCallbackError Type
Client ParseThe request body is not serializable, for example due to a circular reference.errorClientParseError
Server ParseThe server's response cannot be parsed (
Server NetworkThe server responded with a non-2xx HTTP code.errorServerError
Server DataThe server's response didn't contain data or errors.errorServerError
GraphQL ErrorResolving the GraphQL operation resulted in at least one error, which is present in the errors field.nextObject

Because many server implementations can return a valid GraphQL result on a server network error, the thrown Error object contains the parsed server result. A server data error also receives the parsed result.

All error types inherit the name, message, and nullable stack properties from the generic javascript


//type ClientParseError
parseError: Error; // Error returned from response.json()
//type ServerParseError
response: Response; // Object returned from fetch()
statusCode: number; // HTTP status code
bodyText: string // text that was returned from server
//type ServerError
result: Record<string, any>; // Parsed object from server response
response: Response; // Object returned from fetch()
statusCode: number; // HTTP status code

Customizing fetch

You can provide the

to the HttpLink constructor to enable many custom networking needs. For example, you can modify the request based on calculated headers or calculate the endpoint URI based on the operation's details.

If you're targeting an environment that doesn't provide the

(such as older browsers or the server) you can provide a different implementation of fetch. We recommend
for older browsers and
for running in Node.

Custom auth

This example adds a custom Authorization header to every request before calling fetch:

const customFetch = (uri, options) => {
const { header } = Hawk.client.header(
{ credentials: credentials, ext: "some-app-data" }
options.headers.Authorization = header;
return fetch(uri, options);
const link = new HttpLink({ fetch: customFetch });

Dynamic URI

This example customizes the endpoint URL's query parameters before calling fetch:

const customFetch = (uri, options) => {
const { operationName } = JSON.parse(options.body);
return fetch(`${uri}/graph/graphql?opname=${operationName}`, options);
const link = new HttpLink({ fetch: customFetch });
HTTP Batch
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