Add the dependency to your build.sbt
resolvers += "Apollo Bintray" at ""
libraryDependencies += "com.apollographql" %%% "apollo-scalajs-core" % "0.8.0"
libraryDependencies += "com.apollographql" %%% "apollo-scalajs-react" % "0.8.0"
If you are using the React API, you may want to add other Slinky modules such as the web and hot-reloading module, so check out the instructions at
NPM Dependencies
If you are using Scala.js Bundler, you will need to add the Apollo Client dependencies to your build.sbt
npmDependencies in Compile += "@apollo/client" -> "3.2.4"
Apollo CLI
To set up the code generator, which generates static types based on your GraphQL queries, first install the Apollo CLI.
npm install -g apollo
Then, you can configure SBT to automatically run it and add the resulting Scala sources to your build.
val namespace = ""
(sourceGenerators in Compile) += Def.task {
import scala.sys.process._
val out = (sourceManaged in Compile).value
"apollo", "client:codegen",
"--config", "apollo.config.js",
"--target", "scala",
"--namespace", namespace, graphQLScala.getAbsolutePath
Seq(out / "graphql.scala")
watchSources ++= ((sourceDirectory in Compile).value / "graphql" ** "*.graphql").get
With the accompanying apollo.config.js
module.exports = {
client: {
service: {
name: "test-schema",
localSchemaFile: "schema.json"
includes: [ "src/main/graphql/*.graphql" ]