Getting to production with Apollo Connectors
March 27, 2025
10:00am - 10:45am PT
Our last three episodes on Connectors Live have focused on building your Connectors, but what about bringing that project to production? This month's episode of Connectors Live is going to focus on just that, bringing your connector to production. We’ll start from a locally working project and walk through the steps to deploy our Apollo Router:
Host our Apollo Router in your cloud provider
Publish the connector to GraphOS
Validate changes to our schema against production traffic
Whether you’re building a personal project or scaling API orchestration to the entire company, you’ll see how this can be made easy with the Apollo Router and GraphOS. You’ll walk away with the knowledge you need to bring your first Connector to production with a simple strategy for how you can quickly update and evolve that graph - all without code deployments. 🎉