Modernize your API platform with Apollo GraphOS

Deliver a secure and self-service GraphQL platform at any scale.

What is GraphOS?

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Deliver GraphQL securely at scale

GraphQL is becoming the de facto language for modern API platform teams. It promotes better consistency across applications. It is also self-service and self-documenting, so client teams can focus less on wrangling endpoints and more on user experiences.

Deliver these benefits across any number of teams. Apollo GraphOS provides everything your team needs to deliver a GraphQL platform. It provides a centralized management plane in the cloud for better collaboration and observability, a high-performance and extensible runtime plane, and enterprise-grade security.

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Enable teams to build features better, together.

Apollo provides a principled architecture for GraphQL at scale.

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Replace BFFs and experience APIs with a graph

At the core of GraphOS is a supergraph -- a GraphQL architecture that can scale across any number of client and service teams. Backend teams contribute services in the language of their choice, and client teams can fetch all of the data they need from a single endpoint.

Collaborate with standardized workflows

GraphOS Studio provides a centralized registry and workflows that help backend teams build a supergraph together.

Centralize collaboration

Streamline collaborative API development by tracking GraphQL services in a central registry, as well as maintaining schema variants that align to production and staging environments.

Compose services

Automatically compose and publish multiple GraphQL services as a unified, self-service API platform powered by a static artifact.

Build and iterate faster

Make graph development and consumption easy with one-click query building, shared operation collections, and automated testing scripts.

Ship with confidence

Prevent breaking API changes by checking that updated schemas continue to support historical client operations.

Observe client usage

Track usage metrics at the field, client, and operation levels, so that you know when it’s safe to deprecate out-of-date services without causing breaking changes.

Provide advanced governance

Use role-based access control to lock certain schemas and limit who can make, approve, and publish schema changes for different environments.

Operate a GraphQL platform at any scale

Customize, deploy, observe, and scale a supergraph across any number of clients and services using GraphOS Router.

Deliver raw performance

Seamlessly scale your API to support millions of concurrent clients and hundreds of underlying services in various languages with the Apollo Router—a multithreaded and highly customizable runtime.

Simplify real-time data

Support real-time capabilities with less infrastructure to set up and maintain. Clients can receive continual, real-time updates from any number of services using a single subscription.

Observe your graph

Export key metrics and logs to OpenTelemetry, and make this information more actionable by setting up alerts and dashboards in Datadog.

Gain GraphQL caching

Support complex queries across your graph without introducing performance issues. Distributed APQ caching improves responsiveness by mitigating the performance impact of large query strings.

Define cross-cutting or granular policies to secure your supergraph at all times.

Prevent unauthorized access

Create an additional layer of security in your stack with a centralized point of authorization for all of your services. Your graph router acts as a gateway that blocks unauthenticated requests and enforces scopes.

Create filtered views of your graph

Deliver different subsets of your supergraph to different consumers. Hide parts of the graph that are still in development, or create filters of the graph that are custom built for certain audiences.

Safelist known operations

Prevent misuse of your services or even DOS attacks by blocking unknown requests. Export a manifest of known query hashes from your GraphQL client and persist them in your router to enable safelisting.

Integrate identity providers

Integrate with any third-party services or perform custom logic in the language of your choice using coprocessors.

An enterprise-grade endpoint in our cloud or yours