3. Connecting to data sources

Fetch data from multiple locations

Now that we've constructed our schema, we need to connect data sources to . A data source is any database, service, or API that holds the data you use to populate your schema's fields. Your API can interact with any combination of data sources.

Apollo provides a DataSource class that we can extend to handle interaction logic for a particular type of data source. In this section, we'll extend DataSource to connect both a REST API and a SQL database to . Don't worry, you don't need to be familiar with either of these technologies to follow along with the examples.

Connect a REST API

Let's connect the SpaceX v2 REST API to our server. To do so, we'll use the RESTDataSource class from the apollo-datasource-rest package. This class is an extension of DataSource that handles fetching data from a REST API. To use this class, you extend it and provide it the base URL of the REST API it will communicate with.

The base URL for the Space-X API is https://api.spacexdata.com/v2/. Let's create a data source called LaunchAPI by adding the code below to server/src/datasources/launch.js:

const { RESTDataSource } = require("apollo-datasource-rest");
class LaunchAPI extends RESTDataSource {
constructor() {
this.baseURL = "https://api.spacexdata.com/v2/";
module.exports = LaunchAPI;

The RESTDataSource class automatically caches responses from REST resources with no additional setup. We call this feature partial query caching. It enables you to take advantage of the caching logic that the REST API already exposes.

To learn more about with Apollo data sources, check out this blog post.

Write data-fetching methods

Our LaunchAPI data source needs methods that enable it to fetch the data that incoming queries will request.

The getAllLaunches method

According to our schema, we'll need a method to get a list of all SpaceX . Let's add a getAllLaunches method inside our LaunchAPI class:

// class LaunchAPI... {
async getAllLaunches() {
const response = await this.get('launches');
return Array.isArray(response)
? response.map(launch => this.launchReducer(launch))
: [];

The RESTDataSource class provides helper methods that correspond to HTTP verbs like GET and POST. In the code above:

  1. The call to this.get('launches') sends a GET request to https://api.spacexdata.com/v2/launches and stores the array of returned in response.
  2. We use this.launchReducer (which we'll write next) to transform each returned into the format expected by our schema. If there are no launches, an empty array is returned.

Now we need to write the launchReducer method, which transforms returned data into the shape that our schema expects. This approach decouples the structure of your schema from the structure of the various data sources that populate its .

First, let's recall what a Launch looks like in our schema:

type Launch {
id: ID!
site: String
mission: Mission
rocket: Rocket
isBooked: Boolean!

Now, let's write a launchReducer method that transforms data from the REST API into this schema-defined shape. Copy the following code inside your LaunchAPI class:

// class LaunchAPI... {
launchReducer(launch) {
return {
id: launch.flight_number || 0,
cursor: `${launch.launch_date_unix}`,
site: launch.launch_site && launch.launch_site.site_name,
mission: {
name: launch.mission_name,
missionPatchSmall: launch.links.mission_patch_small,
missionPatchLarge: launch.links.mission_patch,
rocket: {
id: launch.rocket.rocket_id,
name: launch.rocket.rocket_name,
type: launch.rocket.rocket_type,

Notice that launchReducer doesn't set a value for the isBooked in our schema. That's because the Space-X API doesn't know which trips a user has booked! That field will be populated by our other data source, which connects to a SQLite database.

Using a reducer like this enables the getAllLaunches method to remain concise as our definition of a Launch potentially changes and grows over time. It also helps with testing the LaunchAPI class, which we'll cover later.

The getLaunchById method

Our schema also supports fetching an individual by its ID. To support this, let's add two methods inside the LaunchAPI class: getLaunchById and getLaunchesByIds:

// class LaunchAPI... {
async getLaunchById({ launchId }) {
const response = await this.get('launches', { flight_number: launchId });
return this.launchReducer(response[0]);
getLaunchesByIds({ launchIds }) {
return Promise.all(
launchIds.map(launchId => this.getLaunchById({ launchId })),

The getLaunchById method takes a 's flight number and returns the data for the associated launch. The getLaunchesByIds method returns the result of multiple calls to getLaunchById.


Our LaunchAPI class is complete! Next, let's connect a database to our server.

Connect a database

The SpaceX API is a read-only data source for fetching data. We also need a writable data source that allows us to store application data, such as user id and seat reservations. To accomplish this, we'll connect to a SQLite database and use Sequelize for our ORM. Our package.json file includes these dependencies, so they were installed with our npm install call in Building a schema.

Because this section contains SQL-specific code that isn't necessary for understanding Apollo data sources, a UserAPI data source is included in src/datasources/user.js. Navigate to that file so we can cover the high-level concepts.

Building a custom data source

Apollo doesn't provide a canonical DataSource subclass for SQL databases at this time. So, we've created a custom data source for our SQLite database by extending the generic DataSource class.

The following core concepts of a DataSource subclass are demonstrated in src/datasources/user.js:

  • The initialize method: Implement this method if you want to pass any configuration options to your subclass. The UserAPI class uses initialize to access our API's context.
  • this.context: A API's context is an object that's shared across every resolver in a request. We'll cover in detail in the next section. Right now, all you need to know is that the context is useful for storing and sharing user information.
  • Caching: Although the RESTDataSource class provides a built-in cache, the generic DataSource class does not. If you want to add caching functionality to your data source, you can configure an external backend or build your own.

Let's go over some of the methods in src/datasources/user.js that we use to fetch and update data in our database. You'll want to refer to these in the next section:

  • findOrCreateUser({ email }): Finds or creates a user with a given email in the database.
  • bookTrips({ launchIds }): Takes an object with an array of launchIds and books them for the logged-in user.
  • cancelTrip({ launchId }): Takes an object with a launchId and cancels that for the logged-in user.
  • getLaunchIdsByUser(): Returns all booked trips for the logged-in user.
  • isBookedOnLaunch({ launchId }): Determines whether the logged-in user has booked a trip on a particular .

Add data sources to Apollo Server

Now that we've built our two data sources, we need to add them to .

Pass a dataSources option to the ApolloServer constructor. This option is a function that returns an object containing newly instantiated data sources.

Navigate to server/src/index.js and add the code highlighted below (or replace the entire file with the entire code block):

const { ApolloServer } = require("apollo-server");
const typeDefs = require("./schema");
const { createStore } = require("./utils");
const LaunchAPI = require("./datasources/launch");
const UserAPI = require("./datasources/user");
const store = createStore();
const server = new ApolloServer({
dataSources: () => ({
launchAPI: new LaunchAPI(),
userAPI: new UserAPI({ store }),
server.listen().then(() => {
Server is running!
Listening on port 4000
Explore at https://studio.apollographql.com/sandbox

First, we import and call the createStore function to set up our SQLite database. Then, we add the dataSources function to the ApolloServer constructor to connect instances of LaunchAPI and UserAPI to our . We also make sure to pass the database to the UserAPI constructor.

If you use this.context in a datasource, it's critical to create a new instance of that datasource in the dataSources function, rather than sharing a single instance. Otherwise, initialize might be called during the execution of asynchronous code for a particular user, replacing this.context with the context of another user.


Now that we've hooked up our data sources to , it's time to move on to the next section and learn how to interact with our data sources from within our .
