September 21, 2017

Introducing Apollo Mission Briefing 🚀

Thea Lamkin

Thea Lamkin

Let’s be real: It can be hard to find the time to consume a dense, 10-minute read about technical best practices. As much as we love churning those posts out on the Apollo publication, we don’t want time to stand between you and leveling up your GraphQL skills.

That’s why we’re excited to launch Apollo Mission Briefing, a brand new video series starring the newest member of the Apollo team, Peggy Rayzis! She’ll be making topical, bite-sized videos featuring the GraphQL tips and tricks that you most want to learn. And based on the response to this tweet, there’s a lot to cover:

I'm starting a new weekly video series where I teach you something cool about @apollographql in 3 mins. 🚀 What topics do you want to learn?

— Peggy Rayzis (@peggyrayzis) September 11, 2017

We want to make sure we’re covering the GraphQL knowledge you need, so tweet us with #missionbriefing with the topics you want us to tackle next. And of course, subscribe to our channel to get the latest episodes as we publish them.

Without further ado, here’s our inaugural episode!

Apollo Mission Briefing 001: Apollo Client 2.0

In the first episode of Mission Briefing, you’ll learn how to connect a GraphQL server to Apollo Client 2.0. You’ll also learn how to customize your Apollo Client cache and network interface with Apollo Link. Enjoy!

For those following along, here are the examples covered in this episode:

  1. Launchpad with GraphQL server
  2. CodeSandbox with Apollo Client 2.0

Stay tuned for more snack-sized GraphQL goodness!

Written by

Thea Lamkin

Thea Lamkin

Read more by Thea Lamkin