Fetching from REST

Using RESTDataSource to fetch data from REST APIs

Learn how Apollo Connectors simplify incorporating REST APIs into your graph.

See the @apollo/datasource-rest README for the full details of the RESTDataSource API.

The RESTDataSource class simplifies fetching data from REST APIs and helps handle caching, request deduplication, and errors while resolving operations.

For more information about fetching from data sources other than a REST API, see Fetching Data.

Creating subclasses

To get started, install the @apollo/datasource-rest package:

1npm install @apollo/datasource-rest

Your server should define a separate subclass of RESTDataSource for each REST API it communicates with. Here's an example of a RESTDataSource subclass that defines two data-fetching methods, getMovie and getMostViewedMovies:

1import { RESTDataSource } from '@apollo/datasource-rest';
3class MoviesAPI extends RESTDataSource {
4  override baseURL = 'https://movies-api.example.com/';
6  async getMovie(id: string): Promise<Movie> {
7    return this.get<Movie>(`movies/${encodeURIComponent(id)}`);
8  }
10  async getMostViewedMovies(limit = '10'): Promise<Movie[]> {
11    const data = await this.get('movies', {
12      params: {
13        per_page: limit.toString(), // all params entries should be strings,
14        order_by: 'most_viewed',
15      },
16    });
17    return data.results;
18  }

You can extend the RESTDataSource class to implement whatever data-fetching methods your resolvers need. These methods should use the built-in convenience methods (e.g., get and post) to perform HTTP requests, helping you add query parameters, parse and cache JSON results, dedupe requests, and handle errors. More complex use cases can use the fetch method directly. The fetch method returns both the parsed body and the response object, which provides more flexibility for use cases like reading response headers.

Adding data sources to your server's context function

In the examples below, we use top-level await calls to start our server asynchronously. Check out our Getting Started guide to see how we configured our project to support this.

You can add data sources to the context initialization function, like so:

1interface ContextValue {
2  dataSources: {
3    moviesAPI: MoviesAPI;
4    personalizationAPI: PersonalizationAPI;
5  };
8const server = new ApolloServer<ContextValue>({
9  typeDefs,
10  resolvers,
13const { url } = await startStandaloneServer(server, {
14  context: async () => {
15    const { cache } = server;
16    return {
17      // We create new instances of our data sources with each request,
18      // passing in our server's cache.
19      dataSources: {
20        moviesAPI: new MoviesAPI({ cache }),
21        personalizationAPI: new PersonalizationAPI({ cache }),
22      },
23    };
24  },
27console.log(`🚀  Server ready at ${url}`);

Apollo Server calls the context initialization function for every incoming operation. This means:

  • For every operation, context returns an object containing new instances of your RESTDataSource subclasses (in this case, MoviesAPI and PersonalizationAPI).

  • The context function should create a new instance of each RESTDataSource subclass for each operation. More details on why below.

Your resolvers can then access your data sources from the shared contextValue object and use them to fetch data:

1const resolvers = {
2  Query: {
3    movie: async (_, { id }, { dataSources }) => {
4      return dataSources.moviesAPI.getMovie(id);
5    },
6    mostViewedMovies: async (_, __, { dataSources }) => {
7      return dataSources.moviesAPI.getMostViewedMovies();
8    },
9    favorites: async (_, __, { dataSources }) => {
10      return dataSources.personalizationAPI.getFavorites();
11    },
12  },


The RESTDataSource class provides its subclasses with two layers of caching:

  • The first layer deduplicates concurrent outgoing GET (and HEAD) requests by default. Deduplication is keyed on the request's method and URL. You can configure this behavior by overriding the requestDeduplicationPolicyFor method. For more details, see the README.

Note: In versions of RESTDataSource prior to v5, all outgoing GET requests are deduplicated. You can achieve this same behavior with the deduplicate-until-invalidated policy (explained further in the README).

  • The second layer caches the results from HTTP responses that specify HTTP caching headers.

These caching layers effectively make the RESTDataSource class a Node HTTP client that offers browser-style caching. Below, we'll dive into each layer of caching and the advantage that layer provides.

GET (and HEAD) requests and responses

Every time you instantiate a RESTDataSource subclass, under the hood that instance creates an internal cache. By default, RESTDataSource automatically deduplicates concurrent GET (and HEAD) requests (keyed by their method and URLs) alongside their results in this internal cache. This behavior is called request deduplication. You can configure this default behavior by overriding the requestDeduplicationPolicyFor method on the class.

The RESTDataSource class caches GET (and HEAD) requests and responses regardless of HTTP caching headers.

The request deduplication cache enables RESTDataSource to optimize the current operation by eliminating redundant GET (and HEAD) requests from different resolvers trying to get the same information. This works much like DataLoader's caching functionality.

As an example, let's say we have two RESTDataSource subclasses for fetching data from a Posts API and an Authors API. We can write a query fetching a post's content and that post's author's name:

1query GetPosts {
2  posts {
3    body
4    author {
5      name
6    }
7  }

The above query provides an example of the classic N+1 problem. For every N number of posts, we'd supposedly make one more request to find the post's author's name (from an endpoint such as /authors/id_1).

This is a situation where RESTDataSource can optimize an operation using its cache of memoized GET requests and their responses.

The first time RESTDataSource makes a GET request (e.g., to /authors/id_1), it stores the request's URL before making that request. RESTDataSource then performs the request and stores the result alongside the request's URL in its memoized cache forever.

If any resolver in the current operation attempts a parallel GET request to the same URL, RESTDataSource checks its memoized cache before performing that request. If a request or a result exists in the cache, RESTDataSource returns (or waits to return) that stored result without making another request.

This internal caching mechanism is why we create a new RESTDataSource instance for every request. Otherwise, responses would be cached across requests even if they specify they shouldn't be!

You can change how GET (and HEAD) requests are stored in RESTDataSource's deduplication cache by overwriting the cacheKeyFor method. By default, a request's cache key is the combination of its HTTP method and URL.

To restore the deduplication policy from before RESTDataSource v5, you can configure requestDeduplicationPolicyFor like so:

1class MoviesAPI extends RESTDataSource {
2  override baseURL = 'https://movies-api.example.com/';
3  private token: string;
5  constructor(options: { token: string; cache: KeyValueCache }) {
6    super(options); // this sends our server's `cache` through
7    this.token = options.token;
8  }
10  protected override requestDeduplicationPolicyFor(
11    url: URL,
12    request: RequestOptions,
13  ) {
14    const cacheKey = this.cacheKeyFor(url, request);
15    return {
16      policy: 'deduplicate-until-invalidated',
17      deduplicationKey: `${request.method ?? 'GET'} ${cacheKey}`
18    };
19  }
21  // Duplicate requests are cached indefinitely
22  async getMovie(id) {
23    return this.get(`movies/${encodeURIComponent(id)}`);
24  }

To disable request deduplication entirely, you can configure requestDeduplicationPolicyFor like so:

1class MoviesAPI extends RESTDataSource {
2  override baseURL = 'https://movies-api.example.com/';
3  private token: string;
5  constructor(options: { token: string; cache: KeyValueCache }) {
6    super(options); // this sends our server's `cache` through
7    this.token = options.token;
8  }
10  protected override requestDeduplicationPolicyFor(
11    url: URL,
12    request: RequestOptions,
13  ) {
14    const cacheKey = this.cacheKeyFor(url, request);
15    return { policy: 'do-not-deduplicate' } as const;
16  }
18  // Outgoing requests aren't cached, but the HTTP response cache still works!
19  async getMovie(id) {
20    return this.get(`movies/${encodeURIComponent(id)}`);
21  }

Specifying cache TTL

📣 New in Apollo Server 4: Apollo Server no longer automatically provides its cache to data sources. See here for more details.

The RESTDataSource class can cache results from the REST API it fetches from if either of the following is true:

  • The request method is GET (or HEAD), and the response specifies caching headers (e.g., cache-control).

  • The RESTDataSource instance's cacheOptions specify a TTL.

    • You can do this by overriding the cacheOptionsFor method or in the HTTP method making the request.

RESTDataSource ensures that the cached information honors the TTL (Time To Live) rules established by those caching headers.

Each RESTDataSource subclass accepts a cache argument where you can specify which cache to use (e.g., Apollo Server's default cache) to store the results of past fetches:

1// KeyValueCache is the type of Apollo server's default cache
2import type { KeyValueCache } from '@apollo/utils.keyvaluecache';
4class PersonalizationAPI extends RESTDataSource {
5  override baseURL = 'https://person.example.com/';
6  private token: string;
8  constructor(options: { cache: KeyValueCache; token: string }) {
9    super(options); // this sends our server's `cache` through
10    this.token = options.token;
11  }
14// server set up, etc.
16const { url } = await startStandaloneServer(server, {
17  context: async ({ req }) => {
18    const token = getTokenFromRequest(req);
19    // We'll take Apollo Server's cache
20    // and pass it to each of our data sources
21    const { cache } = server;
22    return {
23      dataSources: {
24        moviesAPI: new MoviesAPI({ cache, token }),
25        personalizationAPI: new PersonalizationAPI({ cache }),
26      },
27    };
28  },

Passing the same cache to multiple RESTDataSource subclass instances enables those instances to share the cached results.

When running multiple instances of your server, you should use an external shared cache backend. This enables one server instance to use the cached result from another instance.

If you want to configure or replace Apollo Server's default cache, see Configuring external caching for more details.

HTTP Methods

RESTDataSource includes convenience methods for common REST API request methods: get, post, put, patch, and delete (see the source).

An example of each is shown below:

Click to expand
1class MoviesAPI extends RESTDataSource {
2  override baseURL = 'https://movies-api.example.com/';
4  // GET
5  async getMovie(id) {
6    return this.get(
7      `movies/${encodeURIComponent(id)}`, // path
8    );
9  }
11  // POST
12  async postMovie(movie) {
13    return this.post(
14      `movies`, // path
15      { body: { movie } }, // request body
16    );
17  }
19  // PUT
20  async newMovie(movie) {
21    return this.put(
22      `movies`, // path
23      { body: { movie } }, // request body
24    );
25  }
27  // PATCH
28  async updateMovie(movie) {
29    return this.patch(
30      `movies`, // path
31      { body: { id: movie.id, movie } }, // request body
32    );
33  }
35  // DELETE
36  async deleteMovie(movie) {
37    return this.delete(
38      `movies/${encodeURIComponent(movie.id)}`, // path
39    );
40  }

Note the use of encodeURIComponent in the above snippet. This is a standard function that encodes special characters in a URI, preventing a possible injection attack vector.

For a simple example, suppose our REST endpoint responded to the following URLs:

  • DELETE /movies/:id

  • DELETE /movies/:id/characters

A "malicious" client could provide an :id of 1/characters to target the delete characters endpoint when it was the singular movie endpoint that we were trying to delete. URI encoding prevents this kind of injection by transforming the / into %2F. This can then be correctly decoded and interpreted by the server and won't be treated as a path segment.

Method parameters

For all HTTP convenience methods, the first parameter is the relative path of the endpoint you're sending the request to (e.g., movies). The second parameter is an object where you can set a request's headers, params, cacheOptions, and body:

1class MoviesAPI extends RESTDataSource {
2  override baseURL = 'https://movies-api.example.com/';
4  // an example making an HTTP POST request
5  async postMovie(movie) {
6    return this.post(
7      `movies`, // path
8      { body: movie }, // request body
9    );
10  }

Setting fetch options

The second parameter passed to each REST method is an object containing request options. These include options commonly passed to fetch, including method, headers, body, and signal.

If you're looking for other advanced options that aren't covered in the Apollo docs, you can set them here and refer to your Fetch API docs.

1this.get('/movies/1', options);

Setting timeouts

To set a fetch timeout, provide an AbortSignal via the signal option, which enables you to abort the request with custom logic.

Here's an example of a simple timeout after a fixed time for every request:

1this.get('/movies/1', { signal: AbortSignal.timeout(myTimeoutMilliseconds) });

Intercepting fetches

New in Apollo Server 4: Apollo Server 4 now uses the @apollo/utils.fetcher interface under the hood for fetching. This interface lets you choose your own implementation of the Fetch API. To ensure compatibility with all Fetch implementations, the request provided to hooks like willSendRequest is a plain JS object rather than a Request object with methods.

RESTDataSource includes a willSendRequest method that you can override to modify outgoing requests before they're sent. For example, you can use this method to add headers or query parameters. This method is most commonly used for authorization or other concerns that apply to all sent requests.

Data sources also have access to the GraphQL operation context, which is useful for storing a user token or other relevant information.

If you're using TypeScript, make sure to import the AugmentedRequest type.

Setting a header

1import {
2  RESTDataSource,
3  AugmentedRequest,
4} from '@apollo/datasource-rest';
5import type { KeyValueCache } from '@apollo/utils.keyvaluecache';
7class PersonalizationAPI extends RESTDataSource {
8  override baseURL = 'https://movies-api.example.com/';
9  private token: string;
11  constructor(options: { token: string; cache: KeyValueCache }) {
12    super(options);
13    this.token = options.token;
14  }
16  override willSendRequest(_path: string, request: AugmentedRequest) {
17    request.headers['authorization'] = this.token;
18  }

Adding a query parameter

1import {
2  RESTDataSource,
3  AugmentedRequest,
4} from '@apollo/datasource-rest';
5import type { KeyValueCache } from '@apollo/utils.keyvaluecache';
7class PersonalizationAPI extends RESTDataSource {
8  override baseURL = 'https://movies-api.example.com/';
9  private token: string;
11  constructor(options: { token: string; cache: KeyValueCache }) {
12    super(options);
13    this.token = options.token;
14  }
16  override willSendRequest(_path: string, request: AugmentedRequest) {
17    request.params.set('api_key', this.token);
18  }

Resolving URLs dynamically

In some cases, you'll want to set the URL based on the environment or other contextual values. To do this, you can override resolveURL:

1import { RESTDataSource, AugmentedRequest } from '@apollo/datasource-rest';
2import type { KeyValueCache } from '@apollo/utils.keyvaluecache';
4class PersonalizationAPI extends RESTDataSource {
5  private token: string;
7  constructor(options: { token: string; cache: KeyValueCache }) {
8    super(options);
9    this.token = options.token;
10  }
12  override async resolveURL(path: string, request: AugmentedRequest) {
13    if (!this.baseURL) {
14      const addresses = await resolveSrv(
15        path.split('/')[1] + '.service.consul',
16      );
17      this.baseURL = addresses[0];
18    }
19    return super.resolveURL(path, request);
20  }

Using with DataLoader

The DataLoader utility was designed for a specific use case: deduplicating and batching object loads from a data store. It provides a memoization cache, which avoids loading the same object multiple times during a single GraphQL request. It also combines loads that occur during a single tick of the event loop into a batched request that fetches multiple objects at once.

DataLoader is great for its intended use case, but it’s less helpful when loading data from REST APIs. This is because its primary feature is batching, not caching.

When layering GraphQL over REST APIs, it's most helpful to have a resource cache that:

  • Saves data across multiple GraphQL requests

  • Can be shared across multiple GraphQL servers

  • Provides cache management features like expiry and invalidation that use standard HTTP cache control headers

Batching with REST APIs

Most REST APIs don't support batching. When they do, using a batched endpoint can jeopardize caching. When you fetch data in a batch request, the response you receive is for the exact combination of resources you're requesting. Unless you request that same combination again, future requests for the same resource won't be served from cache.

We recommend that you restrict batching to requests that can't be cached. In these cases, you can take advantage of DataLoader as a private implementation detail inside your RESTDataSource:

1import DataLoader from 'dataloader';
2import {
3  RESTDataSource,
4  AugmentedRequest,
5} from '@apollo/datasource-rest';
6import type { KeyValueCache } from '@apollo/utils.keyvaluecache';
8class PersonalizationAPI extends RESTDataSource {
9  override baseURL = 'https://movies-api.example.com/';
10  private token: string;
12  constructor(options: { token: string; cache: KeyValueCache }) {
13    super(options); // this should send our server's `cache` through
14    this.token = options.token;
15  }
17  override willSendRequest(_path: string, request: AugmentedRequest) {
18    request.headers['authorization'] = this.token;
19  }
21  private progressLoader = new DataLoader(async (ids) => {
22    const progressList = await this.get('progress', {
23      params: { ids: ids.join(',') },
24    });
25    return ids.map((id) => progressList.find((progress) => progress.id === id));
26  });
28  async getProgressFor(id) {
29    return this.progressLoader.load(id);
30  }

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