Router Customizations

Extend your router with custom functionality

You can create customizations for the GraphOS Router or Apollo Router Core to add functionality that isn't available via built-in configuration options. For example, you can make an external call to fetch authentication data for each incoming request.

Customization types

The GraphOS Router supports the following customization types:

  • Rhai scripts

    • The Rhai scripting language lets you add functionality directly to your stock router binary by hooking into different phases of the router's request lifecycle.

  • External co-processing (Enterprise feature)

    • If your organization has a GraphOS Enterprise plan, you can write custom request-handling code in any language. This code can run in the same container as your router or separately.

    • The router calls your custom code via HTTP, passing it the details of each incoming client request.

The Apollo Router Core supports customization only through Rhai scripts.

Because Rhai scripts are easier to deploy, we recommend using them if they support your use case. Use external co-processing if your customization needs to do any of the following (which Rhai scripts don't support):

  • Read or write to disk

  • Make network requests

  • Use libraries from a particular language or framework

Customizations along the request lifecycle

Customizations intervene at specific points of the request lifecycle, depending on the task you want to perform. Each point is represented by a specific service with its own request and response objects.

Understand the entire request lifecycle by following flowcharts of its request path and response path, starting from a client request to your subgraphs, and all the way back from subgraph responses to a client response.

Request lifecycle plugins

Each service can have a set of plugins. For requests, the router executes plugins before the service.

For responses, the router executes the plugins after the service.

Each request and response object contains a Context object, which is carried throughout the entire process. Each request's Context object is unique. You can use it to store plugin-specific information between the request and response or to communicate between different hook points. (A plugin can be called at multiple steps of the request lifecycle.)

Request and response buffering

This guidance applies if you are:
  • Modifying the router
  • Creating a native Rust plugin
  • Creating a custom binary

The router expects to execute on a stream of data. In order to work correctly and provide high performance, the following expectations must be met:

  • Request Path: No buffering before the end of the router_service processing step

  • Response Path: No buffering

In general, it's best to avoid buffering where possible. If necessary, it is ok to do so on the request path once the router_service step is complete.

Request Context

The router makes several values available in the request context, which is shared across stages of the processing pipeline.

  • apollo::apq::cache_hit: present if the request used APQ, true if we got a cache hit for the query id, false otherwise

  • apollo::apq::registered: true if the request registered a query in APQ

  • apollo::authentication::jwt_claims: claims extracted from a JWT if present in the request

  • apollo::authorization::authenticated_required: true if the query covers type of fields marked with @authenticated

  • apollo::authorization::required_policies: if the query covers type of fields marked with @policy, it contains a map of policy name -> Option<bool>. A coprocessor or rhai script can edit this map to mark true on authorization policies that succeed or false on ones that fail

  • apollo::authorization::required_scopes: if the query covers type of fields marked with @requiresScopes, it contains the list of scopes used by those directive applications

  • apollo::demand_control::actual_cost: calculated cost of the responses returned by the subgraphs; populated by the demand control plugin

  • apollo::demand_control::estimated_cost: estimated cost of the requests to be sent to the subgraphs; populated by the demand control plugin

  • apollo::demand_control::result: COST_OK if allowed, and COST_TOO_EXPENSIVE if rejected due to cost limits; populated by the demand control plugin

  • apollo::demand_control::strategy: the name of the cost calculation strategy used by the demand control plugin

  • apollo::entity_cache::cached_keys_status: a map of cache control statuses for cached entities, keyed by subgraph request id; populated by the entity caching plugin when expose_keys_in_context is turned on in the router configuration

  • apollo::expose_query_plan::enabled: true if experimental query plan exposure is enabled

  • apollo::expose_query_plan::formatted_plan: query plan formatted as text

  • apollo::expose_query_plan::plan: contains the query plan serialized as JSON (editing it has no effect on execution)

  • apollo::progressive_override::labels_to_override: used in progressive override, list of labels for which we need an override

  • apollo::progressive_override::unresolved_labels: used in progressive override, contains the list of unresolved labels

  • apollo::supergraph::first_event: false if the current response chunk is not the first response in the stream, nonexistent otherwise

  • apollo::supergraph::operation_id: contains the usage reporting stats report key

  • apollo::supergraph::operation_kind: can be query, mutation or subscription

  • apollo::supergraph::operation_name: name of the operation being executed (according to the query and the operation_name field in the request)

  • apollo::telemetry::client_name: client name extracted from the client name header

  • apollo::telemetry::client_version: client version extracted from the client version header

  • apollo::telemetry::contains_graphql_error: true if the response contains at least one error

  • apollo::telemetry::studio_exclude: true if the current request's trace details should be excluded from Studio

  • apollo::telemetry::subgraph_ftv1: JSON-serialized trace data returned by the subgraph when FTV1 is enabled

Creating customizations

To learn how to hook into the various lifecycle stages, including examples customizations, refer to the Rhai scripts and external coprocessing docs.


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