Codegen configuration
The Apollo iOS Code Generation Engine is flexible and can be configured for different behaviors.
The configuration options for code generation are represented by the ApolloCodegenConfiguration struct
When using the Codegen CLI, your configuration is represented by the apollo-codegen-configuration.json
JSON file created by the CLI's init
When running code generation in your own Swift code, the configuration options are represented by the ApolloCodegenConfiguration struct
Most of the configuration properties have defaults that provide a good starting point.
There are a number of base configuration properties, each representing a specific characteristic of the codegen engine:
Property Name | Description |
schemaNamespace | Namespace used to scope the generated schema types. |
input | Search patterns that will be used to locate the schema and operation definition files. |
output | Location and structure of the generated files and modules. |
options | Rules and options to customize the generated code. |
experimentalFeatures | Used to enable experimental features. Note: These features could change at any time and are not guaranteed to always be available. |
schemaDownload | Configuration to fetch a GraphQL schema before generation. |
operationManifest | Configuration to generate operation manifests for persisted queries |
Schema namespace
This option defines the name of your schema module or namespace.
Along with your operation definitions, Apollo iOS generates a set of metadata objects that represent the types in your schema. All of these object are grouped within a namespace with the provided name.
If you are embedding your generated schema types within another target, this will be the name of a caseless namespace
.If you are including your schema types as a stand-alone target that can be imported by your other project targets, this will be the name of that target.
You can configure how you would like to include your schema types in your project using the output.schemaTypes.moduleType
File input
The code generation engine requires a GraphQL schema and at least one operation to be able to generate Swift code. Read the introductory section on GraphQL source files for more information.
The properties to configure input
Property Name | Description |
schemaSearchPaths | An array of path matching pattern strings used to find GraphQL schema files. Schema extension files can be included in these search paths. Note: JSON format schema files must have the .json file extension. |
operationSearchPaths | An array of path matching pattern strings used to find GraphQL operation files. |
1"input": {
2 "schemaSearchPaths": [
3 "**/*.graphqls"
4 ],
5 "operationSearchPaths": [
6 "**/*.graphql"
7 ]
1let configuration = ApolloCodegenConfiguration(
2 // Other properties not shown
3 input: ApolloCodegenConfiguration.FileInput(
4 schemaSearchPaths: ["**/*.graphqls"],
5 operationSearchPaths: ["**/*.graphql"]
6 ),
Search Path Patterns
Each file input property is a [String]
search path array. Search paths can be used to search your project directory for files matching a glob pattern. You can use absolute or relative paths in path matching patterns. Relative paths will be based off the current working directory.
Each path matching pattern can include the following characters:
matches everything but the directory separator (shallow), eg:*.graphql
matches any single character, eg:file-?.graphql
matches all subdirectories (deep), eg:**/*.graphql
excludes any match only if the pattern starts with a!
character, eg:!file.graphql
File output
The FileOutput
options are used to configure which files are generated and their output locations.
The properties to configure output
Property Name | Description |
schemaTypes | Location and structure of the generated schema types files. |
operations | Location and structure of the generated operation files such as queries, mutations, subscriptions, and fragments. |
testMocks | Location and structure of the test mock operation object files. If .none , test mocks will not be generated. |
1"output": {
2 "schemaTypes": {
3 "moduleType": {
4 "swiftPackage": {}
5 },
6 "path": "./generated/schema/"
7 },
8 "operations": {
9 "inSchemaModule": {}
10 },
11 "testMocks": {
12 "none": {}
13 }
1let configuration = ApolloCodegenConfiguration(
2 // Other properties not shown
3 output: ApolloCodegenConfiguration.FileOutput(
4 schemaTypes: ApolloCodegenConfiguration.SchemaTypesFileOutput(
5 path: "./generated/schema/",
6 moduleType: .swiftPackage()
7 )
8 operations: .inSchemaModule,
9 testMocks: .none
10 )
Schema types
output.schemaTypes: SchemaTypesFileOutput
Schema types are common to all generated operation models and are required for the generated Swift code to compile.
The properties to configure output.schemaTypes
Property Name | Description |
path | A file path where the generated schema types should be output. Relative to your project root |
moduleType | How generated schema types will be linked to your project. |
Module type
output.schemaTypes.moduleType: ModuleType
Use the ModuleType
value to configure how your schema types are linked to your project. The Code Generation Engine uses this to determine the structure of the generated files, including import
For single target applications, embeddedInTarget(name:)
can be used.
For multi-module projects, it is recommended that the schema types be created in a separate module to help with separation of concerns. If using Swift Package Manager, the swiftPackage
option can help automate module creation.
Note: This option must be set correctly for your project structure or generated code will fail to compile.
The possible values for moduleType
Value | Description |
embeddedInTarget(name:accessModifier:) | Indicates that you would like to include the generated module directly in your application target. |
swiftPackageManager | Creates a schema module as an SPM package that can be included in your project. Note: This option has been deprecated in favor of the new swiftPackage option. |
swiftPackage | Creates a schema module as an SPM package that can be included in your project and allows for customization of the apollo-ios dependency of the pacakge. |
other | Indicates that you would like to manually define a schema module using a third party package manager (such as Cocoapods). |
Embedded in target
ModuleType.embeddedInTarget(name: String, accessModifier: AccessModifier)
This option indicates that you would like to include the generated module directly in your application target.
The name
parameter must specify the name of the target the schema types will be included in. This will be used to generate import
statements for generated operations. Use the accessModifier
parameter to control the visibility of the generated code.
No module will be created for the schema types. Instead, generated schema types will be enclosed in a caseless namespace enum
When creating a single target application, this option allows you to include Apollo iOS's generated module directly in your application target.
Note: When using this module type, you are responsible for ensuring the generated files are linked to your application target.
1"output": {
2 "schemaTypes": {
3 "moduleType": {
4 "embeddedInTarget": {
5 "name": "MyApplicationTarget",
6 "accessModifier": "internal"
7 }
8 },
9 "path": "./generated/schema/"
10 }
1let configuration = ApolloCodegenConfiguration(
2 // Other properties not shown
3 output: ApolloCodegenConfiguration.FileOutput(
4 schemaTypes: ApolloCodegenConfiguration.SchemaTypesFileOutput(
5 path: "./generated/schema/",
6 moduleType: .embeddedInTarget(name: "MyApplicationTarget", accessModifier: .internal)
7 )
8 ...
9 )
Swift package manager
This option automates the creation of an SPM package for your schema types. This generates a Package.swift
file that is suitable for linking the generated schema types files to your project using Swift Package Manager.
The schema types will be contained in a stand-alone module with the schemaNamespace
provided. Other targets in your application that contain generated operation models must have a dependency on this target.
For multi-module projects using Swift Package Manager, this is the recommended configuration option.
Including schema types in your own
file:This option generates an SPM package with its own
file. This is ideal if you want to share your schema module across multiple projects or using Xcode's Package Dependency GUI.If you would like to include your schema module as a target in your own
file, you can define a target with the name and path of the generated files in yourPackage.swift
1"output": {
2 "schemaTypes": {
3 "moduleType": {
4 "swiftPackageManager": {}
5 },
6 "path": "./generated/schema/"
7 }
1let configuration = ApolloCodegenConfiguration(
2 // Other properties not shown
3 output: ApolloCodegenConfiguration.FileOutput(
4 schemaTypes: ApolloCodegenConfiguration.SchemaTypesFileOutput(
5 path: "./generated/schema/",
6 moduleType: .swiftPackageManager
7 )
8 ...
9 )
Swift package
ModuleType.swiftPackage(apolloSDKDependency: ApolloSDKDependency)
This option automates the creation of an SPM package for your schema types. This generates a Package.swift
file that is suitable for linking the generated schema types files to your project using Swift Package Manager.
The apolloSDKDependency
paramter allows you to customize the apollo-ios
dependency of your SPM package by providing a url and SDK version. The url
parameter allows you to customize the location of the apollo-ios
dependency used by the generated SPM package, and has a default value that points to the main apollo-ios
repository. The sdkVersion
parameter allows you to set the version of the apollo-ios
dependency to use. The default value is the default
case, which uses an exact version of apollo-ios
matching the code generation version in use. This is the recommended configuration. The other provided options allow flexibility for doing things such as testing experimental branches, or using local versions for testing.
The schema types will be contained in a stand-alone module with the schemaNamespace
provided. Other targets in your application that contain generated operation models must have a dependency on this target.
For multi-module projects using Swift Package Manager, this is the recommended configuration option.
Including schema types in your own
file:This option generates an SPM package with its own
file. This is ideal if you want to share your schema module across multiple projects or using Xcode's Package Dependency GUI.If you would like to include your schema module as a target in your own
file, you can define a target with the name and path of the generated files in yourPackage.swift
1"output": {
2 "schemaTypes": {
3 "moduleType": {
4 "swiftPackage": {
5 "apolloSDKDependency" : {}
6 }
7 },
8 "path": "./generated/schema/"
9 }
1let configuration = ApolloCodegenConfiguration(
2 // Other properties not shown
3 output: ApolloCodegenConfiguration.FileOutput(
4 schemaTypes: ApolloCodegenConfiguration.SchemaTypesFileOutput(
5 path: "./generated/schema/",
6 moduleType: .swiftPackage(apolloSDKDependency: .default)
7 )
8 ...
9 )
Other schema module types
This value should be used when you would like to define a schema module using another package management system (such as CocoaPods), or you want more control over the generated package than what ModuleType.swiftPackage
allows, or manually creating your own targets or modules in another way.
indicates to the Code Generation Engine that your schema types will be contained in their own target, rather than embedded in your application target. This affects the import
statements in your generated operation definition files.
Using this option, you are required to create a target, or module, for your schema module using your preferred package manager.
Note: You must specify the name of the target, or module, you created in the
property of your configuration. This will be used forimport
statements as well as to fully qualify the referenced types in generated operation files.
1"output": {
2 "schemaTypes": {
3 "moduleType": {
4 "other": {}
5 },
6 "path": "./generated/schema/"
7 }
1let configuration = ApolloCodegenConfiguration(
2 // Other properties not shown
3 output: ApolloCodegenConfiguration.FileOutput(
4 schemaTypes: ApolloCodegenConfiguration.SchemaTypesFileOutput(
5 path: "./generated/schema/",
6 moduleType: .other
7 )
8 ...
9 )
Operation files are generated from all the GraphQL operation definitions matched by your configuration's operationSearchPaths
. Each operation (query, mutation, or subscription) and fragment definition will be created in a separate file.
To learn more about GraphQL operations, check out Defining operations.
The output.operations
property value determines the location of the generated operation files:
Value | Description |
inSchemaModule | Operation models will be included in the schema types module. |
relative(subpath:accessModifier:) | Operation models will be output relative to their defining .graphql files. |
absolute(path:accessModifier:) | All operation object files will be located in the specified path. |
Operations in the schema module
This option includes the generated operation models in the same module as your schema types.
This means the output location or your operation models is determined by the output.schemaTypes.path
option. When using this option the directory of your schema module will include a Schema
folder for your schema types, as well as folders for your operations, fragments, and local cache mutations.
When using this option, generated operation models are expected to be included in the same target as the schema types. Therefore they will not include
statements to import the schema module.
Relative operations output
OperationsFileOutput.relative(subpath: String?, accessModifier: AccessModifier)
This option outputs your generated operation models relative to their GraphQL definition (.graphql
Using relative operation outputs, you have complete control over where your operation definitions are generated. It is common practice to co-locate your operation and fragment models with the parts of your project that will use them.
An optional subpath
parameter can be provided to generate operation models in a subfolder that will be created within the directory of their defining GraphQL definition file. If no subpath
is specified then all operation files will be generated alongside thier GraphQL definition files. Use the accessModifier
property to control the visibility of the generated code.
Operation Models in a multi-module project:
If your project constists of multiple modules you can use relative operation output, to generate operation models into directories that are part of different modules in your project. In order to generate relative operation models for a multi-module project, all of your operation models should be generated at the same time. This means the Code Generation Engine should be run in a context that has access to the source files of all of your modules.
After generating your operation models ensure that:
All modules containing generated operation models are linked to the target containing your schema types.
All fragments referenced by your operation models are either:
Included in the same target as the referencing operation; or
Included in the schema module directly
In the future, we plan to allow you to include fragments in other modules and share them between multiple modules in your project.
Absolute operations output
OperationsFileOutput.absolute(path: String, accessModifier: AccessModifier)
This option outputs all of your generated operation models in a single directory.
Specify the directory for your operation models using the path
parameter. This is resolved as a relative path from the directory containing your apollo-codegen-config.json
file when using the CLI. Use the accessModifier
property to control the visibility of the generated code.
Test mocks
output.testMocks: TestMockFileOutput
Test mock objects can be created for your operation models, to configure whether test mocks are generated and how they are added to your project, use this option.
To learn more about using test mocks to mock your operation models, see the Test mocks documentation.
The output.testMocks
option can be configured with the following values:
Value | Description |
none | Test mocks will not be generated. |
swiftPackage(targetName:) | Test mock files will be generated and included in a target defined in an SPM package. |
absolute(path:accessModifier:) | Test mock files will be generated at the specified path. |
Test mocks in a Swift Package
TestMockFileOutput.swiftPackage(targetName: String?)
This option generates test mock files and defines a target in the schema modules generated Package.swift
file that is suitable for linking the test mock files to your test target using Swift Package Manager.
The name of the test mock target can be specified with the targetName
parameter. If no targetName
is provided, the target name defaults to "${schemaNamespace}TestMocks"
Note: Using this option requires your
to be.swiftPackage
. If this option is provided without the.swiftPackage
module type, code generation will fail.
Absolute test mocks output
TestMockFileOutput.absolute(path: String, accessModifier: AccessModifier)
This option outputs all of your generated test mocks in a single directory.
Specify the directory for your test mocks using the path
parameter. This is resolved as a relative path from the directory containing your apollo-codegen-config.json
file when using the CLI. Use the accessModifier
property to control the visibility of the generated code.
When using this option, you are responsible for ensuring the generated test mocks are linked to your test target.
Test mocks generated this way may also be manually embedded in a test utility module that is imported by your test target.
Test mocks are required to be in a target or module that is separate from the schema module and will always include
statements linking the schema module.
Output options
The code generation engine supports a number of configuration options to change the behaviour of the generator and tailor the generated Swift code to your specific needs.
The top-level properties are:
Property Name | Description |
additionalInflectionRules | Any non-default rules for pluralization or singularization of type names. |
deprecatedEnumCases | Annotate generated Swift enums with the Swift @available attribute for GraphQL enum cases annotated with the built-in @deprecated directive. |
schemaDocumentation | Include or exclude schema documentation in the generated files. |
selectionSetInitializers | Generate initializers for your generated selection set models. |
operationDocumentFormat | How to generate the operation documents for your generated operations. This can be used to generate operation identifiers for use with a server that supports Persisted Queries or Automatic Persisted Queries |
cocoapodsCompatibleImportStatements | Generate import statements that are compatible with including Apollo via Cocoapods. |
warningsOnDeprecatedUsage | Annotate generated Swift code with the Swift @available attribute and @deprecated argument for parts of the GraphQL schema annotated with the built-in @deprecated directive. |
conversionStrategies | Rules for how to convert the names of values from the schema in generated code. |
pruneGeneratedFiles | Whether unused generated files will be automatically deleted. |
markOperationDefinitionsAsFinal | Whether generated GraphQL operation and local cache mutation class types will be marked as final . |
schemaCustomization | Customization options to be applied to the schema during code generation. |
appendSchemaTypeFilenameSuffix | true will add a filename suffix matching the schema type, the default is false . This can be used to avoid filename conflicts when operation type names match schema type names. |
reduceGeneratedSchemaTypes | Defaults to false which generates Object types for all objects that implement any Interface referenced in operation documents. Setting this to true will only generate Object types for objects that are referenced in an operation document or have a @typePolicy |
1"options": {
2 "additionalInflectionRules": [{
3 "pluralization": {
4 "replacementRegex": "animals",
5 "singularRegex": "animal"
6 }
7 }],
8 "appendSchemaTypeFilenameSuffix": false,
9 "deprecatedEnumCases": "include",
10 "schemaDocumentation": "include",
11 "selectionSetInitializers" : {
12 "operations": false,
13 "namedFragments": false,
14 "definitionsNamed": [
15 "MyOperation",
16 "MyFragment"
17 ]
18 },
19 "operationDocumentFormat" : ["definition", "operationId"],
20 "cocoapodsCompatibleImportStatements": false,
21 "warningsOnDeprecatedUsage": "include",
22 "conversionStrategies": {
23 "enumCases": "camelCase",
24 "fieldAccessors": "default",
25 "inputObjects": "camelCase"
26 },
27 "pruneGeneratedFiles": true,
28 "markOperationDefinitionsAsFinal": true,
29 "reduceGeneratedSchemaTypes": false,
30 "schemaCustomization" : {
31 "customTypeNames" : {
32 "MyEnum" : {
33 "enum" : {
34 "cases" : {
35 "MyCase" : "CustomCase"
36 },
37 "name" : "CustomEnum"
38 }
39 },
40 "MyObject" : "CustomAnimal",
41 "MyInputObject" : {
42 "inputObject" : {
43 "fields" : {
44 "myField" : "customField"
45 },
46 "name" : "CustomInputObject"
47 }
48 }
49 }
50 }
1let configuration = ApolloCodegenConfiguration(
2 // Other properties not shown
3 options: ApolloCodegenConfiguration.OutputOptions(
4 additionalInflectionRules: [
5 .pluralization(
6 singularRegex: "animal",
7 replacementRegex: "animals"
8 )
9 ],
10 appendSchemaTypeFilenameSuffix: false.
11 deprecatedEnumCases: .include,
12 schemaDocumentation: .include,
13 selectionSetInitializers: [
14 .operation(named: "MyOperation"),
15 .fragment(named: "MyFragment")
16 ],
17 operationDocumentFormat: [.document, .operationId],
18 cocoapodsCompatibleImportStatements: false,
19 warningsOnDeprecatedUsage: .include,
20 conversionStrategies: ApolloCodegenConfiguration.ConversionStrategies(
21 enumCases: .camelCase,
22 fieldAccessors: .default,
23 inputObjects: .camelCase
24 ),
25 pruneGeneratedFiles: true,
26 markOperationDefinitionsAsFinal: true,
27 reduceGeneratedSchemaTypes: false,
28 schemaCustomization: .init(
29 customTypeNames: [
30 "MyEnum" : .enum(
31 name: "CustomEnum",
32 cases: [
33 "MyCase" : "CustomCase"
34 ]
35 ),
36 "MyObject" : .type(
37 name: "CustomObject"
38 ),
39 "MyInputObject" : .inputObject(
40 name: "CustomInputObject",
41 fields: [
42 "myField" : "customField"
43 ]
44 )
45 ]
46 )
47 )
Selection Set Initializers
You can get initializers for your generated selection sets by using the selectionSetInitializers option.
Manually initialized selection sets can be used for a number of purposes, including:
Adding custom data to the normalized cache
Setting up fixture data for SwiftUI previews or loading states
An alternative to Test Mocks for unit testing
You can configure initializers to be generated for all operations, all named fragments, or only select operations or named fragments instead. Initializers are always generated for local cache mutations. SelectionSetInitializers functions like an OptionSet
, allowing you to combine multiple different instances together to indicate all the types you would like to generate initializers for.
To learn more about how to use Selection Set Initializers, check out Using Selection Set Initializers.
1"options": {
2 "selectionSetInitializers" : {
3 "operations": false
4 "namedFragments" : false,
5 "definitionsNamed": [
6 "MyOperation",
7 "MyFragment"
8 ]
9 },
1let configuration = ApolloCodegenConfiguration(
2 // Other properties not shown
3 options: ApolloCodegenConfiguration.OutputOptions(
4 selectionSetInitializers: [
5 .operation(named: "MyOperation"),
6 .fragment(named: "MyFragment")
7 ]
8 )
Schema Customization
Custom Type Names
Schema types can have their names used in Swift code customized by using the customTypeNames
option under schemaCustomization
to provide new names for the types which you wish to rename in Swift. This does not affect your schema directly, or network requests sent to your server, only the type names used by you in your Swift code. The customTypeNames
option accepts a Dictionary
which maps schema type names given as a String
to a CustomSchemaTypeName
enum case with associated values for how to customize the given schema type.
You can customize the name of the following schema types:
Custom Scalar
Enum (including individual case names)
Input Object (including individual field names)
The CustomSchemaTypeName
enum contains the following possible cases:
Case | Descriptions |
.type(name:) | This case can be used to customize the name of any type in your schema by supplying a String to the name parameter representing the desired new name. |
.enum(name:cases:) | This case must be used when you want to customize the cases of an enum type. You can optionally supply a String to the name parameter to customize the name of the enum itself, and supply a [String: String] dictionary to the cases parameter to customize any cases you desire. |
.inputObject(name:fields:) | This case must be used when you want to customize the fields of an Input Object type. You can optionally supply a String to the name parameter to customize the name of the Input Object itself, and supply a [String: String] dictionary to the fields parameter to customize any fields you desire. |
1"options": {
2 "schemaCustomization" : {
3 "customTypeNames" : {
4 "MyEnum" : {
5 "enum" : {
6 "cases" : {
7 "MyCase" : "CustomCase"
8 },
9 "name" : "CustomEnum"
10 }
11 },
12 "MyObject" : "CustomAnimal",
13 "MyInputObject" : {
14 "inputObject" : {
15 "fields" : {
16 "myField" : "customField"
17 },
18 "name" : "CustomInputObject"
19 }
20 }
21 }
22 }
1let configuration = ApolloCodegenConfiguration(
2 // Other properties not shown
3 options: ApolloCodegenConfiguration.OutputOptions(
4 schemaCustomization: .init(
5 customTypeNames: [
6 "MyEnum" : .enum(
7 name: "CustomEnum",
8 cases: [
9 "MyCase" : "CustomCase"
10 ]
11 ),
12 "MyObject" : .type(
13 name: "CustomObject"
14 ),
15 "MyInputObject" : .inputObject(
16 name: "CustomInputObject",
17 fields: [
18 "myField" : "customField"
19 ]
20 )
21 ]
22 )
23 )
Experimental features
experimentalFeatures: ExperimentalFeatures
The code generation engine supports some behaviors where the affect on the generated code is considered experimental. An example of this is a specification of the GraphQL schema that is not yet formalized and undergoing change as the proposal advances.
Note: These features could change at any time and are not guaranteed to always be available.
The current supported experimental features are:
Value | escription |
fieldMerging | Determines which merged fields and named fragment accessors are generated. Defaults to .all . |
legacySafelistingCompatibleOperations | If enabled, the generated operations will be transformed using a method that attempts to maintain compatibility with the legacy behavior from apollo-tooling for registering persisted operation to a safelist.Note: Safelisting queries is a deprecated feature of Apollo Server that has reduced support for legacy use cases. This option may not work as intended in all situations. |
1"experimentalFeatures": {
2 "fieldMerging": [
3 "all"
4 ],
5 "legacySafelistingCompatibleOperations": false
1let configuration = ApolloCodegenConfiguration(
2 // Other properties not shown
3 experimentalFeatures: ApolloCodegenConfiguration.ExperimentalFeatures(
4 fieldMerging: .all,
5 legacySafelistingCompatibleOperations: false
6 )
Schema download configuration
schemaDownload: ApolloSchemaDownloadConfiguration
An optional step in the code generation process is to fetch a GraphQL schema from a remote server. This step ensures that you always have an up-to-date schema on which to base your operations and it eliminates the need to manually download the schema outside of the automated process.
The properties to configure the schema download are:
Property Name | Description |
downloadMethod | How to download the schema. |
downloadTimeout | The maximum time (in seconds) to wait before indicating that the download timed out. |
headers | Any additional headers to include when retrieving your schema. This is useful when the schema download requires authentication. |
outputPath | The local path where the downloaded schema should be written to. |
Download method
There are two supported sources for fetching a GraphQL schema:
1. Apollo server registry
The Apollo schema registry serves as a central hub for managing your graph.
The properties you will need to configure are:
Property Name | Description |
apiKey | API key to use when retrieving your schema from the Apollo Registry. |
graphID | Identifier of the graph to fetch. Can be found in Apollo Studio. |
variant | Variant of the graph in the registry. |
1"schemaDownload": {
2 "downloadMethod": {
3 "apolloRegistry": {
4 "_0": {
5 "graphID": "your-graphid",
6 "apiKey": "your-api-key",
7 "variant": "current"
8 }
9 }
10 },
11 "downloadTimeout": 60,
12 "headers": {
13 "Accept-Encoding" : "gzip",
14 "Authorization" : "Bearer <token>"
15 },
16 "outputPath": "./graphql/"
1let configuration = ApolloCodegenConfiguration(
2 // Other properties not shown
3 schemaDownload: ApolloSchemaDownloadConfiguration(
4 using: .apolloRegistry(.init(
5 apiKey: "your-api-key",
6 graphID: "your-graphid",
7 variant: "current")),
8 timeout: 60.0,
9 headers: [
10 .init(key: "Accept-Encoding", value: "gzip"),
11 .init(key: "Authorization", value: "Bearer <token>")
12 ],
13 outputPath: "./graphql/")
2. GraphQL introspection
A GraphQL service supports introspection over its schema.
Note: Many production servers disable introspection for security reasons. If your introspection query is failing check that it is not disabled.
The properties you will need to configure are:
Property Name | Description |
endpointURL | URL of the GraphQL introspection service. |
httpMethod | HTTP request method. |
outputFormat | Output format for the downloaded schema. |
includeDeprecatedInputValues | Specify whether input values annotated with the built-in @deprecated directive should be included in the fetched schema. |
1"schemaDownload": {
2 "downloadMethod": {
3 "introspection": {
4 "endpointURL": "",
5 "httpMethod": {
6 "POST": {}
7 },
8 "includeDeprecatedInputValues": false,
9 "outputFormat": "SDL"
10 }
11 },
12 "downloadTimeout": 60,
13 "headers": [],
14 "outputPath": "./graphql/"
1let configuration = ApolloCodegenConfiguration(
2 // Other properties not shown
3 schemaDownload: ApolloSchemaDownloadConfiguration(
4 using: .introspection(
5 endpointURL: URL(string: "")!),
6 timeout: 60.0,
7 headers: [],
8 outputPath: "./graphql/")
For more details, see the section on downloading a schema.
Operation Manifest Configuration
operationManifest: OperationManifestConfiguration
Optional settings used to configure generation of the operation identifier manifest for use with Persisted Queries.
Property Name | Description |
path | Local path where the generated operation manifest file should be written. |
version | The version format to use when generating the operation manifest. |
generateManifestOnCodeGeneration | Whether or not the operation manifest should be generated every time code generation is run. Defaults to false. |
1"operationManifest" : {
2 "generateManifestOnCodeGeneration" : false,
3 "path" : "/operation/identifiers/path",
4 "version" : "persistedQueries"
1let configuration = ApolloCodegenConfiguration(
2 // Other properties not shown
3 operationManifest: .init(
4 path: "./manifest/operationManifest.json",
5 version: .persistedQueries,
6 generateManifestOnCodeGeneration: false
7 )
Full Codegen Configuration Example
Below is an example that illustrates an apollo-codegen-config.json
where every available option is configured in some way to show its usage and formatting:
2 "schemaNamespace" : "MySchema",
3 "schemaDownload": {
4 "downloadMethod": {
5 "introspection": {
6 "endpointURL": "",
7 "httpMethod": {
8 "POST": {}
9 },
10 "includeDeprecatedInputValues": false,
11 "outputFormat": "SDL"
12 }
13 },
14 "downloadTimeout": 60,
15 "headers": [],
16 "outputPath": "./graphql/"
17 },
18 "experimentalFeatures" : {
19 "fieldMerging": [
20 "all"
21 ],
22 "legacySafelistingCompatibleOperations" : true
23 },
24 "operationManifest" : {
25 "generateManifestOnCodeGeneration" : false,
26 "path" : "/operation/identifiers/path",
27 "version" : "persistedQueries"
28 },
29 "input" : {
30 "operationSearchPaths" : [
31 "/search/path/**/*.graphql"
32 ],
33 "schemaSearchPaths" : [
34 "/path/to/schema.graphqls"
35 ]
36 },
37 "output" : {
38 "operations" : {
39 "absolute" : {
40 "accessModifier" : "internal",
41 "path" : "/absolute/path"
42 }
43 },
44 "schemaTypes" : {
45 "moduleType" : {
46 "embeddedInTarget" : {
47 "accessModifier" : "public",
48 "name" : "SomeTarget"
49 }
50 },
51 "path" : "/output/path"
52 },
53 "testMocks" : {
54 "swiftPackage" : {
55 "targetName" : "SchemaTestMocks"
56 }
57 }
58 },
59 "options" : {
60 "additionalInflectionRules" : [
61 {
62 "pluralization" : {
63 "replacementRegex" : "animals",
64 "singularRegex" : "animal"
65 }
66 }
67 ],
68 "appendSchemaTypeFilenameSuffix": false,
69 "cocoapodsCompatibleImportStatements" : true,
70 "conversionStrategies" : {
71 "enumCases" : "none",
72 "fieldAccessors" : "camelCase",
73 "inputObjects": "camelCase"
74 },
75 "deprecatedEnumCases" : "exclude",
76 "operationDocumentFormat" : [
77 "definition"
78 ],
79 "pruneGeneratedFiles" : false,
80 "schemaDocumentation" : "exclude",
81 "selectionSetInitializers" : {
82 "operations": false,
83 "namedFragments" : false,
84 "definitionsNamed": [
85 "MyOperation",
86 "MyFragment"
87 ]
88 },
89 "warningsOnDeprecatedUsage" : "exclude",
90 "operationDocumentFormat" : ["definition", "operationId"],
91 "markOperationDefinitionsAsFinal": true
92 }