Transfer graphs

Transfer graphs from one organization to another

Transferring a graph between organizations in Apollo GraphOS Studio can be necessary for changes in project ownership. To transfer graphs using the Studio UI, users need the appropriate roles in both the source and destination graphs.

Transfer graph ownership

If you want to transfer a graph from an organization with an expired plan or trial, please email

Required roles

To transfer a graph from one organization to another you need:

Transfer steps

  1. Open the graph you want to transfer in GraphOS Studio.

  2. In the left nav, open Settings and then the This Graph tab.

  3. Under Danger Zone, next to Graph owner, click the Transfer Graph button.

    Graph settings in Studio
    The Transfer Graph button isn't available if your user account isn't an Org Admin in multiple organizations.
  4. In the modal that appears, select the organization you want to transfer the graph to. Click Transfer.

The graph will then be transferred to the selected organization.

Effects of transferring a graph

After a graph is transferred, the following occurs:

  • The new organization is responsible for paying costs incurred by the graph after the transfer.

  • Graph variants and settings are maintained.

  • Graph API keys are maintained.

  • The new organization's members can interact with the graph according to their organization-wide member roles.

  • All graph-specific roles from the previous organization are lost.

