
Protect your data and infrastructure with a defense-in-depth approach

The Security pillar focuses on protecting your federated GraphQL API from malicious actors and unintended changes. It also outlines how new GraphQL paradigms can work with your organization's existing standards.

Traditional HTTP-based tools often lack GraphQL support. This makes it even more critical to use an enterprise-grade GraphQL platform like Apollo GraphOS to run your supergraph.


Apply a defense-in-depth approach

To effectively protect a GraphQL API, it's crucial to combine a variety of approaches. You can start by using existing security measures. These include enforcing authentication and authorization in both the graph and upstream systems.

It's also important to prevent data leakage at the "front door" with tools like the GraphOS Router. Combining approaches like these creates a defense-in-depth strategy that maximizes security and protects your data.

Protect supergraph infrastructure

Open subgraphs and unrestricted permissions can lead to unintended changes. You can protect your supergraph infrastructure by following best practices such as:

  • Assigning and reviewing roles and permissions in your graph platform

  • Locking down publishing to production variants

  • Allowing only the graph router to access subgraphs

Prevent data leakage

The supergraph serves as a central data channel for your organization. Limiting exposure can prevent potential attackers from gaining access to sensitive information. This includes using standard API best practices to prevent injection attacks and other security vulnerabilities.

With GraphQL, the schema itself can reveal your API surface area to attackers. That's why it's important to turn off introspection in production and follow other GraphQL-specific best practices.

Protect upstream resources in the supergraph

Enterprise supergraphs connect clients to many different APIs. With all these connections, the risk of unintentional service degradation increases.

Some API teams might not have needed to think about exposing data outside their organization. Subsequently, they may not have considered the volume of traffic they might have to handle. This principle's best practice build awareness about these topics.

Ensuring that incidents don't affect other services connected to the supergraph is also crucial. Operation safelisting, circuit breaking, and rate limiting are effective techniques for ensuring that resources can cope with the expected API usage.

Learn more with the SAF assessment