
Capture events from the router's request lifecycle

An event is used to signal when something of note happens in the GraphOS Router's request lifecycle. Events are output to both logs and traces.

You can configure events for each service in router.yaml. Events can be standard or custom, and they can be triggered by configurable conditions.

Event configuration

Router request lifecycle services

A router's request lifecycle has three major services that support instrumentation:

  • Router service - Operates within the context of an HTTP server, handling the opaque bytes of an incoming HTTP request. Does query analysis to parse the GraphQL operation and validate it against schema.

  • Supergraph service - Handles a GraphQL request after it's been parsed and validated, and before it's sent to subgraphs. Runs the query planner to produce a query plan to execute.

  • Subgraph service - Handles GraphQL subgraph requests that have been executed as part of a query plan. Creates HTTP client requests to subgraphs.

The router's Execution service that executes query plans doesn't support instrumentation.

The router, supergraph and subgraph sections are used to define custom event configuration for each service:

2  instrumentation:
3    events:
4      router:
5        # ...     
6      supergraph:
7        # ...
8      subgraph:
9        # ...

Standard events

Each service has a set of standard events that can be configured:

  • request - The request has been received.

  • response - The response has been sent.

  • error - An error in the request lifecycle has occurred.

The error level applies only to request lifecycle errors, not GraphQL errors.

To configure these events, set the level to trace, info, warn, error or off (default).

For example:

2  instrumentation:
3    events:
4      router:
5        request: off
6        response: off
7        error: error
8        # ...

But you can also enable these standard events based on conditions (not supported on batched requests).

For example:

2  instrumentation:
3    events:
4      router:
5        request:
6          level: info
7          condition: # Only log the router request if you sent `x-log-request` with the value `enabled`
8            eq:
9            - request_header: x-log-request
10            - "enabled"
11        response: off
12        error: error
13      supergraph:
14        response:
15          level: info
16          condition: # Only log the supergraph response containing graphql errors
17            eq:
18            - on_graphql_error: true
19            - true
20        error: error
21        # ...

Custom events

This feature is only available with a GraphOS Dedicated or Enterprise plan. You can test it out by signing up for a free GraphOS trial. To compare GraphOS feature support across all plan types, see the pricing page.

For each service you can also configure custom events.

2  instrumentation:
3    events:
4      router:
5        # Custom events
6        my.event: # This key will automatically be added as a 'type' attribute of the event
7          # Custom event configuration
Keep in mind that the amount of telemetry you add can impact your router's performance.
  • Custom metrics, events, and attributes consume more processing resources than standard metrics. Adding too many (standard or custom) can slow your router down.
  • Configurations such as events.*.request|error|response that produce output for all router lifecycle services should only be used for development or debugging, not for production.
For properly logged telemetry, you should use a log verbosity of info. Set the values of RUST_LOG or APOLLO_ROUTER_LOG environment variables and the --log CLI option to info. Using less verbose logging, such as error, can cause some attributes to be dropped.


Each custom event must have a message. This is a fixed value, and custom attributes should be used to add additional information.

2  instrumentation:
3    events:
4      router:
5        acme.event:
6          message: "my event message"
7          # ...


Each custom event must indicate when it should be triggered. This can be request, response, event_response or error.

2  instrumentation:
3    events:
4      router:
5        acme.event:
6          on: request # request, response, event_response, error
7          # ...

event_response is useful when you want to directly access to the json response body. It also works for subscription events and @defer chunks.


Custom events have a level, trace, debug, info, warn, error or off (if you want to disable this event). The level determines the severity of the event.

To set the level:

2  instrumentation:
3    events:
4      router:
5        acme.event:
6          level: info # trace, debug, info, warn, error, off
7          # ...


Custom events can be configured to emit under specific conditions, for example if the response status code is 200.

In router.yaml, set a condition with an equality (eq) check:

2  instrumentation:
3    events:
4      router:
5        acme.event:
6          # ...
7          condition:
8            eq:
9              - 200
10              - response_status: Code

For more details, see Conditions.


Custom events may have attributes attached to them from the router's request lifecycle. These attributes are used to filter and group spans in your APM.

Attributes may be drawn from standard attributes or selectors. The attributes available depend on the service of the request lifecycle.

2  instrumentation:
3    events:
4      router:
5        my.event:
6          # ...
7          attributes:
8            # Standard attributes
9            http.response.status_code: true
10            # Custom attributes
11            "my_attribute":
12              response_header: "x-my-header"

Event configuration reference

You can configure events with the following options:

<attribute-name>The name of the custom attribute.
attributesstandard attributes or selectorsThe attributes of the custom log event.
conditionconditionsThe condition that must be met for the event to be emitted.
errortrace|info|warn|error| offoffThe level of the error log event.
leveltrace|info|warn|error| offoffThe level of the custom log event.
messageThe message of the custom log event.
onrequest|response|errorWhen to trigger the event.
requesttrace|info|warn|error| offoffThe level of the request log event.
responsetrace|info|warn|error| offoffThe level of the response log event.

Event configuration examples

Standard and custom events

You can use both standard events and custom events in the same configuration. The example below has all the standard events (request, response, error) and one custom event (my.event) with a condition:

2  instrumentation:
3    events:
4      router:
5        # Standard events
6        request: info
7        response: info
8        error: info
10        # Custom events
11        my.event:
12          message: "my event message"
13          level: info
14          on: request
15          attributes:
16            http.response.body.size: false
17          # Only log when the x-log-request header is `log` 
18          condition:
19            eq:
20              - "log"
21              - request_header: "x-log-request"
23      supergraph:
24          # Custom event configuration for supergraph service ...
25      subgraph:
26          # Custom event configuration for subgraph service ...

Debugging subscriptions

When developing and debugging the router, you might want to log all subscription events. The example configuration below logs all subscription events for both errors and data.

Logs of all subscription errors and data may contain personally identifiable information (PII), so make sure not to log PII in your production environments and only enable it for development.
2  instrumentation:
3    events:
4      supergraph:
5        subscription.event:
6          message: subscription event
7          on: event_response # on every subscription event
8          level: info
9          # Only display event if it's a subscription event
10          condition:
11            eq:
12            - operation_kind: string
13            - subscription
14          attributes:
16              response_data: $ # Display all the response data payload
17            response.errors:
18              response_errors: $ # Display all the response errors payload

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