Since 1.41.1

File uploads

Receive files uploaded by clients with the GraphOS Router

This feature is in invite-only preview for organization with an Enterprise plan. Get in touch with your Apollo contact to request access.

Learn how to configure the GraphOS Router to receive file uploads in client requests using the GraphQL multipart request specification .

About file uploads using multipart requests

A multipart HTTP request lets you efficiently send multiple files of various data formats—such as text, binary, and JSON objects—in a single HTTP request. The GraphQL multipart request spec uses multipart requests to upload files using arguments in a GraphQL mutation.

Example usage

Imagine you're building a platform where users can create posts with a title and an image file. Your subgraph schema may include something like this:

type Post {
  id: ID!
  title: String!
  image: Upload!

type Mutation {
  createPost(title: String!, image: Upload!): Post!
Some GraphQL server implementations provide built-in support for handling file uploads, including an Upload scalar type. For others, including the latest version of Apollo Server , you must use external packages, such as graphql-upload . Refer to your subgraph library or package documentation for further information, including writing resolvers for uploaded files.

When a client calls the createPost mutation, it can use variables to include the actual image file to upload:

  query: `
    mutation CreatePost($title: String!, $image: Upload!) {
      createPost(title: $title, image: $image) {
  variables: {
    title: "My first post",
    image: File // image.png

A request using the GraphQL multipart request spec would include the following as separate parts in a multipart request:

  • the above operation definition

  • the image file to upload

  • a map between variables and files to upload

The exact requirements are documented in Client usage requirements .

File upload configuration and usage

To enable file uploads from clients, you must both configure support in the GraphOS Router and ensure client usage conforms to requirements .

Configure file upload support in the router

By default, receiving client file uploads isn't enabled in the GraphOS Router. To enable file upload support, set the following fields in your router.yaml configuration file:

2  enabled: true
3  protocols:
4    multipart:
5      enabled: true
6      mode: stream
7      limits:
8        max_file_size: 1mb
9        max_files: 10


The only supported mode is stream. That means the router doesn't retain uploaded files in memory during a request. Streaming file uploads can be more memory-efficient, especially for large files, since it avoids loading the entire file into memory.

To ensure your operation is streamable, avoid nesting file uploads. For example, the following nestedUpload operation attempting to upload $file3 would not be streamable:

mutation uploadFiles($file1: Upload, $file3: Upload, $file3: Upload ) {
  upload(data: $file1) { 
  upload(data: $file2) {
  nestedUpload {
    upload(data: $file3) {

If a request cannot be fulfilled in a streaming fashion, the router returns the UPLOADS_OPERATION_CANNOT_STREAM error.


The router includes default limits for file uploads to prevent denial-of-service attacks. You can configure both the maximum file size and number of files to accept. If a request exceeds a limit, the router rejects the request.

Configuration reference

The following are attributes of the root preview_file_uploads configuration.

Default value Valid Values
Flag to enable reception of client file uploads
Flag to enable reception of multipart file uploads
Supported file upload mode
The maximum file size to accept. If this limit is exceeded, the router rejects the entire request.
512kbvalues in a human-readable format , for example, 5kb and 99mb
The maximum number of files to accept. If this limit is exceeded, the router rejects the entire request.

Client usage requirements

When calling a mutation with file uploads, the client must send the following HTTP parts in the following order:

  1. The raw GraphQL operation

  2. A map of file(s) to variable name(s)

  3. The files to be uploaded, one HTTP request part per file

Example request payload

The following is an example of a multipart HTTP request payload that builds off the example scenario :

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="operations"

{ "query": "mutation CreatePost($title: String!, $image: Upload!) { createPost(title: $title, image: $image) { id } }", "variables": { "title": "My first post", "image": null } }
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="map"

{ "0": ["variables.image"] }
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="0"; filename="image.png"
Content-Type: image/png

[Binary image content here]

See below for an explanation of each part of the request payload:

  • Content-Disposition: form-data; name="operations"

    • The first part of the request must include the operation definition. This example specifies a mutation named CreatePost that accepts variables for a title and image.

    • The variables object includes the title for the post and sets the image variable to null as the multipart request spec requires for any variables that represent files to be uploaded.

  • Content-Disposition: form-data; name="map"

    • The second part of the request must include the mapping between the files to upload and the variables in the GraphQL operation.

    • In this case, it maps the file in the request part with name="0" to variables.image. The map can use any key names you like—for example, file1 instead of 0—as long as the keys match the names of the following request parts.

  • Content-Disposition: form-data; name="0"; filename="image.png"

    • The following part(s) contain the actual file(s) to be uploaded, with one file per part. The order of the files must match the order they're declared in the map in the second part of the request.

    • In this case, there is only one file to upload, which has the name image.png and the appropriate content type (image/png)

    • These parts also include actual file content—in this case, an image binary.

Each part of the request payload is separated by a boundary string (gc0p4Jq0M2Yt08jU534c0p) per the multipart request format .

Refer to the docs for your client library for further instructions.

Custom clients can be implemented following the spec documentation .


Without additional security, HTTP multipart requests can be exploited as part of cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks.

The GraphOS Router already has a mechanism to prevent these types of attacks, which is enabled by default. You should verify that your router hasn't disabled this mechanism before using file uploads. See Cross-Site Request Forgery Prevention for details.

Metrics for file uploads

Metrics in the GraphOS Router for file uploads:

Name Description
Counter for the number of file uploads
Histogram for the size of uploaded files
Histogram for the number of uploaded files

Error codes for file uploads

A file upload request may receive the following error responses:

Error Code Description
The number of files in the request exceeded the configured limit
A file exceeded the maximum configured file size
The operation specified a file that was missing from the request
The request was invalid as it couldn't be streamed to the client

Known limitations

While in private preview, Apollo recommends using file uploads only in development and testing environments, not in production.

Unsupported query modes

The router rejects operations that use file upload variables on or inside fields using @defer .

query ($file: Upload) {
  someField {
    ... @defer {
      anotherField(file: $file)
query ($file: Upload) {
  someField(file: $file) {
    ... @defer {