Connectors Changelog

⚠️ caution
Router and composition versions must be upgraded together.


Router 2.0.0-preview.0 & Composition 2.10.0-preview.0

Selection mapping enhancements

  • To distinguish a path consisting of a single key from a field name, you should now use $.key instead of .key. The .key syntax is now forbidden since it can accidentally parse as a continuation of a previous selection, whereas $.key is unambiguous.

  • Multiple deeply nested properties can now be flattened into the same output object alongside shallower properties:

    3choices->first.message { role content }

    This selection produces an object with id, model, role, and content properties, all at the same level.

    Previously, to achieve the same output, it was necessary to repeat the choices->first.message path multiple times:

    3role: choices->first.message.role
    4content: choices->first.message.content


  • Includes all changes from router release 1.56 .


Router 2.0.0-alpha.7 & Composition 2.10.0-alpha.4

Selection mapping enhancements

New validations

  • URL template arguments are now validated and must correspond to existing fields ($this) or arguments ($args).

  • entity: true connectors have several new validations, including enforcing that arguments match entity fields.


Router 2.0.0-alpha.6 & Composition 2.10.0-alpha.3

New validations

  • Require that all fields are resolvable through a connector.

New features

  • Connectors now obey the include_subgraph_errors configuration.


  • Includes all changes from router release 1.54 .

  • When running the router in dev mode, the local Sandbox will have the connectors debug panel enabled by default.


Router 2.0.0-alpha.5 & Composition 2.10.0-alpha.2

New validations

  • Require that every field of an object is included in at least one selection.

  • When using connectors, require that fields with arguments use a @connect directive.

New features


  • Includes all changes from router release 1.52.1 .

  • Includes all changes from router release 1.53.0 .

  • Includes all changes from federation composition release 2.9.0 .

  • Better detect circular references in connector selections.


Router 2.0.0-alpha.3 & Composition 2.10.0-alpha.0

New validations

New errors will be caught during composition, which may cause previously successful compositions to fail:

  • Referring to a field name within selection which doesn't exist.
