Working with Entities

Use Apollo Connectors to enrich and reference entities using REST APIs

Apollo Connectors are designed to simplify working with entities in federated graphs. An entity is any object that can identified with one or more unique key fields, much like rows in a database table. The different data fields are like columns in the table. GraphQL federation uses entity types to represent object types that combine information from multiple data sources.

This guide shows some common patterns for working with entities via connectors. Before diving into example connectors, it's helpful to understand a little about how to identify entities.

Identifying entities

Most APIs associate entities with particular business domains. When working with REST APIs, if there's a GET endpoint with a unique identifier (for example, /products/:id) it's likely you're dealing with an entity.

Combining endpoints to complete an entity

Connectors can orchestrate multiple endpoints to provide a unified representation of a type. For example, the connectors quickstart shows how to create a connector that combines product data from a /products endpoint that provides a few fields for all products and a /products/:id endpoint that provides more fields, specifically product variant information, for a single product.

type Query {
  products: [Product]
      source: "ecomm"
      http: { GET: "/products" }
      selection: """
      $. products {

    product(id: ID!): Product
      source: "ecomm"
      http: { GET: "/products/{$}" }
      selection: """
      variants {
        id: variantID
      entity: true

type Product {
  id: ID!
  name: String
  description: String
  variants: [Variant]

type Variant {
  id: ID!
  name: String

One important detail is marking the /products/:id connector with entity: true. This indicates that this endpoint can fetch additional fields for individual product entities. These entities are fetched using a unique key (the id field the /products endpoint returns, in this case).

How does the router handle this query?
When the GraphOS Router receives a query for fields from both endpoints, it generates a query plan that sequences calls across the two endpoints. For example:
query ListProductsAndVariants {
  products {
    variants {

Combining representations of the same type with multiple connectors

You can add multiple connectors to the same field, and the GraphOS Router chooses to call one or both depending on the fields in the client query. This is especially useful when you have multiple API versions.

type Query {
  product(id: ID!): Product
      source: "ecomm"
      http: { GET: "/v1/products/{$}" }
      selection: """
      entity: true
      source: "ecomm"
      http: { GET: "/v2/products/{$}" }
      selection: """  
      variants {
        id: variantID
      entity: true

type Product {
  id: ID!
  name: String
  price: Int
  color: String @deprecated(reason: "Use the 'variants' field instead")
  variants: [Variant]

type Variant {
  id: ID!
  color: String

Efficiently fetching additional information

If you provide the GraphOS Router with multiple connectors that fetch additional information, it can choose the optimal endpoint to resolve the requested fields. For example, if the client operation requests the reviews field, the GraphOS Router chooses the second connector to fetch the reviews along with the product details.

type Query {
  product(id: ID!): Product
      source: "ecomm"
      http: { GET: "/products/{$}" }
      selection: """
      entity: true
      source: "ecomm"
      http: { GET: "/products/{$}?include=reviews" }
      selection: """
      reviews {
      entity: true

type Product {
  id: ID!
  name: String
  price: Int
  reviews: [Review]

type Review {
  id: ID!
  rating: Float
  comment: String

Working across subgraphs

Connectors work seamlessly to combine data across multiple services, or subgraphs, into a unified GraphQL API, or supergraph. You can use connectors to contribute to and reference entities from other subgraphs, whether those are different REST or GraphQL APIs.

Working across subgraphs with keys

As your schema grows, it's common to maintain each subgraph schema in its own schema file, for example, products.graphql, reviews.graphql, etc. Modularizing schemas likes this improves collaboration by allowing independent development and deployment across teams.

To identify an entity across different subgraphs, GraphQL schemas rely on the @key directive. The @key directive defines which key field(s) to cross-identify a particular entity type.

For example, a Product type may be uniquely identifiable by a SKU or ID.

type Product @key(fields: "id") {
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  price: Int

Contributing entity fields across subgraphs

Any number of different subgraphs can contribute fields to an entity. For example, you may have both a products subgraph and a reviews subgraph contributing fields to a Product entity.

The products subgraph may provide product data via a connector that orchestrates /products/ and /products/:id endpoints.

type Query {
  products: [Product]
      source: "ecomm"
      http: { GET: "/products" }
      selection: """
      $. products {

  product(id: ID!): Product
    source: "ecomm"
    http: { GET: "/products/{$}" }
    selection: """
    entity: true

type Product {
  id: ID!
  title: String
  description: String
See Combining endpoints to complete an entity to learn more about how this works.

Product review data may come from a separate review subgraph that connects a /reviews?product_id=:productId endpoint to your graph.

type Product @key(fields: "id") {
  id: ID!
  reviews: [Review]
      source: "example"
      http: { GET: "/reviews?product_id={$}" }
      selection: """
      $.reviews {

type Review {
  id: ID!
  title: String
  body: String
  rating: Int

The @connect directive defines the reviews fields to request from the /reviews endpoint. The id used as a parameter in the endpoint URL comes from the product's id field, which comes from the products subgraph.

Referencing entities across subgraphs

If your REST API provides foreign key references, you can use them to reference entities and fetch corresponding fields from a different subgraph.

For example, if your REST API lets you fetch a user's favorite products and provides those products' IDs, you can use the @connect directive to reference the Product entity:

type User @key(fields: "id") {
  id: ID!
  favoriteProducts: [Product]
      source: "example"
      http: { GET: "/users/{$}/favorites" }
      selection: """
      $.products {
        id: productId

type Product @key(fields: "id", resolvable: false) {
  id: ID!

The mapping language maps the productId to the Product entity's id field. The resolvable: false argument denotes that while this subgraph includes a definition for the Product entity, it doesn't provide a way to fetch or resolve all of it's fields. Learn more.

Adding a computed field using @requires

You might need to compute a field's value based on data from other subgraphs that contribute to an entity type. The @requires directive allows a subgraph to declare that it depends on specific fields from the same entity before resolving a field. The @external directive declares that a field is resolved from a different subgraph.

1type Product @key(fields: "id") {
2  id: ID!
3  weight: Int @external
4  shippingCost(zipCode: String): Int
5    @requires(fields: "weight")
6    @connect(
7      source: "example"
8      http: {
9        GET: "/shipping?zip={$args.zipCode}&weight={$this.weight}"
10      }
11      selection: "$.result"
12    )

In this example, shippingCost depends on the weight field. Because weight is marked as @external (coming from another subgraph), the @requires directive ensures that it is included in the query plan before resolving shippingCost.

Compatibility with other federation features

Connectors work seamlessly with many other federation features. You can use directives like @tag, @inaccessible, @provides, and more alongside @connect.

See the limitations reference for a list of unsupported federation directives.

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