Client Directives

Custom GraphQL directives used by the Apollo iOS SDK

These are the custom directives used by the Apollo iOS SDK. These directives can be included in your .graphql definition files to enable their behaviors.

All client directives listed here will be consumed only by Apollo iOS and will not be included in the definitions sent to your GraphQL endpoint via network transport.

@import(module: String!)

directive @import(module: String!) repeatable on QUERY | MUTATION | SUBSCRIPTION | FRAGMENT_DEFINITION

Adds an import statement for the given module name to the top of a definition's generated Swift file.

This directive can be used to enable sharing of fragment models across generated definitions in multiple modules of a project. See the documentation on sharing fragments across modules for more information.


directive @apollo_client_ios_localCacheMutation on QUERY | MUTATION | SUBSCRIPTION | FRAGMENT_DEFINITION

Defines a definition as a local cache mutation. This changes makes the generated operation model mutable.

See the documentation on defining local cache mutations for more information.

@typePolicy(keyFields: String!)

directive @typePolicy(keyFields: String!) on OBJECT | INTERFACE

Adds a type policy to a type that can be used to resolve cache keys for objects of that type.

This directive can be used to configure how the normalized cache operates. See the documentation on custom cache keys for more information.


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