
class PresentAdapter<T>(wrappedAdapter: Adapter<T>) : Adapter<Optional.Present<@JvmSuppressWildcards T>>

PresentAdapter can only express something that's present. Absent values are handled outside of the adapter.

This adapter is used to handle optional arguments in operations and optional fields in Input objects.


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fun <T> PresentAdapter(wrappedAdapter: Adapter<T>)


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open override fun fromJson(reader: JsonReader, customScalarAdapters: CustomScalarAdapters): Optional.Present<T>

Deserializes the given Json to the expected Kotlin type.

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open override fun toJson(    writer: JsonWriter,     customScalarAdapters: CustomScalarAdapters,     value: Optional.Present<T>)

Serializes a Kotlin type into its equivalent Json representation.