Map a GraphQL scalar type to the Java/Kotlin type. The adapter must be configured at runtime via com.apollographql.apollo3.ApolloClient.Builder.addCustomScalarAdapter.
: the name of the scalar to map as found in the GraphQL schema
: the fully qualified Java or Kotlin name of the type the scalar is mapped to
For example: mapScalar("Date", "com.example.Date")
Map a GraphQL scalar type to the Java/Kotlin type and provided adapter expression. The adapter will be configured at compile time and you must not call com.apollographql.apollo3.ApolloClient.Builder.addCustomScalarAdapter.
: the name of the scalar to map as found in the GraphQL schema
: the fully qualified Java or Kotlin name of the type the scalar is mapped to
: an expression that will be used by the codegen to get an adapter for the given scalar. expression is passed verbatim to JavaPoet/KotlinPoet.
For example in Kotlin:
mapScalar("Date", "com.example.Date", "com.example.DateAdapter")
(a top level property or object)mapScalar("Date", "com.example.Date", "com.example.DateAdapter()")
(create a new instance every time) Or in Java:mapScalar("Date", "com.example.Date", "com.example.DateAdapter.INSTANCE")
(a top level property or object)mapScalar("Date", "com.example.Date", "new com.example.DateAdapter()")
(create a new instance every time)