Memory (multiplatform) cache implementation based on recently used property (LRU).
maxSizeBytes - the maximum size in bytes the cache may occupy. expireAfterMillis - after what timeout each entry in the cache treated as expired. By default there is no timeout.
Expired entries removed from the cache only on cache miss (loadRecord operation) and not removed from the cache automatically (there is no any sort of GC that runs in the background).
Calls through to NormalizedCache.loadRecord. Implementations should override this method if the underlying storage technology can offer an optimized manner to read multiple records. There is no guarantee on the order of returned Record
Calls through to NormalizedCache.merge. Implementations should override this method if the underlying storage technology can offer an optimized manner to store multiple records.
Remove records whose key matches a given pattern from this cache and all chained caches
Remove a record and potentially its referenced records from this cache and all chained caches