GraphQL meets REST, with Apollo Connectors
Discover how Apollo Connectors bridge the gap between REST and GraphQL
Expressions in connectors: Mapping and Transforms
Learn the syntax and methods to connect and map complex REST API responses into your schema using Apollo Connectors
Intro to GraphQL with Java & DGS
Learn the basics of GraphQL with Java and Netflix's Domain Graph Service (DGS) framework
Intro to GraphQL with .NET (C#) & Hot Chocolate
Learn the basics of GraphQL with .NET C# and the Hot Chocolate framework
Intro to GraphQL with Python and Strawberry
Learn the basics of GraphQL with Python and the Strawberry GraphQL library.
Intro to GraphQL with TypeScript & Apollo Server
Learn the basics of GraphQL with TypeScript and Apollo Server
Lift-off I: Basicsv2
Get started with Apollo Server & Client (JavaScript/TypeScript)
Lift-off II: Resolversv2
Live data, resolvers, and data sources
Lift-off III: Argumentsv2
Getting specific with GraphQL query arguments
Lift-off IV: Mutationsv2
Update data with GraphQL mutations

Learn at Summit
Get up to speed on the best talks that happened at GraphQL Summit 2022.
Voyage I: Federation from Day One
Modularize your GraphQL backend using Apollo Federation
Voyage II: Federating the Monolith
Transform a monolith graph into a supergraph
Voyage III: Federation in Production
Integrate schema checks and graph variants into a supergraph in production
Lift-off lab
Build an entire feature on your own. No teaching, just building!
Migrating to AS4
Upgrade the Catstronauts app to use the latest features of Apollo Server 4
Authentication & Authorization
User logins and permissions
Deploying an Apollo app with Railway
Deploying Catstronauts to production
Intermediate Schema Design
Enums, inputs, interfaces, and query fragments
Apollo iOS and Swift: Codegen and Queries
Basic setup, queries, and codegen
Apollo iOS and Swift: Pagination, Mutations, and Subscriptions
Go further with pagination, mutations, and subscriptions
Android Development with Apollo Kotlin: Codegen and Queries
Basic setup, queries, and codegen
Android Development with Apollo Kotlin: Pagination, Mutations, and Subscriptions
Go further with pagination, mutations, and subscriptions
Caching in the router
Improve performance of your entire supergraph with local and distributed caching
Caching in subgraphs with Java & DGS
Improve performance of your DGS subgraph by caching GraphQL operations and responses
Client-side GraphQL with React & Apollo
Get started with Apollo Client and React
Enterprise best practices: Contracts
Learn how contracts work and how to use them to create variants of your supergraph.
Data loaders with Java & DGS
Improve your graph's performance with data loaders, Java, and Netflix's Domain Graph Service (DGS) framework
Data loaders with TypeScript & Apollo Server
Improve your graph's performance with data loaders, TypeScript, and Apollo Server
Enterprise best practices: Effective supergraph stewardship
Learn the importance of effective stewardship, and what you can do.
Federation 2 Migration Lab
An enterprise lab to help you safely migrate your unified graph from Federation 1 to Federation 2
Enterprise best practices: Managed Federation
Safely deliver your supergraph changes in your enterprise CI/CD pipelines
Federated subscriptions with TypeScript & Apollo Server
Deliver real-time data with federated subscriptions using TypeScript and Apollo Server
Federation with Java & DGS
Go further with GraphQL with Java and Netflix's Domain Graph Service (DGS) framework
Federation with .NET (C#) & Hot Chocolate
Go further with GraphQL with .NET (C#) and the Hot Chocolate framework
Federation with TypeScript & Apollo Server
Go further with GraphQL with TypeScript and Apollo Server
Introduction to Apollo Federation
Learn the very basics of Apollo Federation and how to get started building your supergraph!
Enterprise best practices: Router extensibility
Learn how to extend the GraphOS Router to create custom routing logic
Performance in the router
Debug performance issues in GraphOS router deployments
Enterprise best practices: Schema design
Learn about Apollo's recommended schema design strategy as well as many practical tips for creating expressive and evolvable GraphQL schemas.
Enterprise best practices: Supergraph observability
Learn how to observe the behavior and performance of your supergraph using both GraphOS reporting and cloud-native telemetry.
Enterprise best practices: Testing
Learn how to test the various components of a supergraph