2. The n+1 problem


Our API is already equipped to serve up some basic listing data. We can run a for featured listings, or ask for one listing in particular.

Furthermore, for each listing, we can also for data about each Amenity it has to offer. But right now, we're facing a big performance issue with how this is implemented.

In this lesson, we will:

  • Learn about the n+1 problem
  • Discuss how to resolve it

Listings & amenities

To see our performance bottleneck in action, let's run a test against our API. It will query for a list of featured listings, along with some basic details about each listing's amenities.

A mock-up for Airlock, showing a row of featured listings and their amenities

Make sure the app is running either by running the following command in the root of the project.

npm run dev

Now, let's navigate to Apollo Sandbox Explorer. By default, our server should be running on http://localhost:4000.


A screenshot of the Apollo Sandbox Explorer, highlighting the connection input with the locally running server's address

Let's begin our by selecting the featuredListings from our Query type in the Documentation panel. For each featured listing we , we'll request the basics: just an id and title, along with a list of its amenities.

For each Amenity the listing has, we'll return id, name, and category.

Here's what our should look like.

A query for featured listings and their amenities
query GetFeaturedListingsAmenities {
featuredListings {
amenities {

Let's take this for a spin and... we get data back! Great. So what's the problem, exactly?

To find out, we'll take a closer look at our terminal where our server is running. Run the again, and... did you catch that? The terminal filled up with statements logging out:

The output every time we call the REST API
Calling for featured listings
Calling for amenities for listing listing-1
Calling for amenities for listing listing-2
Calling for amenities for listing listing-3

First we see a line logging out that we've made a call for featured listings. Then we see one line printed out for each listing ID; and each of these represents a single request across the network to our . More requests than we probably expected from our lean and precise ! Let's dive into what's happening here.

For every listing, a new request

The problem here is that we're making one request for the list of featured listings, and an additional request for each listing's list of amenities.

Here's a breakdown of how our for featured listings and their amenities is resolved.

To get that list of featured listings, our first calls the ListingAPI method that makes a request to the GET /featured-listings endpoint. This returns a JSON object containing our basic listing details.

A diagram showing the data that is returned when we query for featured listings

But this response doesn't actually contain any information about a listing's amenities. This means we make another request to GET /listings/{listing_id}/amenities for each listing, passing in its ID as the {listing_id} parameter.

A diagram showing the followup request needed for each listing's amenities

This extra request gets us the amenity data we need, but it has a hidden cost: every time the Listing.amenities is executed, we make a new request to the REST API for amenities data.

The n+1 problem

This is the n+1 problem in action. We start with an initial request (the 1 in the n+1 equation), and this first request determines how many follow-up requests will be necessary (the n in the n+1 equation). The number of required follow-up requests, n, is not known until our first request is executed.

We saw this in action: our first request gave us our featured listings (there were three), but we then needed a follow-up request per listing to get the listing's amenities data.

This doesn't look too bad with just one or two additional requests, but it leads to some troubling situations as our queries scale. Imagine a list contains twenty-five listings ("Top 25 Sub-zero Summer Destinations!"); populating the data for a list like this means we'll send a total of 26 requests! One request to fetch listing data, and 25 additional requests to get the amenity information for each listing!


Which of the following situations illustrate the n+1 problem?

Key takeaways

  • The n+1 problem occurs when we make an initial request, followed by some unknown number of follow-up requests.

Up next

Let's dive into data loaders and how they help us solve this pesky problem.


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