1. Installations

Banner with the title for GraphQL Summit 2023. Instructors Michelle Mabuyo and Liz Hennessey, both Developer Educators at Apollo

In this workshop, you'll learn how to take your API to the next level. We'll take an existing GraphQL API and transform it into a that's ready to grow and evolve.

Before the workshop...

If you have any questions or run into any issues with the workshop prep, send us an email at summit@apollographql.com. You can also hop on to the Apollo Discord group in the #summit-workshops channel, or scroll to the end of the lesson to leave a comment. We're here to help!

You will need the following:

Pre-requisites list

You will also need:

Apollo GraphOS account with Serverless (Free) plan

You'll need an account with the Serverless (Free) plan, to take advantage of the Apollo . If you have an existing SSO login, this won't work, so please create a new account with a different email.


The Rover CLI

is Apollo's command line interface (CLI) tool that helps developers work with and interact with .


Hosting platform: Railway

Sign up for a Railway account using your GitHub login. We'll use this to host your service. Railway will connect to a GitHub repo and automatically deploy with new commits.

A new Railway account comes with $5 worth of credits, which should be enough to work with for the workshop. You can also feel free to use a different hosting platform, like Render or Heroku. We recommend choosing a platform that enables automatic deploys from a GitHub repo.


Deploy the project on Railway

Our project repository can be found here: poetic-plates-recipes-api.

If you are using a different hosting platform, refer to their documentation. We recommend choosing a platform that enables automatic deploys from a GitHub repo.


Clone the repo locally

Railway automatically added the repo to your GitHub account. Follow the steps below.


Need help?

If you have any questions or run into any issues with the workshop prep, send us an email at summit@apollographql.com. You can also hop on to the Apollo Discord group in the #summit-workshops channel, or scroll down below to leave a comment. We're here to help.

See you in San Diego!

Share your questions and comments about this lesson

Your feedback helps us improve! If you're stuck or confused, let us know and we'll help you out. All comments are public and must follow the Apollo Code of Conduct. Note that comments that have been resolved or addressed may be removed.

You'll need a GitHub account to post below. Don't have one? Post in our Odyssey forum instead.