3. Exercise: Explore Explorer

Exercise: Exploring Poetic Plates

🎯 Goal: Get to know the API and Explorer! Complete all the tasks below.

For this exercise, let's take on the role of an API consumer, trying to build a frontend for the page below. What might your look like?

A mockup from the Poetic Plates app, showing a number of recipe boxes under a header titled "Recent Recipes."

GraphQL queries

Build your , and try it out in the Sandbox to make sure you get data back.

query GetRecentlyAddedRecipes {
recentlyAddedRecipes {

Let's explore another of our Query type's entrypoints - for a random recipe!

Open a new tab in Sandbox and add the randomRecipe . Add a few more fields, and submit the !

Example: Querying for a random recipe
query GetRandomRecipe {
randomRecipe {
ingredients {

Hmm, notice anything different? 🤔 You might have missed it—if you're curious, try running both of these operations again. We'll find that one of these queries takes a lot longer than the other to resolve. Keep this in mind... we'll circle back shortly!

Explorer features

Explorer helps accelerate development for API consumers. Take a few minutes to discover these features!




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