9. Realtime data across your graph with federated subscriptions

Realtime data across your graph with federated subscriptions

In this workshop, we'll explore how to implement real-time use cases with federated in . You'll gain hands-on experience running subscription in a federated graph and learn different techniques for scaling and optimizing performance.

What you'll learn

  • How to enrich real-time data experiences with federated s
  • Architecture recommendations for scaling and improving performance
  • How to observe and their performance impacts

Who this workshop is for

  • Backend developers with hands-on experience of . Knowledge of federation is recommended but not required.

Workshop resources

  • Workshop slides PDF
  • Workshop project repo
  • Workshop companion

⚠️ Before the workshop...

If you have any questions or run into any issues with the workshop prep below, scroll to the end of this page to leave a comment or send us an email at summit@apollographql.com. We're here to help!

You will need to complete the following:

Pre-requisites list

Please make sure to complete the above steps before continuing on.

You'll also need to do the following:

  • Clone the course repository
  • Download the binary
  • Create a in
  • Publish the for the messages and accounts s

Let's walk through those steps now.

Clone the repo locally

  1. Clone the repo.

  2. Open it up in your code editor (we recommend VS Code).

    📦 federated-subscriptions-workshop-2024
    ┣ 📂 accounts
    ┣ 📂 messages
    ┣ 📂 router
    ┣ 📄 .gitignore
    ┗ 📄 README.md

This repository contains two messages and accounts—which will become the first in our federated graph. We'll spend most of our time in the messages directory, however we'll still need accounts up and running as well.


Set up accounts

  1. Navigate to the accounts directory.

  2. Install the dependencies.

    npm install
  3. You should see some output in the terminal:

    > npx prisma migrate dev
    Prisma schema loaded from datasources/prisma/schema.prisma
    Datasource "db": SQLite database "dev.db" at "file:./dev.db"
    Already in sync, no schema change or pending migration was found.
    ✔ Generated Prisma Client (v5.19.1) to ./node_modules/@prisma/client in 90ms

    By default, our database is pre-seeded and ready to go. If anything goes wrong along the way, look for the datasources/prisma/dev.db file and delete it. Then, in the terminal, run npx prisma migrate dev to reset the database.

  4. Run the accounts .

    npm run start
  5. You'll see some output that our accounts server is running on port 4002.

    🚀 Subgraph accounts running at http://localhost:4002/

Set up messages

We'll follow the same process for messages.

  1. Navigate to the messages directory.

  2. Install the dependencies.

    npm install
  3. As part of the postinstall process, our Prisma database gets seeded with starter data. You'll see some output in the terminal to that effect:

    Running seed command `ts-node src/datasources/prisma/seed.ts` ...
    captain: { username: 'dallas', name: 'Captain Dallas', role: 'guest' },
    xenomorph: { username: 'xeno', name: 'Xeno', role: 'host' },
    ripley: { username: 'ripley', name: 'Ellen Ripley', role: 'guest' },
    kane: { username: 'kane', name: 'Gilbert Kane', role: 'guest' },
    confrontation: { id: 'xeno-ripley-chat', openedTime: 2024-09-27T21:09:20.387Z }
    🌱 The seed command has been executed.

    In the messages/src/datasources/prisma directory, there should now a dev.db file.

  4. Run the messages .

    npm run dev
  5. You'll see some output that the messages server is running on port 4001.

    🚀 Subgraph airlock-messages-subgraph ready at http://localhost:4001/

Set up the router

  1. Create a new file called .env in the router directory. We'll use this file to store values we need to run the .

    📂 router
    ┣ 📄 .env
    ┗ 📄 router-config.yaml
  2. Open up a new terminal and navigate to the router directory.

  3. Install the binary.

    curl -sSL https://router.apollo.dev/download/nix/latest | sh

    Note: For alternate methods of downloading the , please check out the official Apollo documentation.

  4. You'll now have the router binary file in the directory.

    📂 router
    ┣ 📄 .env
    ┣ 📄 router
    ┗ 📄 router-config.yaml

Set up your graph

If you haven't already, please join the GraphOS Studio organization to complete this step.

  • Don't have an Apollo account yet? You'll be prompted to create one when clicking the link.
  • Are you an existing Apollo customer? You will need to join with an email address not associated with your company's SSO login.
  1. Go to our workshop's Studio organization.

  2. Click + Create new graph.

  3. For the title, we recommend typing in your full name (or GitHub username) so you can easily find it later. This organization is shared between all workshop participants so you'll want a graph title that's easily searchable and identifiable for yourself.

    Keep the architecture as Supergraph, then click Next.


    A screenshot of Studio showing the Create a graph modal, where we can input a name

  4. Next, we'll see a modal for publishing our schema. Keep the federation version as 2.7!


    The modal in Studio with options for publishing our graph, highlighting the federation version

  5. Scrolling down, in the codeblock at the bottom of the modal, take note of two pieces of data: the APOLLO_KEY (you can toggle the whole value on and off using the eye icon at the top of the codeblock) and the value that follows rover subgraph publish. This is your APOLLO_GRAPH_REF.


    A screenshot of the publish your schema modal, highlighting important values

  6. Store both of those values in the router/.env. It should look something like this.


Publish subgraph schemas

  1. Navigate to the messages directory in the terminal.

  2. Run the rover subgraph publish command below, substituting in your own values for APOLLO_GRAPH_REF.

    Publishing the messages subgraph
    rover subgraph publish <APOLLO_GRAPH_REF> --name messages --schema ./src/schema.graphql --routing-url http://localhost:4001
  3. You'll see the following message: The host localhost is not routable via the public internet. Continuing the publish will make this subgraph reachable in local environments only. Would you still like to publish? [y/N]. Type y then hit Enter.

  1. Navigate to the accounts directory in the terminal.

  2. Run the rover subgraph publish command below, substituting in your own values for APOLLO_GRAPH_REF.

    Publishing the accounts subgraph
    rover subgraph publish <APOLLO_GRAPH_REF> --name accounts --schema ./accounts.graphql --routing-url http://localhost:4002

Running the router

Before continuing on, make sure both messages and accounts are still running.

  1. Navigate to the router directory in the terminal.

  2. Run the command below, substituting in your own values for APOLLO_GRAPH_REF and APOLLO_KEY.

    APOLLO_KEY=your-apollo-key \
    APOLLO_GRAPH_REF=your-apollo-graph-ref \
    ./router \
    --config ./router-config.yaml

You'll see some output in the terminal - then a confirmation that the is running on!


Quickstart on Workshop Day

To get everything running on the day of the workshop, here's a quickstart.

First, start up messages.

npm run dev

Next, accounts.

npm run start

Finally, boot up the , substituting in your own values for APOLLO_GRAPH_REF and APOLLO_KEY.

APOLLO_KEY=your-apollo-key \
APOLLO_GRAPH_REF=your-apollo-graph-ref \
./router \
--config ./router-config.yaml

And that's all you need! We'll see you at Summit!


Share your questions and comments about this lesson

Your feedback helps us improve! If you're stuck or confused, let us know and we'll help you out. All comments are public and must follow the Apollo Code of Conduct. Note that comments that have been resolved or addressed may be removed.

You'll need a GitHub account to post below. Don't have one? Post in our Odyssey forum instead.