New Relic exporter (via OTLP)

Configure the New Relic exporter for metrics

Enable and configure the OTLP exporter for metrics in the GraphOS Router or Apollo Router Core for use with New Relic .

For general tracing configuration, refer to Router Metrics Configuration .

New Relic configuration

To configure the router, enable the OTLP exporter with temporality: delta and the appropriate endpoint and New Relic API key.

For New Relic, temporality: delta must be set and the value of the endpoint must end with /v1/metrics. The example below uses a common default for New Relic. Check your New Relic account to verify the correct value as the actual domain may vary by region.

For example:

2  exporters:
3    metrics:
4      otlp:
5        enabled: true
6        protocol: grpc
8        # Temporality MUST be set to delta. Failure to do this will result in incorrect metrics.
9        temporality: delta
11        # Ensure the endpoint provided ends with "/v1/metrics"
12        # Be sure to use the correct URL for your region.
13        endpoint:
14        grpc:
15          metadata:
16            api-key:
17              - "<new-relic-api-key>"

For more details about New Relic configuration, see New Relic's docs on OpenTelemetry configuration .