7. Paginate results


Pagination is one area where shines — but it can be a bit tricky at first. Let's take a closer look! 👀

In this lesson, we will:

  • Use the cursor to load new sets of data
  • Implement the app logic to programmatically load more data

Paginating the list of launches

As you might have noticed, the object returned from the LaunchListQuery is a LaunchConnection. This object has a list of , a pagination , and a boolean to indicate whether more launches exist.

type LaunchConnection {
cursor: String!
hasMore: Boolean!
launches: [Launch]!

When using a -based pagination system, it's important to remember that the cursor gives you a place where you can get all results after a certain spot, regardless of whether more items have been added in the interim.

In an earlier lesson, we hardcoded the SMALL size directly in the , but we can also define arguments programmatically using . We'll use them here to implement pagination.

Add a cursor variable

In LaunchList.graphql, add a cursor . In , variables are prefixed with the dollar sign.

Also add the cursor and hasMore to the , as we will use them to paginate:

query LaunchList($cursor: String) {
launches(after: $cursor) {
launches {
mission {
missionPatch(size: SMALL)

We can return to the Variables panel in Explorer to test this out. If we omit the $cursor , the server returns data starting from the beginning. Try it out:

Now let's make sure our app's views are making use of this cursor.

Paginate the list of launches

Declare and remember a cursor var, initialized to null, and add it as a key to LaunchedEffect. That way, the will be re-executed every time the cursor changes.

Also keep a reference to response so we can access the hasMore and cursor further down.

fun LaunchList(onLaunchClick: (launchId: String) -> Unit) {
var cursor: String? by remember { mutableStateOf(null) }
var response: ApolloResponse<LaunchListQuery.Data>? by remember { mutableStateOf(null) }
var launchList by remember { mutableStateOf(emptyList<LaunchListQuery.Launch>()) }
LaunchedEffect(cursor) {

Pass the cursor to the LaunchListQuery, and add a special item at the end of the list which updates the cursor if hasNext is true. This will trigger a new with the new whenever the user scrolls to the end of the list, and launchList will be concatenated with the new results.

Note: this is a basic implementation of pagination in Compose. In a production project you may use something more advanced, like the Jetpack Paging library.

The whole function should look like this:

fun LaunchList(onLaunchClick: (launchId: String) -> Unit) {
var cursor: String? by remember { mutableStateOf(null) }
var response: ApolloResponse<LaunchListQuery.Data>? by remember { mutableStateOf(null) }
var launchList by remember { mutableStateOf(emptyList<LaunchListQuery.Launch>()) }
LaunchedEffect(cursor) {
response = apolloClient.query(LaunchListQuery(Optional.present(cursor))).execute()
launchList = launchList + response?.data?.launches?.launches?.filterNotNull().orEmpty()
LazyColumn {
items(launchList) { launch ->
LaunchItem(launch = launch, onClick = onLaunchClick)
item {
if (response?.data?.launches?.hasMore == true) {
cursor = response?.data?.launches?.cursor

Note that we wrap the cursor in an Optional: this is because this parameter can be omitted in the .

Test (simplified) pagination

Click Run. You can now see all SpaceX back to their first FalconSat from Kwajalein Atoll!

The simulator showing the end of the list of launches - the last entry is "FalconSat from Kawajalein Atoll"

You might notice that this pagination is happening via a pattern called "infinite scrolling," but many applications choose to show the user page numbers or "tap to load more." You can implement any of these patterns with and .


Up next

Let's wrap up this course by implementing a notification feature when we book a seat on a . Full steam ahead to !


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