10. Defining an entity


Let's jump into the code!

In this lesson, we will:

  • Convert the Location type into an that can be shared between our s
  • Publish updates to existing s

✏️ Defining the Location entity's @key

  1. Open up the subgraph-locations/locations.graphql file and find the Location type.

    type Location {
    id: ID!
    "The name of the location"
    name: String!
    "A short description about the location"
    description: String!
    "The location's main photo as a URL"
    photo: String!
  2. We'll add the @key to this type definition, specifying the fields property and setting its value to id.

    type Location @key(fields: "id") {
    id: ID!
    "The name of the location"
    name: String!
    "A short description about the location"
    description: String!
    "The location's main photo as a URL"
    photo: String!

Check changes in Sandbox

Let's test our changes. Open up http://localhost:4001 in your browser and use Sandbox to our server again.

In the Documentation tab, we should now see that there's a new on the type called _entities. This is a special that the uses for coordinating data between . We'll learn how exactly the router uses this field in the next lesson.

The Location subgraph displaying an _entities field

Other than that, not much has changed! We should still be able to use Explorer to the locations as before. (Try running a quick for some data on the locations , to make sure everything still works as expected.)

Publish the locations subgraph

We'll need to publish this so that the schema registry can pick up our changes.

Let's make sure we're in the top-level directory of our project when we run the rover subgraph publish command in the terminal.

rover subgraph publish <APOLLO_GRAPH_REF> \
--name locations \
--schema ./subgraph-locations/locations.graphql

We can omit the --routing-url option in the command because we already set that value the first time we published the to the registry.

Great, it looks like our changes have been published successfully!

✏️ Defining our entity in reviews

We want to use the Location in our reviews as well.

  1. Open up the subgraph-reviews/reviews.graphql file.

  2. We'll add the Location type definition, along with the @key and set the id as the primary key.

    type Location @key(fields: "id") {
    # to fill in
  3. Inside the curly braces, we'll add the id of type non-nullable ID!.

    type Location @key(fields: "id") {
    id: ID!

    The Location doesn't need to include all the we defined for it in the locations . After all, the reviews doesn't know anything about these , or how to resolve them!

    So far, we've given our reviews a stub of the Location . A stub serves as a basic representation of a type that includes just enough information to work with that type in the .

    There's one more change we need to make. Because the reviews is not responsible for resolving any of the 's other , we'll add one more property to our @key .

  4. Inside the @key , add a property called resolvable and set it to false.

    type Location @key(fields: "id", resolvable: false) {
    id: ID!

    This property tells the that this doesn't define a for this .

    Recall that a is responsible for returning all of the that this contributes. The reviews doesn't contribute any other (besides the key field), so it doesn't need to define a . The resolvable: false property indicates this to the !

Publish the reviews subgraph

Now let's publish our reviews updates. From a terminal in the root directory of our project, let's run the rover subgraph publish command again.

rover subgraph publish <APOLLO_GRAPH_REF> \
--name reviews \
--schema ./subgraph-reviews/reviews.graphql

Alright, we see a success message and our changes have made it to the registry!


Code Challenge!

Convert the Book type below into an entity. A Book can be uniquely identified by its International Standard Book Number (ISBN).

Key takeaways

  • To create an , we can use the @key to specify which (s) can uniquely identify an object of that type.
  • When a can't be used to resolve any non-@key of an , we pass resolvable: false to the @key definition.

Up next

We've added to our and published our changes!

In the next lesson, we'll learn how the uses and representations to connect data from multiple .


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