6. Observability and metrics


In this section, we'll cover:

  • how to leverage metrics generated by and the to understand who consumes our


  • Our running in the cloud
  • Our main variant selected (the one that ends with @current) in the list of in Studio

Observability and metrics

management plane provides client-to- observability on a . Let's explore how we can tap into some of those capabilities.

If you've done the front-end portion, you should have a little data within your organization. Let's take a look at what's available.

Clients view

In , click on Clients on the left-hand menu. If you've navigated a few pages on your front-end client, you should see some requests appear here under the same name that we've configured in called web-workshop-client.


Studio showing Clients view

The client's panel gives us a concise view of how the is being used on a per client per version basis. This is captured when we have two headers apollographql-client-version and apollographql-client-name.

We can dig further by clicking on a specific version if we had more than one. In the right panel we see all the being called by this client within the time range (currently set to Last hour). If we click on an , this will take us to an operation view, which provides even more details.


Studio showing Client operations

In summary, the client panel gives you a high-level view of how clients are consuming the as well as the type of being performed by a client and errors. This can be a great way to understand how to evolve a graph based on the needs and demand of the client.

Operations view

Let's take it one step further by seeing how we can dig into a and understand the performance associated with it.

  1. Go to Explorer, and paste the below:
query getObservabilityTest($userId: ID!) {
user(id: $userId) {
activeCart {
items {
parent {
orders {
items {
parent {
  1. On the bottom Variables panel, configure the with the following JSON payload:
"userId": "10"
  1. Important: And now set the Headers to simulate a mock client called workshop-observability-test and set the version to 1, as follows:
  1. Execute the using the Run button. Wait a minute and go to the Operations view on the left hand side.

Studio showing Operations

Operation details

The Operations view gives you important information around your such as: errors, slow p95, and high request .

In addition, it provides -level tracing that helps us identify opportunities to improve your 's overall performance by optimizing whichever resolvers currently act as a bottleneck.

Let's see this in action and search for our recent , getObservabilityTest. Go to the top-right side of the panel and click on All Operations,; here we can search by or . Choose getObservabilityTest from the list to dive deeper into the details of the .

This provides a summary of the such as usage across clients, how often it's being requested, to the signature and errors associated with it.


Studio showing Operation details


Let's see which are making this request slow. At the top of the page, next to the Operations title click on Traces tab. Here we will get a sample trace of this with the request latency distribution, when it was sampled, caching policies associated with it, and the execution chain.


Studio showing Traces for an operation

In our case, we can see that the product's causes the bulk of the slow response time, in our case it's likely due to resource constraint on our database container.

However, we could consider wrapping a @defer on the client side for these product calls, adding caching in front of our product , or looking into additional optimizations on the through a data loader.

Currently out of scope for this workshop, but we can even configure to provide -level statistics to pinpoint exactly where code-level optimizations are needed.

This allows the execution to be broken down per level to determine latency contributions on a . Your Apollo Solutions Engineer can demo this to learn more! https://www.apollographql.com/docs/graphos/metrics/usage-reporting/


Studio showing Traces with additional details

With this data stored in the management plane, we can now perform client regression tests against schema changes with Schema Checks.

✏️ Schema checks

Important: make sure you've run through the view exercise in the Observability portion, as this will be important for this quick exercise.

One of the most difficult parts of API development is understanding the impact of changes on downstream clients; API developers want assurance that their deployed changes won't break existing client traffic.

Schema checks provide API developers the confidence in delivering their changes by checking:

  • Compatibility across other (type collisions, integrity, etc)
  • Clients regression based on consumption
  • Checks down to underlying contracts

And lastly, this can be easily tied to any CI/CD pipeline.

Let's see this in action.

  1. Open the Orders schema from ./rest-orders/schema.graphql file that we completed earlier. Your final schema should look like this:

Let's make a simple (breaking) change to order by renaming items to products, as follows:

A list of all the items they purchased. This is the Variants, not the Products so we know exactly which product and which size/color/feature was bought
- items: [ProductVariant!]!
+ products: [ProductVariant!]!

Instead of publishing, let's run a check to see if this is a safe change by using the :

rover subgraph check --name orders <GRAPH_REF> --schema ./rest-orders/schema.graphql

Note: Make sure you change the GRAPH_REF in the command above.

Console output showing a failed check


We can see within our CLI that the check results in an error, explaining that it would break an from an existing client, we can get more information in .

Let's take a look at the error in . In the left-hand side panel, open the Checks view and click on the most recent check that we ran on orders schema. Then, select the Operations task:

Operation task dialog

On the right panel, we can see the affected and a list of all the clients. While your list may be slightly different, we should see the mock client we specified in the observability section as a client that would be impacted by this change. We can additionally configure particular clients to exclude in our checks as well.

In a real world scenario we may have a long list of different clients, showcasing their dependency on particular and . Checks provide confidence that changes can be done safely or if there are additional considerations before committing that schema change, all without communicating across different teams.


Studio showing details of a failed check

Why are GraphOS schema checks valuable for federated graphs?


🎉 Congratulations on completing this lab! 🎉

To recap, we've learned how to build a composed of three using .

  • A is a single that combines multiple into a unified data graph. We saw how each subgraph can be developed and deployed independently. Lastly, we also explored how to use to manage our supergraph, monitor its performance, and safely ensure changes and contributions across individual subgraph teams.

  • is the execution fabric for the - a powerful runtime that connects backend and front-end systems in a modular way. GraphOS also has an integrated management plane to help developers manage, evolve, and collaborate on the supergraph. GraphOS lets you connect all your data and services seamlessly with federation.

We hope you enjoyed this lab and gained some valuable skills and insights into development. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us.

Thank you for your participation!
