5. PubSub and resolvers


Schema? Check. Locally-running ? Check. Next up—let's send some message events!

In this lesson, we will:

  • Learn about the PubSub class and its application with s
  • Configure our to publish a particular event

Publishing and subscribing to messages

We've added to the schema, but right now, there's nothing to take care of resolving them. We need to finish the code for Mutation.sendMessage, which will allow us to send a new message to a particular conversation, as well as for Subscription.listenForMessageInConversation, which will notify us whenever a new message is sent.

So how do we tie these two together? After all, anytime the is submitted, we want our to somehow know about it!

We'll solve this problem by equipping our server with a way to both "publish" and "subscribe" to events.

The PubSub class

To both publish and subscribe to events, we'll use a package called graphql-subscriptions. This package gives us an implementation of the publish-subscribe messaging pattern called PubSub. We can create a new instance of this class to start emitting and listening to events, such as changes to our data.

Open up a new terminal to the messages directory and install graphql-subscriptions.

npm install graphql-subscriptions

When the installation completes, navigate to the datasources/context.ts file in the messages directory. This file contains the function that sets the context for our server: everything that we return here is made accessible to our functions on their third positional , contextValue.

Note: Need a refresher on ? Check out our introductory course on GraphQL with TypeScript and Apollo Server.

We want a PubSub instance to be available to all of our , so this is just the place to instantiate it. At the top of the file, import PubSub from graphql-subscriptions. Then, we'll create a new instance called pubsub.

import { PubSub } from "graphql-subscriptions";
const pubsub = new PubSub();

Down in our createContext function, let's include the pubsub property on the object returned.

export const createContext = async ({
}: StandaloneServerContextFunctionArgument) => {
const token = req.headers.authorization || "";
const userId = token.split(" ")[1];
return {
dataSources: {
db: new PrismaDbClient(),

Note: Using PubSub like this automatically restricts the publishing-subscribing system to a single server instance. In production, you'll want this event system to be shared by all server instances (using something like Redis, rather than merely keeping events in-memory). Check out this page in the official Apollo documentation for a list of PubSub libraries approved for production.

Because we're using TypeScript, we need to make a similar update to our types/DataSourceContext.ts file.

import { PrismaDbClient } from "../datasources/prisma/client";
import { PubSub } from "graphql-subscriptions";
// This interface is used with graphql-codegen to generate types for resolvers context
export interface DataSourceContext {
userId: string;
pubsub: PubSub;
dataSources: {
db: PrismaDbClient;

Note that we don't need to instantiate PubSub here: because we're providing our type definitions, it's enough merely to pass the class name.

Defining the Mutation resolver

Now that pubsub is available to our , we can jump to our Mutation and add the logic that triggers a new event.

Open up resolvers/Mutation.ts. We'll find the majority of the function is already provided. Let's go ahead and uncomment it!

This accepts a message and adds it to the database, but it's not yet triggering an "event" we can pick up on in our .

sendMessage: async (_, { message }, { dataSources, userId }) => {
const { conversationId, text } = message;
const {
text: messageText,
} = await dataSources.db.sendMessageToConversation({
// Return all of the message that was created
return {
text: messageText,

Note: If you see some type errors showing up, try re-running your with npm run dev. If you're using VSCode, you can also open up the command palette with Command + P, type > Typescript: Restart TS Server, and hit enter.

To publish an event every time we send a new message to a conversation, we'll use the pubsub instance we put on our server's context. We can access it here by further destructuring the 's third positional .

sendMessage: async (_, { message }, { dataSources, pubsub, userId }) => {
// ... mutation

Let's trigger our event once a message has been saved to the database successfully. We'll make some space just before returning the message from our function, and await calling the pubsub.publish method, passing in an event string of "NEW_MESSAGE_SENT".

await pubsub.publish("NEW_MESSAGE_SENT");
// Return all of the message that was created

This uses our server's pubsub instance to "publish" an event of type "NEW_MESSAGE_SENT": and anything that's listening for this same type will hear about it! (But nothing's listening for it yet.)

But now we have a TypeScript error to deal with: we're not passing a payload to our pubsub.publish call, and it expects this as a second . For now, we'll update it to accept an empty object.

await pubsub.publish("NEW_MESSAGE_SENT", {});

Send some messages

At this point, we should be able to send some messages to a given conversation.

Make sure both your rover dev process and are running! Jump over to Sandbox where the local is running on http://localhost:4000.

Let's run a to send a message to conversation "wardy-eves-chat". We can access the SendMessageToConversation we saved in our Operation Collections, or copy-paste the operation below:

mutation SendMessageToConversation($message: NewMessageInput!) {
sendMessage(message: $message) {
sentTo {

And in the Variables panel:

"message": {
"text": "Are you interested in booking another stay aboard?",
"conversationId": "wardy-eves-chat"

And we need to make sure that Headers also includes an Authorization header. (Because it's a chat between wardy and eves, you can alternate which ID you reference below.)

Authorization: Bearer eves
Authorization: Bearer wardy

A screenshot of Sandbox, showing a message sent successfully

To see the full history of messages sent and received, we can for conversations we're a part of. Run the query below to retrieve a list of conversations along with their messages.

query GetConversations {
conversations {
messages {
sentFrom {

And we need to make sure that Headers also includes an Authorization header.

Authorization: Bearer eves

Everything working? Let's move on!


Which of the following statements about PubSub are true?

Key takeaways

  • The PubSub class from the graphql-subscriptions library is an implementation of the Publish/Subscribe pattern, which allows us to "publish" events in one and "subscribe to" them in another.
  • When calling the PubSub publish method, we pass along a specific event name along with a payload .
  • In production environments, we should use a PubSub implementation backed by an external storage solution (such as Redis) so that all server instances can access the same store of events.

Up next

We've got our set up to publish events. In the next lesson, we'll hook up the last piece: subscribing to those events.


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