13. Resolver chains


We can for a playlist's tracks, but only through the playlist(id: ID) root , not through featuredPlaylists. What's going on?

In this lesson, we will:

  • Learn about chains
  • Learn about the parent of a

Examining the data source response

Let's examine the response from our GET /browse/featured-playlists endpoint. It looks like we do have access to a tracks property under playlist.items.tracks.

"tracks": {
"href": "string",
"total": 0

Note: Alternatively, you can find the same information by following the trail of types and properties in the mock_spotify_rest_api_client package.

Instead of a list of track objects (similar to the list that the earlier GET /playlists/{playlist_id} endpoint returns), we get a single object with two properties: total, the total number of tracks available, and href, a URL for the endpoint where we can retrieve the full list of track objects.

This is a common pattern in REST APIs. Imagine if the response did include the full list of track objects. That would make for a very large response, to have a list of playlists and a list of tracks for each playlist.

That means we won't be able to get the list of tracks for a playlist inside the Query.featured_playlists function.

Instead, we'll need to make one more additional call to the REST API. In this case, the GET /playlists/{playlist_id}/tracks endpoint.

The next question becomes: where in our code will we make that call?

Examining the query

Let's take a step back and look at the we want to implement:

query GetFeaturedPlaylists {
featuredPlaylists {
tracks {

From this , we're resolving the featuredPlaylists using the Query.featured_playlists function:

async def featured_playlists(self, info: strawberry.Info) -> list[Playlist]:
client = info.context["spotify_client"]
data = await get_featured_playlists.asyncio(client=client)
return [
for playlist in data.playlists.items

In this case, we're not doing anything to initialize the playlist's tracks, which is why we're getting an error (tracks is required but not provided).

Remember, we need to make an extra call to the GET /playlists/{playlist_id}/tracks endpoint to get the list of tracks. And we're back to our original question: where in our code will we make that call?

We could add it in the same featured_playlists function.

But that would mean that whenever we for featuredPlaylists, we would always make an additional network call to the REST API, even when the didn't ask for tracks!

So instead, we're going to make use of the chain.

Following the resolver chain

A resolver chain is the order in which functions are called when resolving a particular . It can contain a sequential path as well as parallel branches.

Let's take an example from our project. This GetPlaylist retrieves the name of a playlist.

query GetPlaylist($playlistId: ID!) {
playlist(id: $playlistId) {

When resolving this , the will first call the Query.playlist function, then the playlist.name function, which returns a str type and ends the chain.

Resolver chain in a diagram

Each in this chain passes their return value to the next function down, using the resolver's parent . In Python, we get access to this parent object using self.

Remember, a has access to a number of parameters. So far, we've used info (to get the the spotify_client from the context) and (like the playlist id ). parent is another such parameter!

In this example, the playlist.name function would have access to the Playlist object that Query.playlist returned.

Let's look at another .

query GetPlaylistTracks($playlistId: ID!) {
playlist(id: $playlistId) {
tracks {

This time, we've added more and asked for each playlist's list of tracks, specifically their uri values.

Our chain grows, adding a parallel branch.

Resolver chain in a diagram

Note that since Playlist.tracks returns a list of potentially multiple tracks, this might run more than once to retrieve each track's URI.

Following the trail of the , Playlist.tracks would have access to Playlist as the parent, Track.uri would have access to the Track object as the parent.

If our didn't include the tracks (like the first example we showed), then the Playlist.tracks would never be called!

Refactoring Playlist.tracks

Now that we know what a chain is, we can use it to determine the best place to insert the additional REST API call for a playlist's tracks.

Remember, we were debating including it in the featured_playlists , where it would be called every single time, even when the doesn't include it.

Instead, we'll jump into the Playlist class and refactor the tracks property into a function with a body. Right now, it's a basic property, with a default resolver.

tracks: list[Track] = strawberry.field(description="The playlist's tracks.")

First, let's add a private for tracks, prefixing it with an underscore (_) to follow common convention. To prevent this from showing up in the schema, we use the strawberry.Private function.

We'll also give it a default of None so we don't have to pass it in the constructor when we don't have the data yet.

_tracks: strawberry.Private[list[Track] | None] = None

Then, we'll update the Query.playlist to set the _tracks (instead of tracks without the underscore) when creating a Playlist object:

return Playlist(
- tracks=[
+ _tracks=[
for item in data.tracks.items

Back over to the Playlist class, let's transform the tracks property to a function and apply the @strawberry.field decorator.

- tracks: list[Track] = strawberry.field(description="The tracks in the playlist.")
+ @strawberry.field(description="The tracks in the playlist.")
+ def tracks(self) -> list[Track]:

For now, we'll return what's in the private _tracks .

return self._tracks

Our GetPlaylistDetails should still be working with these changes. Take a moment to save our changes and confirm!

Now we have a perfect place to make our additional HTTP call.

Instead of returning the _tracks private immediately, we'll check to see if it exists. If it does, return it, but if it doesn't, we'll make the HTTP call.

def tracks(self) -> list[Track]:
if self._tracks is None:
# TODO: HTTP call
return self._tracks

Time for the HTTP call! First, we'll need to access the info in the parameters and then extract the spotify_client from info.context. We'll also update the function to be async:

async def tracks(
info: strawberry.Info
) -> list[Track]:
if self._tracks is None:
spotify_client = info.context["spotify_client"]
# TODO: HTTP call
return self._tracks

Next, let's call the get_playlist_tracks function. We'll pass in the spotify_client and the playlist's id, await the results and store it in a called data. You know the drill by now!

if self._tracks is None:
spotify_client = info.context["spotify_client"]
data = await get_playlists_tracks.asyncio(
client=spotify_client, playlist_id=self.id

Then, we'll update the _tracks with the data we get back from REST API call, instantiating a list of Track classes with the required properties.

data = await get_playlists_tracks.asyncio(
client=spotify_client, playlist_id=self.id
self._tracks = [
for item in data.items

Finally, don't forget to import the get_playlists_tracks function at the top of the file.

from mock_spotify_rest_api_client.api.playlists import get_playlists_tracks

Explorer time: round 2!

Server running with the latest changes? Great! Now when we jump back over to Sandbox and run the for featuredPlaylists and its list of tracks, we get what we asked for!

query GetFeaturedPlaylists {
featuredPlaylists {
tracks {


Comparing with the REST approach

Time to put on our product app developer hat again! Let's compare what this feature would have looked like if we had used REST instead of .

If we had used REST, the app logic would have included:

  • Making the HTTP GET call to the /browse/featured-playlists endpoint
  • Making an extra HTTP GET call for each playlist in the response to GET /playlists/{playlist_id}/tracks. Waiting for all of those to resolve, depending on the number of playlists, could take a while. Plus, this introduces the common N+1 problem.
  • Retrieving just the id, name and explicit and uri properties, discarding all the rest of the response. There's so much more to the response that wasn't used! Again, if the client app had slow network speeds or not much data, that big response comes with a cost.

With , we have our short and sweet, clean, readable coming from the client, coming back in exactly the shape they specified, no more, no less!

All the logic of extracting the data, making extra HTTP calls, and filtering for which are needed are all done on the side. We still have the N+1 problem, but it's on the server-side (where response and request speeds are more consistent and generally faster) instead of the client-side (where network speeds are and inconsistent).

Note: We can address the N+1 problem on the side using DataLoaders. Check out the Strawberry documentation for how to implement them.

Key takeaways

  • A chain is the order in which resolver functions are called when resolving a particular . It can contain a sequential path as well as parallel branches.
  • Each in this chain passes their return value to the next function down, using the resolver's parent .

Up next

Feeling confident with queries? It's time to explore the other side of : .


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