6. Connect your queries to your UI


Time to bring live data into our UI.

In this lesson, we will:

  • Update our Jetpack Compose code to render data from the we wrote
  • Display a list of in a LazyColumn

Set up the LaunchList composable

In this section, we'll be looking at LaunchList.kt. In that module, we will declare a list of LaunchListQuery.Launch types, initialized as empty:

fun LaunchList(onLaunchClick: (launchId: String) -> Unit) {
var launchList by remember { mutableStateOf(emptyList<LaunchListQuery.Launch>()) }
LaunchedEffect(Unit) {
// ...

LaunchListQuery.Launch is a typesafe generated model from your LaunchList.graphql .

Make a UI for the launch items

Further down in the file, find the LaunchItem composable. We will pass it a LaunchListQuery.Launch and display the id:

private fun LaunchItem(launch: LaunchListQuery.Launch, onClick: (launchId: String) -> Unit) {
modifier = Modifier.clickable { onClick(launch.id) },
headlineContent = {
// Mission name
Text(text = "Launch ${launch.id}")

Use the data in the list

Fill launchList with the data from the response, and use it in the LazyColumn:

fun LaunchList(onLaunchClick: (launchId: String) -> Unit) {
var launchList by remember { mutableStateOf(emptyList<LaunchListQuery.Launch>()) }
LaunchedEffect(Unit) {
val response = apolloClient.query(LaunchListQuery()).execute()
launchList = response.data?.launches?.launches?.filterNotNull() ?: emptyList()
LazyColumn {
items(launchList) { launch ->
LaunchItem(launch = launch, onClick = onLaunchClick)

You can remove the Log.d invocation as part of this step. You will also need to import some extension functions.

About nullability

You may have noticed that we are using .filterNotNull() in the above code snippet. That is necessary because the schema for our service defines launches as a list of nullable Launch objects:

type LaunchConnection {
launches: [Launch]!

In , all are nullable by default. Fields annotated with ! are non-null. This syntax can be a little confusing with lists, especially since there's an exclamation ! in the expression. Here's a little guide:

launches: [Launch] # `launches` can be null, and each list element can be null
launches: [Launch!]! # `launches` cannot be null, and each list element cannot be null
launches: [Launch!] # `launches` can be null, but if it's not, each list element cannot be null
launches: [Launch]! # `launches` cannot be null, but each list element can be null

So in our app, the schema tells us that launches will always be a list, and each element within that list will be a Launch object or null. translates that logic from to Kotlin via code generation. We don't want to show null to our users, though, which is why we filter those items out of our array.

Test your query

Hit the Run button. You now have a UI connected to your GraphQL queries 🚀

Screenshot of Android Studio and a running simulator showing a list of Launches


What does an exclamation (!) next to a field in a GraphQL schema signify?

Up next

Showing our basic details is only the beginning. Next up, let's supplement our with a few more .


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