7. Distributed caching


When we run multiple instances, we are limited by each router's individual in-memory cache. Using a distributed cache overcomes this challenge.

We'll be using Redis as our caching mechanism.

In this lesson, we will:

  • Learn how a distributed cache works with s
  • Configure a Redis database
  • Connect the to Redis
  • Store and

Caching query plans with multiple router instances

We'll need to tell the where to find the distributed cache, but first, let's take a look at how the presence of a distributed cache changes the router's process of creating and storing .

We know that for each the executes, the router creates a . Before it generates the query plan, however, the router first consults its own in-memory cache. If it finds the for that , great! It plucks it from the cache and follows the instructions to resolve the query.

A diagram showing the router locating a previously cached query plan

If the is not in the 's in-memory cache, it will go on to check in the distributed cache. If the cache contains the in question, the uses it to resolve the query—and it stores a copy in its own in-memory cache for next time.

A diagram showing the router checking its in-memory cache, then the distributed cache for the query plan

If the can't be found in either cache, the goes ahead and generates it. Then, to save itself the trouble the next time it gets the , it stores the resulting in both its local and distributed cache.

A diagram showing the router generating the query plan and storing it in both caches

Caching with Redis

We'll set up a layer using Redis, so jump to Redis Cloud to create a free account. This will provision one free database which we can use for our cache. Choose whichever provider and region is closest to you.


The landing page for Redis, showing a create account flow

To keep an eye on the actual data in our Redis database, we'll be using their official tool, Redis Insight. After creating your account, navigate to the Download Center, available in the menu on the left. Here you'll find a dropdown for Modules, Tools & Integration. Locate the correct version of Redis Insight for your operating system and click Download.


The Download Center in Redis, highlighting the Modules, Tools & Integration section with Redis Insight selected from the dropdown

When the download is complete, finish the installation and open up the app.

Connect to Redis Insight

To connect our new database to Redis Insight, we'll first go back to the Databases page. Here we'll see a single row containing all our database details. Under the Endpoint column, click the Connect button. This pops open a modal with a menu item for Redis Insight. Click the Open with Redis Insight button to automatically your database connection.


The Databases page with the Connect button highlighted. The connect modal is open, highlighting the Open with Redis Insight button

This will prompt you to open up Redis Insight on your computer. Once it's open, we'll see that it has automatically connected to our database! Though... there's nothing here yet.

Redis Insight, connected to our empty database

Let's take care of that by connecting our .

Connecting the router

We'll jump into our project's router-config.yml file to add the necessary configuration for storing the 's generated in our Redis database.

Locate the query_planning key we added under supergraph when configuring our cache's warm-up queries. (If you skipped that part, add the query_planning key now!) On the next level under query_planning, add cache.

warmed_up_queries: 100

We'll use the keys under the cache key to define how the can connect to our distributed Redis cache. We'll add a key called redis, along with three keys nested beneath it: urls, timeout, and required_to_start. Let's walk through these one-by-one.



As the value of the urls key, we can pass a list of URLs for all the Redis instances in a given cluster. We have just one Redis node, so we'll define a pair of brackets that can contain our URL.

For a single node, our URL needs to fit the following format.

redis|rediss :// [[username:]password@] host [:port][/database]

Broken down, this means:

  1. Our URL will start with either redis or rediss, followed by ://
  2. It should contain both a username and a password for accessing the node
  3. It should define the host, along with the port (or path to the database)

Note: Your Redis URL may need to be configured specific to your style of deployment. Check out the official router distributed caching docs for more information.

Let's jump back to our Redis database overview in the browser. Click the Connect button again in the Endpoint column to open the connection modal. This time, we'll scroll down to the Redis CLI option. Expanding this section gives us the URL that we need—complete with username, password, host, and port!

Redis database in the browser, highlighting the URL for our node

Example URL for Redis node
redis-cli -u

Copy the entire URL (everything after redis-cli -u) and let's jump back over to router-config.yml. Paste it as the value of the urls key, inside of square brackets.


Note: In an production environment, use environment variables in place of the hardcoded username and password we've included here. These values should never be committed directly to version control.


Next, we'll give our a generous timeout period of 2s. This will give more than enough time for the to make contact with Redis and establish a connection. Note that by default, this value is set to 2ms. If left as-is, you might see timeout errors in the console when connecting to Redis.

urls: [redis://...]
timeout: 2s

This timeout of two seconds will be applied whenever the attempts to connect to Redis or send commands.


Lastly, we'll set our required_to_start key to true. This will keep our from booting up unless it's able to talk to Redis; we probably won't want this behavior in production, but for demo purposes it'll help us verify when our Redis connection is successful.

urls: [redis://...]
timeout: 2s
required_to_start: true

Starting the router

Let's boot up our and connect it to our Redis cache layer!

In the router directory, run the following command, substituting in your APOLLO_KEY and APOLLO_GRAPH_REF values.

MacOS / Linux / WSL
./router --config router-config.yml
Windows powershell
./router --config router-config.yml

When we run the command, we should see a bunch of output in our terminal, including the following lines:

INFO Redis client reconnected.
INFO Health check exposed at
INFO GraphQL endpoint exposed at 🚀

With that, we know our has successfully connected to Redis!

Running queries

Let's try out this new flow with Redis. Make sure your is running, then open up Explorer alongside Redis Insight.

Let's try out a basic for featured listings and their reviews. Build the query by selecting from the Documentation panel in Explorer, or copy the below.

query GetFeaturedListingsAndReviews {
featuredListings {
reviews {

Run the —we should see some data populate in the Response tab—then jump back over to Redis Insight.

If your cache is still empty, click the Refresh button indicated in the screenshot below.

We should see a new entry: a long string with the prefix plan:. Our was stored!

Redis Insight, showing the new cache entry

This cache makes it possible for multiple instances to access the same . Only a single instance needs to generate the query plan and send it to Redis—the remaining router instances benefit by using the cached plan to resolve queries more quickly.

The Profiler tool

We'd probably like some confirmation when items are stored in and accessed from our cache. So how do we get an idea of what's happening under the hood in our Redis database? Sounds like a job for Redis' Profiler tool!

You can find the button to Profiler at the bottom of the Redis Insight interface.

Redis Insight, highlighting the Profiler button at the bottom of the screen

Clicking it pops open a new window; we can start Profiler by clicking the play button.

Redis Insight, with the Profiler window open showing a button 'Start Profiler'

Let's run a different to see it inserted into the cache.

Copy the below, paste it into the Explorer, and run it.

query GetListing($listingId: ID!) {
listing(id: $listingId) {
reviews {

And in the Variables panel:

"listingId": "listing-2"

After running the , take a look at the logs in Redis Insight.

We should find a timestamp labeled with "SET". It's followed by the very long string that was inserted into the cache: the from the .

Profiler output showing the SET operation, followed by the query plan that was inserted into the cache

Let's execute the again to see what happens in our cache. Back in Explorer, hit the play button again. Even after the query is sent, we won't see any new access logs from the Profiler. Remember why?

Our actually didn't need to check Redis for the it stored: it found the plan in its own in-memory cache first! The distributed cache is there to provide the query plan only if the can't access it in its own built-in cache.

A diagram showing the router locating the query plan in its own cache, without needed to check Redis

If we were running multiple instances, we could see how a generated and stored by one instance could be accessed from Redis by another instance. For the purposes of the tutorial, we'll stop and restart our router to achieve the same effect.

Accessing query plans from Redis

Let's make sure the can actually access a from Redis when it needs it. To do this, we can stop the router, then boot it up again to start with a fresh cache.

./router --config router-config.yml \
--log trace

We'll send the the same as before; its is already in the Redis cache. Here's how it will work.

  1. When it receives the , the will check its in-memory cache for the .
  2. When it doesn't find it in local memory, it will check Redis.
  3. Finding it in Redis, the will use retrieve the and then store it in local memory.
  4. If we run the again, the will be able to locate the in its in-memory cache, rather than going all the way to Redis.

The for the following query should already be in our Redis cache, so let's run it again and observe what happens. (Make sure Redis Profiler is still running!)

query GetListing($listingId: ID!) {
listing(id: $listingId) {
reviews {

And in the Variables panel:

"listingId": "listing-2"

In the Profiler tool, we'll see output for a GET .

11:38:50.940 [0] "GET" "plan:0:v2.8.1:###"

This is followed by an additional log marked with EXPIRE. Because the accessed a particular cache entry, Redis updates it with a refreshed time-to-live, or expiration time. The router found its ! At the same time, the router will have stored this query plan in its local cache. If we run the query again, we'll see that the router's able to find it on its own without our distributed cache stepping in to help.

Try another in Explorer. This one's new, so the won't find the in either cache.

query GetListing($listingId: ID!) {
listing(id: $listingId) {

This time, we'll check out the 's terminal first. After running the , we can scroll up through the logs. We'll find one that looks something like the snippet below.

TRACE inserting into redis: "plan:0:v2.8.1:####

After inserting the plan into Redis, we'll see another log indicating that the proceeds with executing the request. That's our first taken care of: its is stored in the router's in-memory cache and Redis. We can validate that by checking the Profiler in Redis.

Redis Insight showing a new cache entry and the log in Profiler

Let's clear out our Redis cache to start fresh. You can delete entries in Redis by hovering over them and clicking the little trash can icon that appears.

A cache entry highlighted in Redis Insight, pointing out the trash can button

Bonus: Caching APQ

Remember from the last lesson? Let's get them into Redis too.

Back in router-config.yml, we'll jump back to where we originally configured our apq key. On the same level as the subgraph key, nested just below apq, we'll define a new entry called router.

enabled: false
enabled: true

Note: Make sure you get the indentation right! The router key should appear at the same level of identation as subgraph.

Here, we'll apply a few of the same keys as we did with our first Redis integration. We'll define three keys, each nested in the one preceding it: cache, redis, and urls.

# ...subgraph configuration

As the value of urls, we'll provide (in brackets) the same Redis URL as before. (If you have a separate Redis database you'd like to use, feel free to provide its URL here instead.)

urls: [redis://...]

You know the drill! Restart the , and let's get .


Let's run that curl command from the last lesson.

curl --get \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data-urlencode 'query={featuredListings{description id title}}' \
--data-urlencode 'extensions={"persistedQuery":{"version":1,"sha256Hash":"91c070d387e026c84301ba5d7b500a5647e24de65e9dd9d28f4bebd96cb9c11c"}}'

After running the , check Redis. At the top of the database we should see the option to Filter by Key Name or Pattern. The stores its with the preface apq: so we can provide the following pattern to the search bar to discover all of our stored . Then hit enter!


Depending on the number of queries you've run since adding the configuration, you should be seeing at least one entry in Redis. This is ready to help out any instance that needs it!

The entries filtered for those that begin with "apq:", with the SET action highlighted


When will the router check Redis for a query plan or APQ?

Key takeaways

  • The has the ability to use Redis as a distributed cache, storing and .
  • We can customize our 's connection to Redis by providing the urls, timeout, and required_to_start options.
  • When generating new or , the stores the result in Redis as well as its own in-memory cache.
  • Additional instances that cannot locate something in their cache can then consult Redis to see if another router has stored the data.
  • The Redis Profiler tool lets us look under the hood when something is read from or written to the cache.

Up next

The exposes a lot of , but we need a better way to make sense of them. In the next lesson, we'll set up Prometheus.


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