6. Schema Proposals


In this module, we will describe the workflow that developers use to propose and approve changes in schemas in a standardized, governed process.

⚠️ Note on resetting the module to its final state: as this module is mostly done using Studio, there is no option to set a final state.

Schema proposals

Typically, we would use our Git repository and our standard review process to ensure that changes are aligned and agreed to. But we have a limitation with Git in this scenario: since our is composed of , the supergraph schema does not actually live in Git, it's created when we publish a changed subgraph to .

lets us:

  • Propose changes to our based on new desired functionality
  • See the overall impact those changes will have on our
  • Let stakeholders (client developers, domain teams, graph stewards) review proposed changes in the context of the whole
  • Ensure that proposed changes will not break our existing or its current usage
  • Ensure all schema updates are proposed, reviewed, and approved before publishing.

Let's try it out to see if we can propose changes to our Order type. Before we can create a proposal, we'll first need to configure it for our .

Configure schema proposals

  1. Go to ➡️ Settings ➡️ This Graph ➡️ Proposals.


    Studio screenshot with the settings menu open

  2. Here, we can explore some options:

    • Set a minimum number of required app,
    • Assign default reviewers for this ,
    • Adjust permissions for who can create and update proposals.
  3. For our proposal trial, set the required approvers to 1.


    Configuring the required approvers in Studio

  4. For demo purposes, we'll review our own proposal. (In the real world, you probably want others to do the reviewing!) Let's set ourselves as a default reviewer. Select the Manage Default Reviewers button and choose your name as the default reviewer.


    Configuring default reviewers in Studio

  5. Click the checkbox to "Require at least 1 default reviewer for all proposals on this graph".


    Configuring default reviewers in Apollo Studio

  6. We also want to add proposals to our checks setup. This will allow to verify that any proposed schema changes have been reviewed as part of a proposal. Under the Proposal implementation section, set the dropdown to Error.


    Configuring proposal checks in Apollo Studio

Create a proposal

Now that we're configured our proposals, it's time to create one!

For this proposal, the Order type lacks some key details that would be valuable to have at that level. In particular, adding the order cost and date would make our Order type more complete for our clients!

  1. Navigate to the Proposals tab and select Propose changes:

Studio screenshot with highlight of button to propose changes

  1. In the modal, we'll set the following values:

    • Proposal title: Enhance Order
    • Why are you creating this proposal?: Our client teams requested total cost and order date to be included in the order .

    Screenshot of change proposal creation

  2. Click Create Proposal.

  3. In the next page, let's select the orders and add two new types to the Order . Find the Order type in the file and add the definitions along with descriptions.

    The total cost of the order
    total: Float
    The date the order was made
    orderDate: String

    This code adds a total of type Float and an orderDate of type String.

  4. Click the Save Revision button in the bottom-left corner of the screen.


    Screenshot of change proposal code changes

    That's it!


Schema proposal checks

  1. Navigate to the Checks tab of the proposal. We can see here that our proposal workflow automatically ran against our proposal, and that our proposed changes compose successfully and do not break any existing usage against our existing .


    Screenshot of change proposal checks

Opening a proposal for review

Great, we now have a proposal that's safe to add to our . It's time to open it for review.

  1. Head over to the Overview tab to begin the review process.

  2. Click the Edit status button on the right-hand side.

  3. Change the status to Open for feedback.


    Screenshot of change proposal overview

Review a proposal

You should automatically be assigned as the reviewer.

  1. Navigate to the Changes tab to view the modifications. Here, you can see a diff of the changes to our .


    Screenshot of change proposal diff view

  2. Let's comment on these changes. To start, click on the chat icon beside the line for orderDate, which will show up when you hover over the changes. This will open the comment view where we can add our comments.

  3. In the comments section, add a comment that says "Looks good to me!" and click the Comment button.


    Screenshot of reviewer adding comments

Approve a proposal

We have looked at the changes, made comments and we're happy with the changes. It's time to approve the proposal.

  1. Navigate to the Overview tab at the top, and then click the Add Review button:


    Screenshot of submitting review

  2. Select the Approve proposal checkbox then click on Add review.


    Screenshot of approved proposal

    Now that the review has been approved by one reviewer, the proposal will change state to approved.


Implement the proposal

Now that the proposal has been officially approved, these changes are ready to be implemented. Head back to GitHub and we can add these changes into our schema.

  1. In GitHub, open up the orders-schema.graphql file and click on the ✏️ pencil edit icon in the upper right corner to start editing the file.


    Screenshot of editing the schema in GitHub

  2. Now we want to add the schema changes from the proposal. In a normal workflow, you could export your changes from the proposal leveraging Apollo's CLI, rover. In this case, since we are doing our development in GitHub directly, we can just manually add the changes from the proposal.

    Add the following code to the end of the Order type (line 30):

    The total cost of the order
    orderTotal: Float
    The date the oder was made
    orderDate: String

    Screenshot of adding the schema changes in GitHub

  3. Commit your changes.

Note: You may have noticed that the name of the total from the initial proposal has been changed to orderTotal. We have purposely introduced this so we can then see the results of the check process against this change. We will fix this later!

Check your work

  1. Head back to Studio and go to the Checks page. Uh-oh, our changes were not successful!


    Screenshot of unsuccessful checks in Apollo Studio

  2. Click on the failed task to see the details of the failed proposals check.

    The issue is that our changes did not match our proposal. The code we added had the wrong name for the order total. Our proposal has a name of total but our submission used orderTotal.


    Screenshot of unsuccessful checks in Apollo Studio

  3. Let's fix this in GitHub and try again. Head back to our repository and open up the orders-schema.graphql file by clicking the ✏️ pencil button in the upper right corner again.

  4. In the edit pane, change the name of orderTotal to total.


    Screenshot of fixing the schema in GitHub

  5. Commit the changes.

  6. Head back to Checks in Studio. The workflow should now have passed:


    Screenshot of successful checks in Apollo Studio

  7. Click on the successful check run and select Proposals. We can see the proposal that our changes mapped to:


    Screenshot of successful proposal checks in Apollo Studio

  8. Click on that proposal. We can see that it's now marked as IMPLEMENTED:


    Screenshot of successful checks in Apollo Studio

And with that, we have used the feature to take a from ideation to implementation.


Up Next

We've learned a ton on how we can use to provide us a standardized approach to collaborate on schema changes, but what happens if we need to move across different ? The next section will teach us how we can incrementally roll over fields to different subgraphs.
