Package-level declarations


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typealias ApolloJsonElement = Any?

A typealias for a type-unsafe Kotlin representation of JSON. This typealias is mainly for internal documentation purposes and low-level manipulations and should generally be avoided in application code.

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class BufferedSinkJsonWriter @JvmOverloads constructor(sink: BufferedSink, indent: String? = null) : JsonWriter

A JsonWriter that writes json to an okio BufferedSink

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class BufferedSourceJsonReader(source: BufferedSource) : JsonReader

A JsonWriter that reads json from an okio BufferedSource

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class DynamicJsJsonReader(val root: dynamic, pathRoot: Array<Any> = emptyArray()) : JsonReader

A JsonReader that reads data from a javascript dynamic

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sealed interface IteratorWrapper

By wrapping each iterator we can use introspection to determine what kind of iterator we have in the stack

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class JsonNumber(val value: String)

A simple wrapper class that can be put in Map to indicate an arbitrary precision json number

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interface JsonReader : Closeable

Reads a JSON RFC 7159 encoded value as a stream of tokens.

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interface JsonWriter : Closeable

Writes a JSON RFC 7159 encoded value to a stream, one token at a time.

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class MapJsonReader @JvmOverloads constructor(val root: Any?, pathRoot: List<Any> = emptyList()) : JsonReader

A JsonReader that can consumes ApolloJsonElement values as Json

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A JsonWriter that writes data to a Map


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inline fun buildJsonByteString(indent: String? = null, crossinline block: JsonWriter.() -> Unit): ByteString
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inline fun buildJsonMap(crossinline block: JsonWriter.() -> Unit): Any?
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inline fun buildJsonString(indent: String? = null, crossinline block: JsonWriter.() -> Unit): String
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fun BufferedSource.jsonReader(): JsonReader
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Returns the Kotlin representation of the given JsonReader

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fun JsonWriter.writeAny(value: Any?)
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inline fun JsonWriter.writeArray(crossinline block: JsonWriter.() -> Unit)
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inline fun JsonWriter.writeObject(crossinline block: JsonWriter.() -> Unit)