
class GQLFragmentDefinition(val sourceLocation: SourceLocation? = null, val name: String, val directives: List<GQLDirective>, val typeCondition: GQLNamedType, val selections: List<GQLSelection>, val description: String?) : GQLExecutableDefinition, GQLNamed, GQLDescribed, GQLHasDirectives


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constructor(sourceLocation: SourceLocation? = null, name: String, directives: List<GQLDirective>, typeCondition: GQLNamedType, selections: List<GQLSelection>, description: String?)


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open override val children: List<GQLNode>

The children of this node.

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open override val description: String?
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open override val directives: List<GQLDirective>
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open override val name: String
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open override val sourceLocation: SourceLocation? = null
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fun copy(sourceLocation: SourceLocation? = this.sourceLocation, name: String =, directives: List<GQLDirective> = this.directives, typeCondition: GQLNamedType = this.typeCondition, selections: List<GQLSelection> = this.selections, description: String? = this.description): GQLFragmentDefinition
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open override fun copyWithNewChildrenInternal(container: NodeContainer): GQLNode

Internal-only. Copies this code using the given children

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fun GQLNode.toUtf8(indent: String = " "): String
fun GQLNode.toUtf8(sink: BufferedSink, indent: String = " ")
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open override fun writeInternal(writer: SDLWriter)

Internal-only. Copies this code using the given children