Package-level declarations


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class AnonymousOperation(val message: String, val sourceLocation: SourceLocation?) : ApolloIssue
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interface ApolloIssue : Issue

A custom issue specific to the Apollo compiler

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data class Catch(val to: CatchTo, val levels: List<Int>?)
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class ConditionalFragment(val message: String, val sourceLocation: SourceLocation?) : ApolloIssue

A fragment has an @include or @skip directive. While this is valid GraphQL, the responseBased codegen does not support that

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class ConversionException(val error: String, val sourceLocation: SourceLocation? = null) : SourceAwareException

An exception while converting to/from introspection

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class DeprecatedUsage(val message: String, val sourceLocation: SourceLocation?) : ApolloIssue

A deprecated field/inputField/enumValue/directive is used

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class DifferentShape(val message: String, val sourceLocation: SourceLocation?) : GraphQLValidationIssue

Fields have different shapes and cannot be merged

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class DirectiveRedefinition(val name: String, existingSourceLocation: SourceLocation?, val sourceLocation: SourceLocation?) : GraphQLValidationIssue
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class DuplicateDeferLabel(val message: String, val sourceLocation: SourceLocation?) : ApolloIssue
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class DuplicateTypeName(val message: String, val sourceLocation: SourceLocation?) : GraphQLValidationIssue

Two type definitions have the same name

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class ExecutableValidationResult(val fragmentVariableUsages: Map<String, List<VariableUsage>>, val issues: List<Issue>)
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class GQLArgument(val sourceLocation: SourceLocation? = null, val name: String, val value: GQLValue) : GQLNode, GQLNamed
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class GQLArguments(val arguments: List<GQLArgument>, val sourceLocation: SourceLocation? = null) : GQLNode
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class GQLBooleanValue(val sourceLocation: SourceLocation? = null, val value: Boolean) : GQLValue
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interface GQLDescribed

A GQLNode that has a description

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class GQLDirective(val sourceLocation: SourceLocation? = null, val name: String, val arguments: List<GQLArgument>) : GQLNode, GQLNamed
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class GQLDirectiveDefinition(val sourceLocation: SourceLocation? = null, val description: String?, val name: String, val arguments: List<GQLInputValueDefinition>, val repeatable: Boolean, val locations: List<GQLDirectiveLocation>) : GQLDefinition, GQLDescribed, GQLNamed
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class GQLDocument(val definitions: List<GQLDefinition>, val sourceLocation: SourceLocation?) : GQLNode

The top level node in a GraphQL document. This can be a schema document or an executable document (or something else if need be)

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class GQLEnumTypeDefinition(val sourceLocation: SourceLocation? = null, val description: String?, val name: String, val directives: List<GQLDirective>, val enumValues: List<GQLEnumValueDefinition>) : GQLTypeDefinition
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class GQLEnumTypeExtension(val sourceLocation: SourceLocation? = null, val name: String, val directives: List<GQLDirective>, val enumValues: List<GQLEnumValueDefinition>) : GQLDefinition, GQLTypeExtension, GQLHasDirectives
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class GQLEnumValue(val sourceLocation: SourceLocation? = null, val value: String) : GQLValue
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class GQLEnumValueDefinition(val sourceLocation: SourceLocation? = null, val description: String?, val name: String, val directives: List<GQLDirective>) : GQLNode, GQLDescribed, GQLNamed, GQLHasDirectives
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class GQLField @ApolloExperimental constructor(val sourceLocation: SourceLocation? = null, val alias: String?, val name: String, val arguments: List<GQLArgument>, val directives: List<GQLDirective>, val selections: List<GQLSelection>) : GQLSelection, GQLNamed, GQLHasDirectives
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class GQLFieldDefinition(val sourceLocation: SourceLocation? = null, val description: String?, val name: String, val arguments: List<GQLInputValueDefinition>, val type: GQLType, val directives: List<GQLDirective>) : GQLNode, GQLDescribed, GQLNamed, GQLHasDirectives
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class GQLFloatValue(val sourceLocation: SourceLocation? = null, val value: String) : GQLValue
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class GQLFragmentDefinition(val sourceLocation: SourceLocation? = null, val name: String, val directives: List<GQLDirective>, val typeCondition: GQLNamedType, val selections: List<GQLSelection>, val description: String?) : GQLExecutableDefinition, GQLNamed, GQLDescribed, GQLHasDirectives
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class GQLFragmentSpread(val sourceLocation: SourceLocation? = null, val name: String, val directives: List<GQLDirective>) : GQLSelection, GQLNamed, GQLHasDirectives
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class GQLInlineFragment(val sourceLocation: SourceLocation? = null, val typeCondition: GQLNamedType?, val directives: List<GQLDirective>, val selections: List<GQLSelection>) : GQLSelection, GQLHasDirectives
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class GQLInputObjectTypeDefinition(val sourceLocation: SourceLocation? = null, val description: String?, val name: String, val directives: List<GQLDirective>, val inputFields: List<GQLInputValueDefinition>) : GQLTypeDefinition
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class GQLInputObjectTypeExtension(val sourceLocation: SourceLocation? = null, val name: String, val directives: List<GQLDirective>, val inputFields: List<GQLInputValueDefinition>) : GQLDefinition, GQLTypeExtension, GQLHasDirectives
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class GQLInputValueDefinition(val sourceLocation: SourceLocation? = null, val description: String?, val name: String, val directives: List<GQLDirective>, val type: GQLType, val defaultValue: GQLValue?) : GQLNode, GQLDescribed, GQLNamed, GQLHasDirectives
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class GQLInterfaceTypeDefinition(val sourceLocation: SourceLocation? = null, val description: String?, val name: String, val implementsInterfaces: List<String>, val directives: List<GQLDirective>, val fields: List<GQLFieldDefinition>) : GQLTypeDefinition
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class GQLInterfaceTypeExtension(val sourceLocation: SourceLocation? = null, val name: String, val implementsInterfaces: List<String>, val directives: List<GQLDirective>, val fields: List<GQLFieldDefinition>) : GQLDefinition, GQLTypeExtension, GQLNamed, GQLHasDirectives
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class GQLIntValue(val sourceLocation: SourceLocation? = null, val value: String) : GQLValue
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class GQLListType(val sourceLocation: SourceLocation? = null, val type: GQLType) : GQLType
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class GQLListValue(val sourceLocation: SourceLocation? = null, val values: List<GQLValue>) : GQLValue
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interface GQLNamed

A GQLNode that has a name

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class GQLNamedType(val sourceLocation: SourceLocation? = null, val name: String) : GQLType, GQLNamed
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interface GQLNode

A node in the GraphQL AST.

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class GQLNonNullType(val sourceLocation: SourceLocation? = null, val type: GQLType) : GQLType
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class GQLNullValue(val sourceLocation: SourceLocation? = null) : GQLValue
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class GQLObjectField(val sourceLocation: SourceLocation? = null, val name: String, val value: GQLValue) : GQLNode, GQLNamed
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class GQLObjectTypeDefinition(val sourceLocation: SourceLocation? = null, val description: String?, val name: String, val implementsInterfaces: List<String>, val directives: List<GQLDirective>, val fields: List<GQLFieldDefinition>) : GQLTypeDefinition
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class GQLObjectTypeExtension(val sourceLocation: SourceLocation? = null, val name: String, val implementsInterfaces: List<String>, val directives: List<GQLDirective>, val fields: List<GQLFieldDefinition>) : GQLDefinition, GQLTypeExtension, GQLHasDirectives
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class GQLObjectValue(val sourceLocation: SourceLocation? = null, val fields: List<GQLObjectField>) : GQLValue
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class GQLOperationDefinition(val sourceLocation: SourceLocation? = null, val operationType: String, val name: String?, val variableDefinitions: List<GQLVariableDefinition>, val directives: List<GQLDirective>, val selections: List<GQLSelection>, val description: String?) : GQLExecutableDefinition, GQLDescribed, GQLHasDirectives
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class GQLOperationTypeDefinition(val sourceLocation: SourceLocation? = null, val operationType: String, val namedType: String) : GQLNode
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class GQLResult<out V : Any>(val value: V?, val issues: List<Issue>)

The result of a parsing or validation operation. It's tri-state:

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class GQLScalarTypeDefinition(val sourceLocation: SourceLocation? = null, val description: String?, val name: String, val directives: List<GQLDirective>) : GQLTypeDefinition
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class GQLScalarTypeExtension(val sourceLocation: SourceLocation? = null, val name: String, val directives: List<GQLDirective>) : GQLDefinition, GQLTypeExtension, GQLHasDirectives
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class GQLSchemaDefinition(val sourceLocation: SourceLocation? = null, val description: String?, val directives: List<GQLDirective>, val rootOperationTypeDefinitions: List<GQLOperationTypeDefinition>) : GQLDefinition, GQLDescribed, GQLHasDirectives
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class GQLSchemaExtension(val sourceLocation: SourceLocation? = null, val directives: List<GQLDirective>, val operationTypeDefinitions: List<GQLOperationTypeDefinition>) : GQLDefinition, GQLTypeSystemExtension, GQLHasDirectives
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sealed class GQLSelection : GQLNode
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class GQLStringValue(val sourceLocation: SourceLocation? = null, val value: String) : GQLValue
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sealed class GQLType : GQLNode
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class GQLUnionTypeDefinition(val sourceLocation: SourceLocation? = null, val description: String?, val name: String, val directives: List<GQLDirective>, val memberTypes: List<GQLNamedType>) : GQLTypeDefinition
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class GQLUnionTypeExtension(val sourceLocation: SourceLocation? = null, val name: String, val directives: List<GQLDirective>, val memberTypes: List<GQLNamedType>) : GQLDefinition, GQLTypeExtension, GQLHasDirectives
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sealed class GQLValue : GQLNode
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class GQLVariableDefinition(val sourceLocation: SourceLocation? = null, val name: String, val type: GQLType, val defaultValue: GQLValue?, val directives: List<GQLDirective>) : GQLNode, GQLNamed, GQLHasDirectives

A variable definition is very similar to an InputValue definition except it doesn't have a description

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class GQLVariableValue(val sourceLocation: SourceLocation? = null, val name: String) : GQLValue, GQLNamed
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interface GraphQLIssue : Issue

An issue from the GraphQL spec

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A validation issue from the GraphQL spec

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class IncompatibleDefinition(name: String, expectedDefinition: String, val sourceLocation: SourceLocation?) : GraphQLValidationIssue

The definition is inconsistent with the expected one.

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class InferredVariable(val name: String, val type: GQLType)

A variable that is inferred from its usages in fragments This is used to create executable fragments

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class InlineFragmentWithoutTypeCondition(val message: String, val sourceLocation: SourceLocation?) : ApolloIssue

The GraphQL spec allows inline fragments without a type condition, but we currently forbid this because we need the type condition to name the models in operation based codegen.

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class InvalidDeferDirective(val message: String, val sourceLocation: SourceLocation?) : ApolloIssue
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class InvalidDeferLabel(val message: String, val sourceLocation: SourceLocation?) : ApolloIssue
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interface Issue

All the issues that can be collected while analyzing a graphql document

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class MergeOptions(val allowFieldNullabilityModification: Boolean)
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class NodeContainer(nodes: List<GQLNode>)
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class NoQueryType(val message: String, val sourceLocation: SourceLocation?) : GraphQLValidationIssue
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class OtherValidationIssue(val message: String, val sourceLocation: SourceLocation?) : GraphQLValidationIssue

Another GraphQL validation error as per the spec

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class ParsingError(val message: String, val sourceLocation: SourceLocation?) : GraphQLIssue

A grammar error

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class ReservedEnumValueName(val message: String, val sourceLocation: SourceLocation?) : ApolloIssue

Certain enum value names such as type are reserved for Apollo.

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class Schema

A wrapper around a schema GQLDocument that ensures the GQLDocument is valid and caches some extra information. In particular, Schema:

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class SchemaValidationException(val error: String, val sourceLocation: SourceLocation? = null) : SourceAwareException

The schema is invalid

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open class SDLWriter(sink: BufferedSink, indent: String) : Closeable

A SDLWriter writes utf8 text to the given sink and supports indent/unindent

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open class SourceAwareException(val error: String, val sourceLocation: SourceLocation?) : RuntimeException
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class SourceLocation(val start: Int, val end: Int, val line: Int, val column: Int, val filePath: String?)
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class UnknownDirective constructor(val message: String, val sourceLocation: SourceLocation?, val requireDefinition: Boolean) : GraphQLValidationIssue

An unknown directive was found.

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class UnusedFragment(val message: String, val sourceLocation: SourceLocation?) : GraphQLValidationIssue
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class UnusedVariable(val message: String, val sourceLocation: SourceLocation?) : ApolloIssue

A variable is unused

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class UpperCaseField(val message: String, val sourceLocation: SourceLocation?) : ApolloIssue

When models are nested, upper case fields are not supported as Kotlin doesn't allow a property name with the same name as a nested class. If this happens, the easiest solution is to add an alias with a lower case first letter. If there are a lot of such fields, the Apollo compiler option flattenModels can also be used to circumvent this error at the price of possible suffixes in model names.

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class VariableDeferLabel(val message: String, val sourceLocation: SourceLocation?) : ApolloIssue
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class VariableUsage(val variable: GQLVariableValue, val locationType: GQLType, val hasLocationDefaultValue: Boolean, val isOneOfInputField: Boolean)

A variable used in a GQLValue


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Definitions from the spec

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Checks that a list of issue is empty, regardless of the issues. This may throw on Apollo specific issues.

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Checks that a list of issues is valid GraphQL per the spec. This ignores any ApolloIssue

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For a GQLValue used in input position, validate that it can be coerced to expectedType and coerce it at the same time.

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For a GQLValue used in input position, validate that it can be coerced to expectedType and coerce it at the same time.

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fun GQLTypeDefinition.isFieldNonNull(fieldName: String, schema: Schema? = null): Boolean
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Extra apollo Kotlin specific definitions from<[version]>

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The @link definition for bootstrapping

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Extra nullability definitions from<[version]>

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fun String.parseAsGQLDocument(options: ParserOptions = ParserOptions.Default): GQLResult<GQLDocument>

fun BufferedSource.parseAsGQLDocument(filePath: String? = null, options: ParserOptions = ParserOptions.Default): GQLResult<GQLDocument>

Parses the source to a GQLDocument, validating the syntax but not the contents of the document.

fun Path.parseAsGQLDocument(options: ParserOptions = ParserOptions.Default): GQLResult<GQLDocument>
fun File.parseAsGQLDocument(options: <Error class: unknown class> = ParserOptions.Default): <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>
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fun String.parseAsGQLSelections(options: ParserOptions = ParserOptions.Default): GQLResult<List<GQLSelection>>

fun BufferedSource.parseAsGQLSelections(filePath: String? = null, options: ParserOptions = ParserOptions.Default): GQLResult<List<GQLSelection>>

Parses the source to a List<GQLSelection>, validating the syntax but not the contents of the selections.

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fun String.parseAsGQLType(options: ParserOptions = ParserOptions.Default): GQLResult<GQLType>

fun BufferedSource.parseAsGQLType(filePath: String? = null, options: ParserOptions = ParserOptions.Default): GQLResult<GQLType>

Parses the source to a GQLType, validating the syntax but not the contents of the value.

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fun String.parseAsGQLValue(options: ParserOptions = ParserOptions.Default): GQLResult<GQLValue>

fun BufferedSource.parseAsGQLValue(filePath: String? = null, options: ParserOptions = ParserOptions.Default): GQLResult<GQLValue>

Parses the source to a GQLValue, validating the syntax but not the contents of the value.

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Returns the raw type. The raw type is the GQLNamedType without any list/nonnull wrapper types

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fun BufferedSource.toExecutableDocument(schema: Schema, filePath: String? = null): GQLDocument

Parses the source to a List<GQLDefinition>, throwing on parsing or validation errors.

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Returns a "full schema" document. Full schema documents are for use by clients and other tools that need to know what features are supported by a given server. They include builtin directives and merge all type extensions

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fun String.toGQLDocument(options: ParserOptions = ParserOptions.Default): GQLDocument
fun Path.toGQLDocument(options: ParserOptions = ParserOptions.Default, allowJson: Boolean = false): GQLDocument
fun File.toGQLDocument(options: <Error class: unknown class> = ParserOptions.Default, allowJson: Boolean = false): <Error class: unknown class>
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fun String.toGQLSelections(options: ParserOptions = ParserOptions.Default): List<GQLSelection>
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fun String.toGQLType(options: ParserOptions = ParserOptions.Default): GQLType
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fun String.toGQLValue(options: ParserOptions = ParserOptions.Default): GQLValue
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fun File.toSchema(allowJson: Boolean = false): <Error class: unknown class>
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Outputs a schema document to SDL. For executable documents, use toUtf8()

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fun GQLNode.toUtf8(indent: String = " "): String
fun GQLNode.toUtf8(sink: BufferedSink, indent: String = " ")
fun <Error class: unknown class>.toUtf8(file: File, indent: String = " "): <Error class: unknown class>
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Validates the given document as an executable document.

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Validate the given document as a schema:

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Add builtin definitions from the latest spec version to the GQLDocument