
data class IrOperations(val operations: List<IrOperation>, val fragments: List<IrFragmentDefinition>, val usedCoordinates: UsedCoordinates, val flattenModels: Boolean, val decapitalizeFields: Boolean, val codegenModels: String, val fragmentDefinitions: List<@Serializable(with = GQLFragmentDefinitionSerializer::class) GQLFragmentDefinition>)

Intermediate representation (IR)

Compared to the GraphQL AST, the IR:

  • Transforms com.apollographql.apollo.ast.GQLField into IrProperty and IrModel

  • moves @include/@skip directives on inline fragments and object fields to their children selections

  • interprets @deprecated directives

  • coerces argument values and resolves defaultValue

  • infers fragment variables

  • registers used types and fragments

  • more generally removes all references to the GraphQL AST and "embeds" type definitions/field definitions

Additional notes:

  • In order to ensure reproducibility, prefer using List instead of Set so that the order is guaranteed

  • The IR doesn't escape identifiers because different targets might have different escaping rules. The names found in the IR are as found in the GraphQL documents


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constructor(operations: List<IrOperation>, fragments: List<IrFragmentDefinition>, usedCoordinates: UsedCoordinates, flattenModels: Boolean, decapitalizeFields: Boolean, codegenModels: String, fragmentDefinitions: List<@Serializable(with = GQLFragmentDefinitionSerializer::class) GQLFragmentDefinition>)


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@JvmName(name = "writeIrOperations")
fun IrOperations.writeTo(file: File)