
interface ApolloExtension

The entry point for configuring the apollo plugin.



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abstract val deps: ApolloDependencies

Common apollo dependencies using the same version as the Apollo Gradle Plugin currently in the classpath

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Adds "generateApolloSources" as a dependency of "prepareKotlinIdeaImport" This makes IDEA aware of codegen and will run it during your Gradle Sync

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abstract val linkSqlite: Property<Boolean>

For Kotlin native projects, whether to link Sqlite (-lsqlite3). This is required by apollo-normalized-cache-sqlite but some projects might want to customize linker options


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abstract fun createAllAndroidVariantServices(sourceFolder: String, nameSuffix: String, action: Action<Service>)

registers multiple services for an android project

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abstract fun createAllKotlinSourceSetServices(sourceFolder: String, nameSuffix: String, action: Action<Service>)

registers multiple services for a Kotlin project

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abstract fun service(name: String, action: Action<Service>)

Registers a new Service