
class IrOptions(val fieldsOnDisjointTypesMustMerge: Boolean?, val decapitalizeFields: Boolean?, val flattenModels: Boolean?, val warnOnDeprecatedUsages: Boolean?, val failOnWarnings: Boolean?, val addTypename: String?, val generateOptionalOperationVariables: Boolean?, val alwaysGenerateTypesMatching: Set<String>?, val codegenModels: String?)


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constructor(fieldsOnDisjointTypesMustMerge: Boolean?, decapitalizeFields: Boolean?, flattenModels: Boolean?, warnOnDeprecatedUsages: Boolean?, failOnWarnings: Boolean?, addTypename: String?, generateOptionalOperationVariables: Boolean?, alwaysGenerateTypesMatching: Set<String>?, codegenModels: String?)


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Additional scalar/enum/input types to generate. For input types, this will recursively add all input fields types/enums.

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Whether to decapitalize field names in the generated models (for instance FooBar ->fooBar).

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Whether fields with different shape are disallowed to be merged in disjoint types.

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Whether to generate operation variables as com.apollographql.apollo.api.Optional

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@JvmName(name = "writeIrOptions")
fun IrOptions.writeTo(file: File)