2. Project setup


Let's get our local development environment ready to work with connectors.

In this lesson, we will:

  • Verify our Apollo account
  • Install the
  • Set up our local environment
  • Create a in
  • Run rover dev

What we're building

Airlock is an intergalactic travel booking app: a resource we can use to find a cool place to stay in the wide open universe!

Mockup of Airlock

Eventually, Airlock will be a full-fledged with many different . For now, we'll start with the listings , powered by the Listings REST API.

1) Verify your Apollo account

To get started with connectors, you'll need an Apollo account with one of the following plans: Trial or Enterprise.

Don't have an account yet? Create one now. You'll automatically be enrolled in a Trial plan with the correct role. You can move on to the next step to install the .

If you already have an account, check your organization's current plan in GraphOS Studio. From your organization's page, go to the Settings tab and scroll down to the Plan and Billing section. You will need to have a Trial or . Additionally, you will also need to have the Graph Admin role in that organization to be able to create .


2) Install the Rover CLI

is Apollo's command line interface (CLI) tool that helps developers work with and interact with . We'll use it to spin up a local we can work with locally.

We'll be using a specific version of (that's currently in preview) that works with the Apollo VS Code extension (which we'll install at a later step).

  1. Open up a terminal and run the install command that suits your computer's environment:

    For Linux / Mac OS:

    curl -sSL https://rover.apollo.dev/nix/v0.27.0-preview.0 | sh

    For Windows PowerShell installer

    iwr 'https://rover.apollo.dev/win/v0.27.0-preview.0' | iex

    Note: You can find other installation methods in the Apollo documentation. You'll need to download this version: v0.27.0-preview.0.

  2. If you've already installed before, you'll get a message asking if you'd like to overwrite the existing installation. Type y and hit enter to continue.

  3. Verify that the installation completed successfully:

    rover --version
  4. You should see the following output:

    Rover 0.27.0-preview.0

3) Set up your local environment

3a) Clone the project repo

In a terminal window, run the following:

git clone https://github.com/apollographql-education/odyssey-connectors-rest-intro

Don't have git installed? Check out the instructions to install it. Alternatively, you can download the ZIP file locally by clicking "Code" and selecting "Download ZIP".

Your project directory will look something like this:

📂 summit24-connectors
┣ 📂 .vscode
┣ 📄 .gitignore
┣ 📄 apollo.config.yaml
┣ 📄 listings.graphql
┣ 📄 router-config.yaml
┣ 📄 rover-dev.md
┗ 📄 supergraph.yaml

In listings.graphql, we're starting off with a small .

extend schema
@link(url: "https://specs.apollo.dev/federation/v2.10", import: ["@key"])
type Query {
"A curated array of listings to feature on the homepage"
featuredListings: [Listing!]!
"A particular intergalactic location available for booking"
type Listing {
id: ID!
"The listing's title"
title: String!

We'll build onto this throughout the course!


3b) Install the Apollo VS Code Extension

We strongly recommend using VS Code to make use of our Apollo VS Code extension. It brings many helpful features for working on a project, such as intelligent autocomplete, schema information, syntax highlighting and much more!

Note: If you don't use VS Code, you can still follow along with the course with any code editor, you just won't see tips and in-development errors while you code.


4) Create a new connectors supergraph in GraphOS Studio

  1. In Studio, if you have a brand new organization, you'll see two choices to start. Select "Connect a REST API".


    Create button

    If you already have existing , click the arrow beside "+ Create New Graph", then select Create a new connectors supergraph.


    Create button

  2. Give your a name.


    Setup graph modal

  3. Keep the example as users and as visible to others. Then hit "Create graph".

  4. The next step in the process outlines how to set up our local development environment using an example users . It's great for getting started quickly, but we've already got our Airlock API to work on, so we won't do all the steps in this process!


    Setup graph modal

  5. We've already got step 1 completed with our special installation. We're also starting with a supergraph.yaml file in our project repo, and a schema, so that's steps 2 and 3 done!

  6. Scrolling down to step 4, let's copy and paste over the values for APOLLO_KEY and APOLLO_GRAPH_REF into our rover-dev.md file.


    Setup graph modal

# sh
APOLLO_KEY="..." \
rover dev --supergraph-config supergraph.yaml --router-config router-config.yaml
# Powershell
rover dev --supergraph-config supergraph.yaml --router-config router-config.yaml

5) Run rover dev

rover dev spins up a in your local environment.

In a new terminal window, run the command in the rover-dev.md file that suits your local environment. Don't forget, we substituted over our own values for APOLLO_KEY and APOLLO_GRAPH_REF in the previous step!

APOLLO_KEY="..." \
rover dev --supergraph-config supergraph.yaml --router-config router-config.yaml
Windows PowerShell
rover dev --supergraph-config supergraph.yaml --router-config router-config.yaml

Note: You can take a peek at the config files we've passed into rover dev if you're curious!

You should see output messages in the terminal that the has started up at port 4000.

rover dev output
supergraph config loaded successfully
watching router-config.yaml for changes
Do not run this command in production! It is intended for local development.
starting a session with the 'listings' subgraph
composing supergraph with Federation v2.10.0-alpha.2
your supergraph is running! head to http://localhost:4000 to query your supergraph
watching listings.graphql for changes

We're ready!

Open up http://localhost:4000 in the browser to see a Sandbox Explorer running, ready to create and run .

Sandbox Explorer


Key takeaways

  • To get started with Apollo Connectors, you need an Apollo account with a Trial or .
  • To run a local , you'll need rover dev and your identifiers.

Up next

If we try to run queries against our schema now, we'll get errors! Let's jump into the schema and link to our REST API with @source!


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. Your feedback helps us improve! If you're stuck or confused, let us know and we'll help you out. All comments are public and must follow the Apollo Code of Conduct. Note that comments that have been resolved or addressed may be removed.

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