5. The @connect directive


's giving us some build errors: we've got in our schema that are missing instructions–and that's a job for the @connect .

In this lesson, we will:

  • Learn about the @connect syntax
  • Use @connect to retrieve data for a Query

The @connect directive

The @connect describes how to get the data for a from a REST endpoint.

@connect takes in four parameters:

  • source: a unique identifier for the data source. This should be the same as the name value we defined in the @source .
  • http: an object that defines the HTTP request to make, including HTTP method and path.
  • selection: where we map the API's JSON response to s
  • entity: If we set this to true, this connector can provide instructions on how to retrieve the data for the 's . We'll learn more about in a later lesson.

When we extend our schema with the connectors spec, each root requires a @connect . By root , we mean the fields on the Query and Mutation types, which are the entry points to a API.

Let's see @connect in action.

Importing the @connect directive

To start, we'll need to let our schema know about the .

  1. At the top of the listings.graphql schema, where we imported the source from the connectors spec, let's add @connect.

    url: "https://specs.apollo.dev/connect/v0.1"
    import: ["@source", "@connect"]

@connect and featured listings

Now we're ready to use it!

  1. Let's find the featuredListings under the Query type. was complaining about this in particular not having a @connect , so let's add it.

    type Query {
    "A curated array of listings to feature on the homepage"
    featuredListings: [Listing!]!
  2. We'll take advantage of the auto-complete the Apollo VS Code extension gives us. Type @connect and hit Enter and we'll get all the parameters ready to be filled in.

    featuredListings: [Listing!]!
    source: ""
    http: { GET: "" }
    selection: """
  3. First, the source. Let's set the value to the same one we defined at the top.

    source: "listings"
  4. Next up is the http parameter, where we'll need to indicate what endpoint we're sending the request to. Let's take a moment to review our mockup and the REST API endpoint we'll need.

GET /featured-listings

Airlock's homepage needs to display a grid of featured listings along with a few properties.

Airlock featured listings

In this lesson, we're starting small and tackling the id and title first.

Mapping this back to our REST API, we'll need to retrieve this data from the GET /featured-listings endpoint. We can examine the response from that endpoint here: https://airlock-listings.demo-api.apollo.dev/featured-listings. We see an array of listing objects with a bunch of different properties.


GET /featured-listings endpoint response

Now how do we take this data and connect it to our ?

http request

The http parameter is already set to a GET request, so all we need to do is add the /featured-listings endpoint.

http: { GET: "/featured-listings" }

Finally, we just have selection left!

The selection mapping

Remember, selection defines the mapping from the JSON response to our schema .

In our schema, the featuredListings returns an array of Listing types. Each Listing type requires an id and title.

As we can see in our REST API response, those two properties are already returned for each item in the array. These are exactly the properties we need, named exactly how we want them! A simple one-to-one mapping.

REST API response
"id": "listing-1",
"title": "Cave campsite in snowy MoundiiX",
"numOfBeds": 2,
"costPerNight": 120,
"closedForBookings": false,
"amenities": [
"id": "am-2"
"id": "am-10"
"id": "am-11"
// more amenities
// more featured listings

Let's add them to the selection, inside these triple quotes.

selection: """

Checking our work

All right, let's save our changes. We should see those pesky errors go away; says the schema is good to go and the is all set at http://localhost:4000.

We're going to use the Sandbox Explorer as our client here, kind of acting as a stand-in for whatever is going to send requests to our API. This could be something like a web page, a mobile app, or even a chatbot.

Using the sidebar, we'll build our request, also known as a .

We'll ask for our featuredListings by clicking on the plus icon, along with the pieces of data we'll need to satisfy our mockup: the id and title.


Add featured listings


Add id and title

While we're here, we can rename this to GetFeaturedListings. Your should look like this:

GetFeaturedListings operation
query GetFeaturedListings {
featuredListings {

Let's run this thing! And we get data back; look at these fun space locations we can visit!


Sandbox response

Response data
"data": {
"featuredListings": [
"id": "listing-1",
"title": "Cave campsite in snowy MoundiiX"
"id": "listing-2",
"title": "Cozy yurt in Mraza"
"id": "listing-3",
"title": "Repurposed mid century aircraft in Kessail"

We've set the foundations. With one request from the client in the form of a , the takes care of retrieving and returning just that data from an underlying REST API, all through the connector we built! As we grow our schema, we'll see just how powerful connectors can be.


Which of the following @connect directive parameters should you use to map the endpoint's specific JSON properties to your GraphQL schema?

Use the REST API JSON response below to complete the code challenge.

REST API JSON response
"id": "px-m012",
"name": "Mraza",
"mass": 6.42
Code Challenge!

Add the @connect directive to the Query.popularPlanets field. Use the outerspace source and the API endpoint GET /planets?sort=popular. Refer to the JSON object above and the existing schema to define the selection.

Loading progress

Key takeaways

  • The @connect describes how to get the data for a particular using a defined source.
  • We use @connect's http parameter to define the HTTP method and URL parameters on the source that should be used to retrieve data for a .
  • We use @connect's selection parameter to map the REST API's JSON response to our .

Up next

We started small with just a couple of , but there's more to show! Let's add more fields and see what happens when our mapping doesn't quite match one-to-one.


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